Instructions: Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question

SLO 1.1 Q1(Chapter1) Familiarize Internet history, Web standards and related Internet concepts.

1. Choose the organization listed below that takes a proactive role in developing recommendations and prototype technologies related to the Web.

a. Web Professional Standards Organization (WPO)b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

c. Internet Corporation for Assigned Numbers and Names (ICANN)d. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

2. A network that is geographically dispersed and may use some form of public or commercial communications network is called a(n):

a. LANb. WANc. Internetd. WWW

3. The first widely used graphical web browser was developed at:


4. A domain name is a unique text-based Internet address corresponding to a unique ______.

a. IP addressb. domain namec. URLd. user name

SLO 2.1 Q1(Chapter1) Implement the basic XHTML-compliant structure for the web.

.1. New Top Level Domains (TLDs) are coordinated by

a. ICANNb. no one, because anyone can add a TLD to the Domain Name System

c. W3Cd. TCP

2. A language using a text-based syntax intended to extend the power of HTML by separating data from presentation is called ______.


3. ______combines the formatting strengths of HTML 4.0 and the data structure and extensibility strengths of XML.


4. Access points or junctions to the Internet Backbone are called ______.

a. Internet Junctionsb. Network Access Pointsc. Internet Connectionsd. none of the above

SLO 2.2 Q2(Chapter2) Create a simple web page that would demonstrate basic presentational elements like heading, body and paragraph.

1. What tag pair is used to create a new paragraph?

a. <new paragraph> </new paragraph> b. <paragraph> </paragraph>

c. <p> </p> d. <para> </para>

2. What tag pair is used to create the largest heading?

a. <h1> </h1> b. <h9> </h9> c. <h type=“smallest”> </h> d. <h6> </h6>

3. Which tag is used to force the browser to display the next text or element on a new line?

a. <new line /> b. <p> c. <br /> d. <line />

4. What attribute can be used to center an element (such as a paragraph) on a web page?

a. format b. align c. justify d. none of the above

5. Choose the true statement below.

a. The content that displays in the browser is contained in the head section.

b. The content that displays in the browser is contained in the body section.

c. Information about the web page is contained in the body section.

d. All of the above are true.

SLO 2.3 Q2(Chapter2 and Chapter6) Create a simple web page that would displays lists, links and images.

1. Choose the tag pair that is use to link web page documents to each other.

a. <link> tagb. <hyperlink> tagc. <a> tagd. <body> tag

2. When do you need to use a fully qualified URL in a hyperlink?

a. when creating a link to the same web pageb. when linking to a page in another folder on the same site

c. when linking to a page on an external web site d. never

3. Select the function of an e-mail link from the choices below.

a. automatically send you an e-mail message with the visitor's e-mail address as the reply-to field

b. launch the default e-mail application for the visitor's browser with your e-mail address as the recipient

c. display your e-mail address so that the visitor can send you a message later

d. link to your mail server

4. Choose the best-designed link from below.

a. <a href=“news.htm”>Click to read our important news!</a>

b. Click to read our <a href=“news.htm”>important news!</a>

c. <a href=“news.htm”>Important News</a>

d. <a href=“news.htm”>Click here to read our important news</a>

SLO 2.4 Q2(Chapter2) Validate created website if it is XHTML compliant to an XHTML validation website like W3C’s markup validation service. properties, methods, and events

1. The text contained between title tags is:

a. Not displayed by browsersb. Displayed in the title bar of the browser window

c. Not used by search enginesd. Never seen by your web page visitor.

2. The <meta /> tag is coded in the ______section of a Web page document.

a. bodyb. headerc. footerd. DOCTYPE

SLO 3.1 Q3(Chapter3) Understand the basic concept and syntax of CSS.

1. Cascading Style Sheet rules are comprised of:

a. Selectors and Declarationsb. Properties and Declarations

c. Selectors and Attributesd. None of the above

2. Select a drawback to using CSS technology.

a. It allows configuration for an entire web site from just one external file

b. It results in smaller web pages

c. All browsers do not completely support the W3C standard.

d. CSS cannot be used with XHTML.

3. CSS was first proposed as a standard by the W3C in ______.

a. 1996b. 2002

c. 1992d. none of the above

4. Select the items below that can be used as a CSS Selector.

a. an XHTML elementb. a class id named. All of the above

SLO 3.2 Q3(Chapter3) Implement an inline CSS.

1. When CSS is coded in the body of the web page as an attribute of an XHTML tag it is called ______.

a. Embeddedb. Inlinec. Externald Imported

2. Select the items below that can be used as a CSS Selector.

a. an XHTML elementb. a class id named. All of the above

3. The declaration property used to set the text color on a web page is:

a. bgcolorb. text-color c. colord. None of the above

4. To apply a style to a certain group of elements on a web page, configure a CSS ______.

a. groupb. id c. class d. None of the above

5. Use the ______property to configure bold text using CSS

a. boldb. font-stylec. font-weightd. you cannot configure bold text with CSS

SLO 3.3 Q3(Chapter3) Implement an embedded CSS.

1. Use the ______tag to create logical areas on a web page that are embedded within paragraphs or other block formatting elements.

a. <div>…</div>b. <span>… </span>c. both a and bd. neither a nor b

2. Use the _____ tag to code embedded styles on a web page.

a. <link />b. <style> .. </style>c. <embed />d. none of the above

SLO 3.4 Q3(Chapter3) Implement an external CSS with external file.

7. An External Style Sheet uses the _____ file extension.

a. essb. cssc. htmd. No file extension is necessary

2. Use the ______tag to associate a web page with an External Style Sheet.

a. <target>b. <a>c. <include> d. <link />e. No file extension is necessary

SLO 3.5 Q3(Chapter3) Apply common CSS properties in various situations.

1. Select the code below that uses CSS to configure a background color of #eaeaea for a Web page.

a. body {background-color:#eaeaea; } b. document {background-page:#eaeaea; }

c. body {bgcolor:#eaeaea; } d. None of the abovee. No file extension is necessary

2. Select the code below that configures a class called “offer” with blue text, 20 px and Arial or sans-serif font using CSS.

a. offer { color:blue; font-size:20x; font-family:Arial,sans-serif;}

b. .offer { color:blue; font-size:20px; font-family:Arial,sans-serif;}

c. .offer { text:blue;font-size:20px; font-family:Arial,sans-serif;}

d. #offer { text:blue;font-size:20px; font-family:Arial,sans-serif;}

d. No file extension is necessary

SLO 4.1 Q5(Chapter5) Understand basic web design principles and web best practices

1. Select the three most common methods of organizing web sites.

a. horizontal, vertical, and diagonalb. hierarchical, linear, and random

c. accessible, readable, maintainabled. none of the above

2. Select the recommended design practice that applies to a web site using images for main site navigation.

a. provide alternative text for the imagesb. place text links at the bottom of the page

c. both a and bd. no special considerations are needed

3. The file size of a web page and its associated media should not exceed _____ to avoid overly long load times.

a. 30KBb. 60KBc. 1MBd. 60MB

4. Which of the following is not a web design recommended practice?

a. design your site to be easy to navigateb. use frames whenever possible

c. design your pages to load quicklyd. limit the use of animated items

5. Select the item below that does not belong in a consistent web site design.

a. the same fonts on each content page

b. the same logo in the same location on each content page

c. a similar navigation area on each content page

d. a different background color on each page

SLO 4.2 Q5(Chapter5) Understand page layout design techniques

1. Select the items below that can help to appeal to the intended or target audience of a site.

a. the amount of color used on the siteb. the font size and styles used on the site

c. the overall look and feel for the sited. all of the above

2. The main site navigation or a section offering navigation choices should contain:

a. no more than nine links b. as many links as you need

c. only the most important pagesd. none of the above

3. Select the best description of “white space”.

a. empty screen area around blocks of text and imagesb. using the background color of white for a page

c. both a and bd. none of the above

4. Select a good design recommendation for text hyperlinks.

a. create the entire sentence as a hyperlinkb. include the words “Click here” in your text

c. use a key phrase as a hyperlinkd. none of the above

5. Select the most commonly used screen resolution.

a. 640 by 480b. 800 by 600c. 1024 by 768d. none of the above

SLO 4.3 Q5(Chapter5) Implement web design principles, best practices and page layout design on the previously created web page(s)

1. Select the most commonly used site organization for commercial web sites.

a. randomb. linear

c. hierarchicald. none of the above

2. Select the true statement below.

a. Placing white space around graphics and headings helps them to stand out.

b. There is no need for a lot of navigation because web site visitors can just use the back button.

c. Very small text is good to use for web site appealing to the baby-boomer and older market.

d. Children like sites with dark colors.

3. Select the true statement below.

a. Animation should be used to appeal to all target audiences

b. Animation should be used only if it enhances your web site

c. Animation should be used as much as possible to make your web site exciting.

d. None of the statements are true

4. Different browsers and even different browser versions will display your web page ______.

a. in exactly the same wayb. in different waysc. only if you buy the browser d. only if you use XHTML.

5. Select the group whose mission is to create guidelines and standards for Web Accessibility.

a. Internet Societyb. Web Accessibility Initiativec. International Webmasters Associationd. None of the above

SLO 4.4a Q6(Chapter6) Understand and implement more advanced CSS topics like the box principle

1. To apply a style to one or more elements on a web page, configure a CSS ______.

a. groupb. id c. class d. None of the above

2. The box model consists of a content area surrounded by:

a. a border b. padding, border, and marginc. border and margind. spacing, border, and margin

3. The ______is the area between the content and the border.

a. borderb. spacingc. paddingd. none of the above

4. ______flow displays the elements on the page in the order they appear in the web page source code.

a. defaultb. source codec. browserd. normal

5. Use ______positioning to slightly change the location of an element in relation to where it would otherwise appear when rendered by a browser.

a. absoluteb. floatc. relatived. z-index

SLO 4.4b7(Chapter7) Understand and implement more advanced CSS topics like the box principle

1. How would you define a fragment identifier at the top of a page, called “top”?

a. <div id="top">b. <div bookmark="top">c. <div id="#top">d. <div href="top">

2. How would you link to the named fragment #school on the page resume.html from the home page of the site?

a. <a href="resume.html#school">Educational Background</a>

b. <a name="resume.html#school"> Educational Background </a>

c. <a link="resume.htmlschool"> Educational Background </a>

d. none of the above

3. The ______attribute of the anchor tag can cause the new web page to open in its own browser window.

a. targetb. windowc. idd. none of the above

4. When do you need to use a fully qualified URL in a hyperlink?

a. when creating an internal link to the same web pageb. when linking to a page in another folder on the same site

c. when linking to a page on an external web site d. never

5. If a web page contains both a link to an External Style Sheet and Embedded Styles,

a. the Embedded Styles will be applied first, then the External Styles will be applied.

b. only the Inline Styles will be used

c. the External Styles will be applied first, then the Embedded Styles will be applied.

d. the web page will not display

SLO 4.4c Q8(Chapter8) Understand and implement more advanced CSS topics like the box principle

1. To define the distance between the edges of each cell in a table use the _____ attribute.

a. cellpadb. cellpaddingc. cellspacingd. cellborder

2. To define the distance between the cell text and the cell border in a table, use the ____ attribute.

a. cellpadb. cellpaddingc. cellspacingd. cellborder

3. Use the _____ tag pair to begin and end a table row.

a. <td> </td>b. <tr> </tr>c. <table> </table>d. none of the above

4. Use the ______attribute to configure the width of a table border.

a. tableborderb. widthc. borderd. none of the above

5. Use the ____ tag pair to configure table headings.

a. <td> </td>b. <th> </th>c. <head> </head>d. none of the above

SLO 4.4d Q9(Chapter9) Understand and implement more advanced CSS topics like the box principle

1. Select the statement below that is true about forms.

a. The <form> tag is optional

b. It is recommended to use mailto: as the action on a form since that is the easiest for the web developer

c. A form can be used to pass information to a program or script on the web server

d. none of the above is true

2. Select the XHTML tag below that configures a button that, when clicked, will automatically reset form fields to their default values.

a. <input type="reset"/>b. <button type="reset">Reset</button>

c. <input type="button" value=“Reset” />d. both a and b

3. Use the _____ attribute on the <form> tag to specify the name and location of the script that will process the form control values.

a. actionb. processc. methodd. none of the above

4. Select the form control below that does not use the <input> tag.

a. text boxb. select listc. checkboxd. radio button

5. Select the XHTML tag below that configures a textbox with the name “email” and a width of 40 characters.

a. <input type="text" id="email" width="40" />b. <input type="text" name="email" size="40" />

c. <input type="text" name="email" space="40" />d. <input type="text" width="40" />

SLO 5.1 Q10(Chapter10) Understand the different roles and processes in Web site development

1. A long-standing methodology used to develop information systems is the

a. System Development Life Cycleb. Service Delivery Life Cycle

c. System Development Life Chaind. none of the above

2. The methodology used by web project teams is usually:

a. the SDLCb. a derivative of the SDLC similar to the one discussed in this chapter

c. decided on as the project is builtd. web sites do not require the use of a development methodology

3. Select the tasks that should be performed when a web site is tested.

a. check all of the hyperlinks within the site. b. view the site in a variety of Web browsers.

c. view the site in a variety of screen resolutions.d. all of the above

4. Select the items involved in the role of an Information Architect.

a. defining the site organization, navigation, and labeling b. attending all meetings and collecting all information

c. managing the projectd. none of the above

5. The Analysis Phase of a web site project determines

a. “what” the site will do – not “how” it will be doneb. the information topics of the site

c. the content requirements of the sited. all of the above

SLO 5.2 Q10(Chapter10) Identify providers that will host your Web site

1. ______is appropriate for the initial web presence of an organization:

a. Virtual Hostingb. Free Web Hostingc. Dedicated Hostingd. Co-located Hosting

2. ______is appropriate for a large to enterprise web site.

a. Virtual Hostingb. Free Web Hostingc. Dedicated Hostingd. none of the above

3. An alternative to creating all or part of a web site within your organization is to use:

a. outsourcingb. ready-made web sitec. a free web page at a free web hostd. none of the above

4. Before selecting a web host provider, it is a good idea to.

a. Try to contact their technical supportb. Make sure they are the cheapest possible

c. Carefully read their service level agreementd. both a and c

SLO 5.3 Q10(Chapter10) Implement the Web development process on your previously created web page(s)

1. The type of testing that observes how actual web page visitors use a web site is called:

a. Visitor testingb. Usability testingc. beta testingd. client acceptance testing.

2. The ______determines appropriate use of graphics on the site, creates and edits graphics.

a. Project Managerb. Copy Editorc. Graphic Designerd. None of the above

3. The ______operating system(s) treat uppercase and lowercase letters differently.

a. UNIXb. Linuxc. Windowsd. both a and b

Business Division-COMFSMCIS Program