Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Meeting held at the Stanford Centre, Cooper Lane Laceby on Tuesday 24 March 2015 at 7.30 p.m.
11063Present: Chairman: Councillor M. Greenbeck.
Councillors: Mrs. S. Turner. P. Schofiel.d. Mrs. J. Howells.
D. Marshall. Mrs. R. James. Mrs C. Grimley.
Also Present: Five Members of the public.
Debbie Weatherill – Clerk.
11064Apologies: Councillor Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman.
Ward Councillors: Mrs. M. Dickerson and D. Hasthorpe.
11065Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Meeting held 3 February 2015 – proposed by Councillor Schofield and seconded by Councillor Howells that these minutes should be signed by the Chairman.
11066Declarations of Interest – Councillors Schofield and Marshall declared interests in item 9 – Allotment Rents - being allotment holders.
11067Dispensation Requests – none received.
Public Forum – request made to check foliage on new hedging and tree and that the tree is not too close to the boundary at St Francis Grove Laceby.
Request made for Church hedge to be trimmed back before the Garden Party on 30 June 2015.
11068Police Matters
Police Report previously circulated to Councillors.
Emailed reply to Parish Council’s letter received from NPT Inspector Andy Parsons regarding lack of police in village noted.
11069Planning Matters
DM/0174/15/FUL – 27.14MW solar panel development, erection of fencing/gates, substation, containers,CCTV and associated works at land at Manor Top Farm, Manor Top Farm access road Laceby
After consulting plans provided it was agreed to hold a site meeting and discuss this item again at the planning meeting on 21 April 2015 – Clerk to inform Mr Dixon at NELC planning department.
Decision notice re: DM/1015/14/FUL – Hybrid application for the erection of 64 dwellings (C3), play areas, landscaping, access and associated on site infrastructure (Full). Also the erection of 88 dwellings (C3) with all matters reserved (Outline) at Land off Field Head Road Laceby.
Noted planning application was refused by NELC planning committee.
11070Matters Arising
Nature Area – old allotment site – a letter received from a concerned resident informed the Parish Council of various concerns he had in respect of this site. It was resolved to write to the complainant informing him that the matters raised would be looked into.
11071Financial Matters
It was proposed by Councillor Marshall and seconded by Councillor James and resolved that the following accounts should be paid:
Total Salaries for three members of Staff to the end of April 2015 / 1,422.45Wilkin Chapman LLP – Legal Fee in respect of letter sent regarding bees – chq signed 19.3.15 / 90.00
D Weatherill – re imbursed for telephone and board band via BT – chq signed 19.3.2015 / 43.92
M Greenbeck – Chairman’s Allowance for the month of February 2015 / 10.00
National Insurance & Income Tax Payment / 122.57
Information Commissioner – fee in respect of Data Protection Registration / 35.00
A Ringrose – Groundsman’s Petty Cash / 35.00
Total Payments for the month of April 2015 = £1,758.94
Allotment Rent Increase – Councillor Turner reminded Councillors Schofield and Marshall that they should not take part being allotment holders.
It was resolved that there should be no rent increase this year.
A request was received in respect of the Parish Council providing support for rat poison for the allotments – this was considered carefully and resolved due to concerns regarding putting poison down near vegetables and children being on the site the Parish Council could not support this request.
Concerns expressed there had been concrete tipped on the site and that soil was also being brought onto the site - resolved to write to the culprit in respect of the concrete and write to the Allotment Association secretary regarding soil being brought in.
The Clerk informed all present that she had a request from an existing allotment holder to take over plot 7 –noted that the allotment holder already had two plots there was a waiting list the Clerk was to inform her that this was not possible.
11073Cemetery/Churchyard Matters
Churchyard - Councillor Schofield was thanked for taking down the Christmas lights.
Agreeda two in one form was required before trimming back the cherry trees - Councillor Marshall was asked if he would contact the Tree/Woodlands officer at NELC and talk to Mr Finch to arrange for the overhanging branches to be removed.
Cemetery - Noted now that the new fencing had been erected there was no where for the groundsman to tip the trimmings from all of the hedges and shrubs he cutsback annually. Resolved to organise a skip and Councillor Schofield to have a word with the groundsman to find out when he usually did this work.
11074Projects Backlog
Village sign ideas to be presented at the next meeting.
11075Laceby Sports Partnership
Councillor Turner queried if a lease was to be signed for the field etc by the Parish Council,the Chairman informed her that this was not the case. Councillor James mentioned that there was a lack of support from the public at the present time. Resolved to put this matter on the next agenda.
11076St Francis Grove Play Area
Clerk was still pursuing quotations for the provision of water to the site and cleaning of the safety surfacing.Resolved to chase quotations for dogs on lead signage.
Email from a resident in Old Chapel Lane queried why white line markings had been put down in front of her property – noted that the Parish Council had not been informed of any work to take place there.
11078Stanford Education Centre
An emailed report from Councillor James informed the Parish Council that the rates on the property could not be reduced, and the Chairman thanked Councillor James for trying.
Chairman gave an update stating that the centre had now been signed over to the steering group and that the school was now taking bookings for the Centre.
Councillor Grimley stated that the Stanford Trust was looking at possible provision of broadband and computers for the library.
The Clerk stated since the Stanford Centre provided for recreational activities to take place and not just the Library, the Parish Council could offer financial support under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Section 19.
Noted that dilapidations would be done by NELC before June 2017.
Concerns in respect of the hourly rate of £5.00were raised and the Parish Council stated that they would not like to see the Community Centre hourly rate undercut.
11079Information Exchange
Noted that footpath no. 110 was closed for health and safety reasons whilst a new drain was being put in.
Councillor Turner requested the road sweeper come out to the village and sweep near the Rookery due to debris being swept into the drains.
Councillor Grimley requested a dog bin for the end of The Mead footway.
Noted that the tarmac put in as part of the verge in Gibraltar Lane had been
done legally through NELC.
The meeting was closed at 10.10 p.m.
SIGNED………………………………………………… 7 April 2015