Name Catherine Sedota Goal Setting/MST Program
Project Goals / Activities That Will Occur to Meet Targets / Estimated Completion Date / Assessment/Comments1. Steering Committee Professional Literature Review Action Team Presentation- Teacher Evaluation by Charlotte Danielson & Thomas L. McGreal / A. Read & discuss book in action team meetings
B. Create PowerPoint presentation concerning the book
C. Practice Presentation for summer program
D. Incorporate some of the book contents into summer program / A. By summer 2009
B. By/during summer 2009
C. By/during summer 2009
D. By/during summer 2009
2. Work on Sorting Learning Unit / A. Refine & add to sorting unit within an action team
B. Present information regarding sorting unit to the summer program participants
C. Share sorting activities with summer program participants / A. Continuous
B. Summer 2009
C. Summer 2009
3. Work on Zoo Sorting Learning Experience / A. Have summer program participants pilot the LE at the Buffalo Zoo.
B. Participate in a peer review of zoo sorting LE.
C. Refine the LE after peer review / A. Summer 2009
B. Summer 2009
C. Summer 2009
Action Plan/MST Summer Program
1. Steering Committee Professional Literature Review Action Team Presentation- Teacher Evaluation by Charlotte Danielson & Thomas L. McGreal / A. Read & discuss book in action team meetings
B. Create PowerPoint presentation concerning the book
C. Practice Presentation for summer program
D. Incorporate some of the book contents into summer program / A. Professional Lit. Review Action Team
(including C. Sedota)
B. Professional Lit. Review Action Team (including C. Sedota)
C. C. Sedota
D. Professional Lit. Review Action Team (including C. Sedota) / -February – Summer 2009
2. Work on Sorting Learning Unit / A. Refine & add to sorting unit within an action team
B. Present information regarding sorting unit to the summer program participants
C. Share sorting activities with summer program participants / A. Learning Unit Action Team (including C. Sedota)
B. Learning Unit Action Team (including C. Sedota)
C. Learning Unit Action Team (including C. Sedota) / A. Ongoing
B. Summer 2009
C. Summer 2009
3. Work on Zoo Sorting Learning Experience / A. Have summer program participants pilot the LE at the Buffalo Zoo.
B. Participate in a peer review of zoo sorting LE.
C. Refine the LE after peer review / A. Summer program participants
B. Summer program participants & C. Sedota
C. C. Sedota
Name: Catherine Sedota
School: St. Margaret’s Needs Assessment/MST Summer Program
Item # / Quality / Item Description / Rationale / Cost / Total Cost / Rationale3. Work on Zoo Sorting Learning Experience / -Zoo trip for summer program participants / -To pilot the zoo sorting LE for peer review purposes / -Free, as long as the curator of education is given a proposed date for the trip