Submission template

Culture and Identity Statistics Domain Plan: Draft for Consultation

Please read the ‘Culture and Identity Statistics Domain Plan: Draft for Consultation’paper before using this template to make your submission for the topics that are relevant to you or your organisation. The draft paper can be downloaded from:

Why we need your submission
The information you provide in your submission will help Statistics New Zealand prioritise information needs and determine the recommendations to be made in the final domain planfor the Review of Culture and Identity Statistics, which will be published in 2010.
All submissions received become the property of Statistics New Zealand and may be released or otherwise referred to in the final domain plan for the Review of Culture and Identity Statistics and, where relevant, referred to within related work programmes at Statistics New Zealand.
Criteria for information needs
Submissions will first be read and evaluated against criteria for inclusion in official social statistics. Official statistics must inform decision-making relating to New Zealand’s social wellbeing. To achieve this official statistics must:
•address enduring issues of widespread interest to Government departments, local authorities, businesses, and to the general public
•be useful for improving knowledge about New Zealand's population
•inform decision making relating to New Zealand's social well-being
•provide an accurate reflection of the population of interest
•provide information that will help inform and evaluate policy
•be from a trusted source
•be publicly acceptable
•be accurate and of high quality.
Once your submission is accepted, it will be read and evaluated according to the high-level questions below. Please address these questions in your submission.
  1. Which information needs and subject areas identified in the draft domain plan do you feel are most important?
  2. Are there any areas where you feel significant information needs for culture and identity statistics have been missed in the scope of the draft domain plan?
  3. What information do you or your organisation require on culture and identity in New Zealand that is currently of poor quality or difficult to access in official social statistics (including administrative data)?
  4. Do you know of any additions to the stocktake of existing official information sources for culture and identity (that should appear in appendix one of the draft domain plan)?
Please bespecific about your or your organisation’s information needs and provide concrete examples of how you or your organisation use or would use the data.
How to send your submission
Detach and save the template. When completed, send your submission as an email attachment to: .
Alternatively, print the completed template and post to:
Review of Culture and Identity Statistics
Statistics New Zealand
PO Box 2922
Closing date
Your submission must reach Statistics New Zealand by close of business 14 August 2009.
Information and help
If you have any questions or would like help with your submission, please contact the Social Conditions Business Unit at or by standard mail to: Review of Culture and Identity Statistics, Statistics New Zealand, PO Box 2922, Wellington.
Details of person or organisation making this submission:
Individual/organisation name:
Are you responding as an individual?
Are you responding on behalf of an organisation?
Contact person:
Postal address:
Please tick this box, if you do not wish to be acknowledged by name in an appendix to the final plan.
  1. Which information needs and subject areas identified in the draft domain plan do you feel are most important?

  1. Are there any areas where you feel significant information needs for culture and identity statistics have been missed in the scope of the draft domain plan or should be collected in official social statistics? Please explain how you or your organisation uses or would use, this information.

  1. What information do you or your organisation require on culture and identity in New Zealand that is currently of poor quality or difficult to access in official social statistics (including administrative data)? Please explain how you or your organisation use, or would use, this information?

  1. Do you know of any additions to the stocktake of existing official information sources for culture and identity (in appendix one of the draft domain plan)?

General comments

Please email this form to by 14 August 2009.Thank you for taking the time to complete this submission.