Communicating With the Health Team

l  Health team members communicate with each other to give coordinated and effective care.

n  They share information about:
l  What was done for the person
l  What needs to be done for the person
l  The person’s response to treatment


l  Communication is the exchange of information.

l  For good communication:

n  Use words that mean the same thing to you and the receiver of the message.
n  Use familiar words.
n  Be brief and concise.
n  Give information in a logical and orderly manner.
n  Give facts and be specific.


l  The medical record (chart, clinical record) is:

n  A written account of a person’s condition and response to treatment and care
n  A permanent, legal document

l  Nursing center policies about medical records and who can see them address:

n  Who records
n  When to record
n  Abbreviations
n  Correcting errors
n  Ink color
n  Signing entries

l  You have an ethical and legal duty to keep the person’s information confidential.

l  Under OBRA, residents have the right to the information in their medical records.

l  These forms relate to your work:

n  The admission sheet

n  Progress notes

n  Bedside or ADL flow sheet

n  Other flow sheets

l  The Kardex is a type of card file.

n  It summarizes information found in the medical record.


l  Reporting is the oral account of care and observations.

l  Recording (charting) is the written account of care and observations.

l  During end-of-shift report, information is shared about:

n  The care given

n  The care that must be given

n  The person’s condition

l  Anyone who reads your charting should know:

n  What you observed

n  What you did

n  The person’s response


l  Prefixes, roots, and suffixes

n  A prefix is a word element placed before a root.

n  The root is the word element that contains the basic meaning of the word.

n  A suffix is a word element placed after a root.

l  Medical terms are formed by combining word elements.

n  Prefixes always come before roots.

n  Suffixes always come after roots.

n  A root can be combined with prefixes, roots, and suffixes.

l  The abdomen is divided into the following regions:

n  Right upper quadrant (RUQ)

n  Left upper quadrant (LUQ)

n  Right lower quadrant (RLQ)

n  Left lower quadrant (LLQ)

l  Directional terms give the direction of the body part when a person is standing and facing forward.

n  Anterior (ventral)—at or toward the front of the body or body part

n  Distal—the part farthest from the center or from the point of attachment

n  Lateral—away from the midline; at the side of the body or body part

n  Medial—at or near the middle or midline of the body or body part

n  Posterior (dorsal)—at or toward the back of the body or body part

n  Proximal—the part nearest to the center or to the point of origin


l  Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases.

n  Use only those accepted by the center.


l  Computer systems collect, send, record, and store information.

l  Computers do the following:

n  They save time.

n  They increase quality care and safety.

n  Fewer errors are made in recording.

n  Records are more complete.

n  Staff is more efficient.

Computer Documentation

Hand-held devices


l  Good communication skills are needed when answering phones.

n  Be professional and courteous.

n  Practice good work ethics.

n  Follow the center’s policy.


l  If problems are not worked out, the following can occur:

n  Unkind words or actions occur.

n  The work setting becomes unpleasant.

n  Care is affected.

l  The problem-solving process involves these steps:

n  Step 1: Define the problem.

n  Step 2: Collect information.

l  The information must be about the problem.

n  Step 3: Identify possible solutions.

n  Step 4: Select the best solution.

n  Step 5: Carry out the solution.

n  Step 6: Evaluate the results.

l  These guidelines can help you deal with conflict:

n  Ask your supervisor for some time to talk privately.

n  Approach the person with whom you have the conflict.

n  Agree on a time and place to talk.

n  Talk in a private setting.

n  Explain the problem.

n  Listen to the person.

n  Identify ways to solve the problem.

n  Set a date and time to review the matter.

n  Thank the person for meeting with you.

n  Carry out the solution.

n  Review the matter as scheduled.