Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Policy
Department of Political Science
University of Southern California
Von KleinSmid Center 327
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0044
Telephone: (213) 740-1684
Fax: (213) 740-8893
Post-Secondary Education:
Yale Graduate School, M.A. 1990, M.Phil. 1990, Ph.D. 1994
Yale Law School, D.C.L. 1986, J.D. 1985
Princeton University, A.B. with High Honors, 1980
Professional Positions and Certifications:
Associate Professor, University of Southern California Department of Political Science, 2005-
Courtesy appointment, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern
California, 2003-
Joint Appointment, Environmental Studies Program, 2009-2011
Courtesy appointment, Department of Geography, University of Southern California, 2001-2010
Graduate Director, University of Southern California Department of Political Science, 2003-2005, Fall 2008
Research Associate, CERVL-University of Bordeaux, 2002-2007
Vice Chair, University of Southern California Department of Political Science, 2003-4
Project Director, Sustainable Cities Summer Undergraduate Program (funded by U.S.
National Science Foundation), 2001
Assistant Professor, University of Southern California Department of Political Science, 1999-2005
Consultant, Fiscal Austerity and Urban Innovation Project, University of Chicago, 1998-2000
Research Affiliate, Harvard Center for European Studies, 1997-1999
Lecturer, Yale Department of Political Science, 1998-1999
Lecturer, Boston University Department of Political Science, Fall 1997
James Bryant Conant Fellow, Harvard Center for European Studies, 1996-1997
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Instructor), Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1994-6
Acting Instructor, Yale Department of Political Science, 1993
Research Assistant, Professor Peter Gay, Yale Department of History, 1993
Teaching Fellow, Yale University 1989-1990
Bar Certification, Pennsylvania 1986 - ; D. C. 1987 -
Law Clerk, Judge Roger Robb, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit, Washington, D.C., 1985-1986
Research Interests:
Comparative Urban and Regional Political Economy
Comparative Federalism and Multilevel Governance
European Politics
Comparative and International Environmental Policy
French (fluent), German (fluent), Czech (reading only), Dutch (reading only), Italian (reading only), Spanish (reading only), Portuguese (reading only), Swedish (reading only)
Recent and Current Major Projects:
National Infrastructures of Local Governance, study of the development of local governance institutions and civil society in 44 developed and developing countries (2001-).
Coordinator, The Asia Pacific Urban Environmental Governance Study, a collaboration of
researchers to study urban form and environmental governance in Asia (2002-).
Co-Director and Organizer, International Metropolitan Observatory, a seventeen-country network of researchers studying social, spatial and political change in metropolitan regions (2002-2017).
Coordinator, Center for International Studies Climate Policy Research Cluster, responsible for coordinating research and public events among a collaborative network of legal, policy, and social science researchers (2009-2014).
Research Committee and North American director, Global Observatory on Decentralization and Local Democracy, the first systematic global report on the subject, sponsored by United Cities and Local Governments (2005-2007).
Environmental, Social and Economic Governance in Urban Regions, a ten-city, three-country
comparative case study of local governance and political participation (1990-1999).
Urban Development and Environmental Change in China and India (The first comparative analysis of urban development trajectories and their environmental consequences in these countries)(with Jingnan Huang, T.V. Ramachandra, Uttam Kumar, Bharath Aithal, and Yong Liu) (in process).
The Making of Multilevel Democracy: Local Institutions and Civil Society in the Shaping of the Modern State (The first comprehensive and systematic comparative analysis of local governance and civic institutions throughout the developed world and their historical origins) (lead author, with Anders Lidström and Yooil Bae) (Forthcoming 2018, Cambridge University Press).
Inequality and Governance in the Metropolis: Regimes of Place Equality and Fiscal Choices in Eleven Countries (Comparative analysis of metropolitan sociospatial inequality and multilevel policies to address it in thirteen developed and developing countries) (lead editor/investigator, sole author of introduction, U.S. chapter, lead author of conclusion) (with co-editors Eran Razin, Marta Arretche, and Daniel Kübler) (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2017).
The Political Ecology of the Metropolis: Metropolitan Sources of Electoral Behavior in Eleven Countries (European Consortium for Political Research Press, 2013) (Collaborative multi-level analysis of political partisanship and voting participation across metropolitan areas in eleven countries) (lead investigator/author/editor, responsible for supervision of all chapter analyses and for writing chapters totalling 218 of 540 pages, with co-editors Daniel Kübler, Alan Walks and Melanie Walter-Rogg). (Media coverage: Politico Magazine, Atlantic Cities, also Swiss publications)
Métropolisation et politique (Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Editions, 2007) (French translation of Metropolitanization and Political Change) (co-edited with Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot). (Media coverage: Le Monde)
Metropolitanization and Political Change (Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005) (fifteen-nation study of metropolitan growth, details the spread of metropolitan regions, suburbanization, and spatial and political polarization across the developed and developing worlds) (co-edited with Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot, with equally shared responsibilities for editing, chapter supervision and authorship of introductory and concluding chapters).
Governing From Below: Urban Regions and the Global Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2002) (comparative analysis of urban governance in eleven urban
regions located throughout France, Germany and the United States).
Collaborative Book:
Urban Neighborhoods in a New Era: Revitalization Politics in the Post-Industrial City (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015) (Clarence Stone and Robert Stoker, et al.) (Comparative volume on the politics of regeneration in the distressed neighborhoods of seven North American cities) (authorial collective with two lead authors and ten secondary authors).
Articles in Refereed Journals:
(In preparation)
“Rapid Urbanization and Inter-jurisdictional Governance in the Developing World: The Case of Addis Ababa” (with Jacqueline Garbe and Ketema Wakjira)(under preparation for review).
“Comparing Urban Land Expansion in a Chinese and an Indian City,” (lead author, with Jingnan Huang, T.V. Ramachandra, and Uttam Kumar) (under preparation for review).
“The Emerging Face of Suburban India: The Geography of Residential Property Markets” (with Haoshi Wang).
(Under review)
“Globalization and Territorial Identity: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis” (media coverage: New York Times)
“From Within to Between Nations: Extending the Reach of Subnational Comparison” (under review).
(Revise and resubmit)
“An Exploration of City Network System of Mega Region Based on Interlocking Model: The Case of Urban Agglomerations in the Yangtze River Middle Reaches (under preparation for submission for publication) (with Huang, J., Chen, S., and Xing, X.).
“Understanding Changing Urban Form in Developing Countries: A China-India Comparison” (with Jingnan Huang, T.V. Ramachandra, and Uttam Kumar) , Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
“Measuring the Difference Between Coastal and Inland Urban Agglomerations: A Comparison between Wuhan Metropolitan Area and Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Based on Urban Flows” Shanghai Urban Planning Review (2017) (with Huang, J., Wang, C., & Zhang, L.) (in Chinese).
“Métropolisation, intercommunalité et inégalités socio-spatiales. Une approche par la fiscalité, les transferts et la dépense publique,” Sociétés contemporaines (2017) (with Deborah Galimberti and Gilles Pinson) (in French).
“Urban Governance and Institutions in the Developed and Developing Worlds: Toward a Comparative Historical Perspective”, Croatian and Comparative Public Administration (2016).
«Trois modèles de gouvernance multiniveau au-delà du clivage État-société». Téléscope Vol. 19 (1), pp. 62-84 (2013).
“State and Society in Local Governance: Lessons From A Multilevel Comparison” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35(3): 620-643(2011) (with Sun-Young Kwak, who I supervised as a graduate student).
--Online Authors Meet Critics Session organized by the journal, 12/2011.
“Urban Governance and Sociolegal Studies: Mapping an Interdisciplinary Frontier” Canadian Journal of Law and Society 22(2): 245-248 (2007).
“A Global Comparative Analysis of Urban Form: Applying Remote Sensing and GIS” Landscape and Urban Planning 82(4): 184-197 (2007) (with Jingnan Huang and Xi Xi Lu).
“Globalization, the Developmental State, and the Politics of Urban Growth in Korea” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 31(3): 543-560 (2007) (co-authored with Yooil Bae, who I supervised as a graduate student).
“Decentralization, Local Government and the Welfare State,” Governance 20(4): 609-632 (2007) (co-authored with Anders Lidström). (Media coverage: Atlantic Online)
“La métropolisation de la politique;” 2006 Annuaire des Collectivités Locales 19-31 (2006) (co-authored with Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot)
“Re-Placing the Nation: An Agenda for Comparative Urban Politics,” Urban Affairs Review 40 (4): 419-445 (2005).
“Transnational Urban Associations and the State: Contemporary Europe Compared with the Hanseatic League”, Yearbook of European Administrative History 15 (2003): 289-308.
”The Nation-State and Urban Governance: Toward Multilevel Analysis,” Urban Affairs Review 37: 611-641 (2002).
”Federalism and Metropolitan Governance: The Case of Urban Sprawl,” Environment and
Planning C: Government and Policy 20: 95-112 (2001).
”Public Goods and the Politics of Segregation,” Journal of Urban Affairs, 21(2): 237-262
“Place, Post-industrial Change and the New Left,” European Journal of Political Research,
33 (2): 187-217 (1998).
“Norms in the Politics of Housing for Minorities,” Ethnic and Racial Studies 19(3): 585-608
“Litigation as a Local Political Resource,” Law and Society Review 29(3): 475-516 (1995).
“Decontrol and Regulatory Legitimacy: The Case of the Entitlements Program,” Administrative
Law Review 37: 281-309 (1985).
“Public Enforcement of the Freedom of Information Act,” Yale Law & Policy Review 2: 78-120
“Regulatory Values and the Exceptions Process,” Yale Law Journal 93: 938-964 (1984).
Book Chapters:
“Place, Metropolitan Inequality and Governance: A Framework for Comparative Analysis”, in Jefferey Sellers et al., Inequality and Metropolitan Governance (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017), pp. 1-23.
“Contested Metropolis: Inequality and the Politics of Metropolitan Governance in the United States”, in Jefferey Sellers et al., Inequality and Metropolitan Governance (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017), pp. 27-56 (first author, with Erika R. Petroy and Sasha-Hondagneu-Messner).
“Conclusion”, in Jefferey Sellers et al., Inequality and Metropolitan Governance (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017), pp. 253-274 (first author, with Eran Razin, Marta Arretche and Daniel Kübler).
“City Fragmentation and Neighborhood Connections: The Political Dynamics of Community Revitalization in Los Angeles,” in Clarence Stone and Robert Stoker, et al., Urban Neighborhoods in a New Era: Revitalization Politics in the Post-Industrial City (with Ellen Shiau and Juliet Musso) (University of Chicago Press,. 2015).
“The Metropolitanization of Politics: A Comparative Perspective,” in Jefferey Sellers et al. (eds.), The Political Ecology of the Metropolis (European Consortium for Political Research Press, 2013), pp. 3-36 (lead author, with W. Alan Walks).
“Place, Institutions and the Metropolitan Political Ecology of the United States,” in Jefferey Sellers et al. (eds.), The Political Ecology of the Metropolis (European Consortium for Political Research Press 2013), pp. 37-86.
“The Emerging Metropolitan Political Ecology of France,” in Jefferey Sellers et al. (eds.), The Political Ecology of the Metropolis (European Consortium for Political Research Press, 2013), pp. 161-198 (with Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot).
“Conclusion: Metropolitan Political Behavior in Comparative Perspective,” in Jefferey Sellers et al. (eds.), The Political Ecology of the Metropolis (European Consortium for Political Research Press 2013), pp. 419-478 (lead author, with Daniel Kübler, Alan Walks, Melanie Walter-Rogg and Philippe Rochat).
“Methodological Appendix,” in Jefferey Sellers et al. (eds.), The Political Ecology of the Metropolis (European Consortium for Political Research Press 2013), pp. 479-500 (lead author, with Philippe Rochat).
“Governance and Redistribution in Metropolitan Areas - A Sweden - United States Comparison,” in Herrschel, Tassilo and Talberg, Pontus (eds.) The Role of Regions? Networks, Scale, Territory (Gothenburg: Region Skane 2011), pp. 125-145.
“State-Society Relations,” in Mark Bevir (ed.), Sage Handbook of Governance (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 2010), pp. 124-141. (Chinese translation, UNESCO)
“Metropolitan Governance,” in United Cities and Local Governments (eds.) Global Report on Decentralization and Local Democracy, pp. 255-279 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009) (Lead author, with Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot).
“North America,” in United Cities and Local Governments, Global Report on Decentralization and Local Democracy, pp. 232-251 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009).
“Desalination Policy in a Multilevel Regulatory State,” in Cesar Nava Escudero, Gerardo Hiriart Le Bert (eds.), Desalaction de agua con energias renovables, pp. 173-188 (Mexico City: UNAM Press, 2008).
“Unions and the Strategic Context of Local Governance,” in Daniel Cornfield and Lowell Turner (eds.), Labor in the New Urban Battlegrounds, pp. 35-52 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2007).
“The Europeanization of U.S. Metropolitan Areas? The Case of Portland,” in Frank Eckhardt (ed.), The City and the Region, pp. 55-75 (Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2006).
“Introduction: Metropolitanization and Political Change,” in Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot and Jefferey M. Sellers (eds.), Metropolitanization and Political Change, pp. 11-14 (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005) (lead author, with Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot) (French translation 2007).
“The Metropolitanization of Politics,” in Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot and Jefferey M. Sellers (eds.), Metropolitanization and Political Change, pp. 425-443 (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005) (lead author, with Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot) (French translation 2007).
“Metropolitanization and Politics in the United States: From National Model to Multiple Patterns,” in Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot and Jefferey M. Sellers (eds.), Metropolitanization and Political Change, pp. 53-79 (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005) (French translation 2007).
“Urbanization and the Social Origins of National Policies Toward Sprawl,” in Harry Richardson
(ed.), Urban Sprawl in International Perspective, pp. 195-214 (Ashgate Press, 2003).
“Translocal Orders and Urban Environmentalism: Lessons from a German and a United States City,” in Terry Clark and Keith Hoggart (Eds.), Citizen Responsive Government, pp. 117-14 Westport,Connecticut: JAI, 2000).
Book Reviews:
Review of Toake Endoh, Exporting Japan, in Comparative Political Studies 43(2): 460-464 (2010).
Review of Michael Haus, Hubert Heinelt and Murray Stewart (eds.), Urban Governance and Democracy, and Hubert Heinelt, David Sweeting, and Panagiotis Getimis (eds.), Urban Governance and Legitimacy, in Governance 21(2): 297-299 (2008).
Review of Karl Kresl and Earl Fry, The Urban Response to Globalization, in Journal of Urban Affairs 29(2): 226 -227 (2007).
Reveiw of Daniel Kelemen, The Rules of Federalism, in Perspectives on Politics 3: 668-669 (2005).
Review of André Donzel, Marseille: L’expérience de la cité, in International Journal of Urban
and Regional Research 28(2): 487-488 (2004).
Review of Michael Peter Smith, Transnational Urbanism: Locating Globalization, in
Perspectives on Politics 1: 220-221 (2003).
Review of Jean-Philippe Leresche (ed.), Gouvernance locale, coopération et légitimité, in
Revue internationale de politique comparé 2(1) (2002) (in French).