Wong 1
Dr. Norman C. H. Wong
Associate Professor of Communication
Department of Communication
The University of Oklahoma
610 Elm Avenue
Norman, OK 73019
Phone: 405-325-3754
Fax: 405-325-7625
Ph.D. 2005University of Georgia, Department of Speech Communication.
Dissertation Title:When Does Normative Influence Matter: Application of an Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Sunscreen Use Intentions(Advisor: Dr. Jerold L. Hale)
M.A.2000 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Speech.
Thesis Title: The Effect of Persona-Adoption on Perceptions of Solidarity, Satisfaction,and the Management of Dialectical Tensions in Romantic Relationships(Advisor: Dr. Krystyna S. Aune)
B.A. 1997 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Speech.
Teaching Appointments
2013-presentAssociate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Oklahoma
2007-2013Assistant Professor,Department of Communication, University of Oklahoma
2001-2004Instructor, Department of Speech Communication, University of Georgia
1999-2001Lecturer,Department of Speech, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Research Appointments
2011-2014Associate Member, Peggy and Charles Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma
2005-2007Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research (CECCR), Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
1999-2001Research Data Analyst, Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa
1998-1999Research Assistant, Department of Speech, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Teaching Areas of Focus
Health communication, strategic communication, public communication campaigns, quantitative research methods, and communication theory
Awards and Honors
2004.Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Instructional and Developmental Communication
Division, International Communication Association.
2004. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. University of Georgia.
Courses of Instruction
University of Oklahoma
Communication and Public Health (Undergrad)
Communication Research Methods (Undergrad; Graduate)
Communication Theory (Undergrad)
Health Communication (Undergrad; Graduate)
Interpersonal/Relational Communication (Undergrad; Graduate)
Nonverbal Communication (Undergrad)
Persuasive Communication Campaigns (Graduate)
Principles of Communication (Undergrad honors)
Strategic Communication Campaigns (Undergrad)
University of Georgia
Communication in Human Society (Undergrad; co-taught w/ Dr. Jennifer Monahan)
Empirical Research Methods in Communication. (Undergrad)
Health Communication (Undergrad; co-taught w/ Dr. Vicki Freimuth)
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication. (Undergrad)
Persuasion (Undergrad; co-taught w/ Dr. Jerry Hale)
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Argumentation and Debate. (Undergrad).
Nonverbal Communication. (Undergrad).
Principles of Effective Public Speaking. (Undergrad).
Personal and Public Speech. (Undergrad).
Speech for Classroom Teachers. (Undergrad).
First-Year Faculty Advising
Alaina Zanin (University of Oklahoma). First-year faculty advisor.
Guoyu (Emma) Wang (University of Oklahoma). First-year faculty advisor.
Doctoral Committee
Eileen Gilchrist (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Nakia Welch (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Shr-Jie Liu (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Chrystal Johnson (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Kylie Harrison (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Erin Baird (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. (In progress)
Grace Karunga (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. (In progress)
Jessica Bogard (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. (In progress).
Michelle Farabough (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. (In progress).
Adam Saffer (University of Oklahoma). Outside committee member. (In progress).
Sangchon Kim (University of Oklahoma). Outside committee member. (In progress).
Leslie Deatrick (University of Oklahoma). Co-Advisor. (In progress).
Stephanie Schartel Dunn (University of Oklahoma. Advisor. (In progress).
Kathryn Lookadoo (University of Oklahoma). Advisor. (In progress).
Masters Committee
Callie Ferrari (University of Oklahoma). Advisor. Completed.
Courtney Kreizenbeck (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Jeffrey Clark (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Jeffrey Hobbs (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Candice Ismirle (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
David Luckett (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Dara Jones (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Jessica May (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Paul Duncan (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. Completed.
Heather Hopkins (University of Oklahoma). Committee member. (In progress).
Research Areas of Focus
Public health communication campaigns (message design & evaluation), entertainment education, risk communication, and media effects on risk perceptions and health behaviors.
Funded Research Support
External Grants
Period: 04/10/09-04/10/10
Source: NIH, Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
Title: HPV Vaccine Assessment Among Choctaw Nation Citizens.
Awarded: $62,123
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Source: Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center
Title: An Investigation of Strategies to Reduce Smoking Among College Students Targeting Both
College Smokers and Nonsmokers
Awarded: $45,138
Role: Principal Investigator
Internal Grants
Period: 06/01/06-08/31/07
Source: Center of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research, Annenberg-Penn
Title: Effects of Threat-Oriented and Efficacy-Oriented Antismoking Ads on Smokers’ Intentions
to Quit.
Awarded: $10,000
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Wong, N. C. H. (in press). Predictors of information seeking about the HPV vaccine from parents and
doctors among young college women. Communication Quarterly.
Wong, N. C. H., Harvell, L. A., & Anaz, N. (2013). Comparing two modes of presentation on
perceptions of flu threat and attributions for its global outbreak. European Journal of Geography,4(2), 17-33.
Wong, N. C. H., Harvell, L. A., & Harrison, K. J. (2013). The unintended target: Assessing non-smokers’ reactions to gain and loss framed antismoking PSAs. Journal of Health Communication. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2013.798376.
Wong, N. C. H., & Schartel Dunn, S. (2013).Binge drinking and TMT: Evaluating responses to anti-
binge drinking PSAs from a terror management theory perspective. Studies in Media and Communication, 1(2), 81-95.
Wong, N. C. H. (2012). Role of comparative cancer risk and efficacy perceptions on cancer-related
information seeking and scanning. Communication Research Reports, 29(3), 193-203.
Householder, B., & Wong, N. C. H.(2011). Emotional state or relational closeness: Explaining the
impacts of discrete emotions on the ability to detect deception in friends and strangers. Communication Quarterly, 59(1), 104-122.
Kelly, B.J., Hornik, R. C., Romantan, A., Schwartz, J., Armstrong, K., DeMichele, A., Fishbein, M.,
Gray, S., Hull, S., Kim, A., Nagler, R., Niederdeppe, J., Ramirez, S., Smith-McLallen, A., & Wong, N.(2010). Cancer information scanning and seeking in the general population. Journal of Health Communication, 15(7), 734-753.
Wong, N.C. H. (2009). Investigating the effects of cancer risk and efficacy perceptions on cancer
prevention adherence and intentions. (Lead article).Health Communication, 24(2), 95-105.
Wong, N. C. H., & Cappella, J. N. (2009). Anti-smoking threat and efficacy appeals: Effects on
smoking cessation intentions for smokers low and high in readiness to quit. (Lead article).Journal of Applied Communication Research,37(1), 1-20.
Wong, N. C. H., & Householder, B. (2008). Mood and PSA processing: Examining the impact of
program-induced moods on subsequent processing of an anti-smoking public service announcement. Communication Studies, 59(4), 402-414.
Gray, S. W., Wong, N., Kelly, B., Romantan, A., Ramirez, S., Fraze, T., Smith-McLallen, A.,
Armstrong, K., Schwartz, J., & Hornik, R. (2007). Physician initiated cancer screening discussions and patient intention to engage in screening behavior. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25(18S), 1528.
Gray, S. W., Romantan, A., Kelly, B., Ramirez, S., Stevens, R., Wong, N., Kim, A., Schwartz, J. S., &
Hornik, R. (2006). Cancer information acquisition differs by patient characteristics. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 24(18S), 16008.
Aune, K. S., & Wong, N. C. H. (2002). The antecedents and consequences of adult play in
romantic relationships. Personal Relationships, 9(3), 279-286.
Levine, T. R., Lapinski, M. K., Banas, J., Wong, N. C. H., Hu, A. D. S., Endo, K., Baum, K. L., &
Anders, L. N. (2002). Self-construal, self and other benefit, and the generation of deceptive messages. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 31(1), 29-47.
Levine, T. R., Anders, L. N., Banas, J., Baum, K. L., Endo, K., Hu, A. D. S., & Wong, N. C. H.
(2000). Norms, expectations, and deception: A norm violation model of veracity judgments. Communication Monographs, 67 (2), 123-137.
Book Chapters/Encyclopedia Entries
Wong, N. C. H. (under contract). Entertainment-education, Hollywood/public relations approach. In T. L. Thompson and G. J. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of health communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wong, N. C. H. (under contract). Health on television. In T. L. Thompson and G. J. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of health communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wong, N. C. H. (under contract). Readiness assessment. In T. L. Thompson and G. J. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of health communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Aune, K. S., & Wong, N. C. H. (2012). Adult play in friendship and romantic relationships: Baxter’s
typology revisited. In T. J. Socha and M. Pitts (Eds.), The Positive Side of Interpersonal Communication. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Other Publications
Wong, N. C. H., & Cappella, J. N. (2009, February). Motivating adult smokers to kick the habit: Fear
alone may not be enough. Communication Currents, 4(1).
Hamnett, M. P., Song, V. L., Marker, N., Wong, N., Freitas, A., & Witeck, L. H. (2001). Hawaii
prevention needs assessment: Family of studies (Community Prevention Resource Assessment). Hawaii State Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division.
Manuscripts Under Review or R&R
Harvell, L. A., Nisbett, G. S., Wong, N. C. H., & McCloskey, Y. Apocalyptic doom: How religion and
mortality salience affect fears of the 2012 Mayan Prophecy. Under review at Journal of Religion and Popular Culture.
Academic Presentations
Competitive Papers/Posters
Wong, N. C. H., & Schartel Dunn, S. (2013, June). Binge drinking and TMT: Evaluating responses to
anti-binge drinking PSAs from a terror management theory perspective. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting for the International Communication Association, London, UK.
Harvell, L. A., Nisbett, G. S., Wong, N. C. H., & McCloskey, Y. (2013, April). Apocalyptic doom: How
religion and mortality salience affect fears of the 2012 Mayan Prophecy. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Central States CommunicationAssociation, Kansas City, MO.
Wong, N. C. H., & Harrison, K. J. (2012, May). A test of two metaphors for the inoculation process in the
context of vaccinations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International
Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.
Wong, N. C. H., Harrison, K. J., & Harvell, L. A. (2011, November). Reactance and public
health messages: The unintended dangers of anti-tobacco PSAs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Wong, N. C. H., Harvell, L. A., & Robertson, K. J. (2010, November). Clearing the smoke: Assessing nonsmokers' emotional reactions to gain and loss framed antismoking PSAs and their impact on behavioral intentions to promote smoking cessation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Wong, N. C. H., Harvell, L. A., & Anaz, N. (2010, June). Framing the H1N1 flu pandemic: Effect
of visual and textual frames on perceptions of flu susceptibility,severity, and attributions for its global outbreak. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Associated, Changi, Singapore.
Wong, N. C. H. (2009, November). To vaccinate or not vaccinate: Predictors of information seeking
about the HPV vaccine from parents and doctors among young college women. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Wong, N., Ho, A., Cappella, J. N., Strasser, A., & Lerman, C. (2008, May). Improving
anti-smoking message effectiveness: Death appeals, argument strength, and message sensation value. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
Fraze, T., & Wong, N.C. H. (2008, May). Seeking and scanning for lifestyle information from
media sources: Comparisons of healthy-weight, overweight, and obese older Americans. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
Kelly, B., Hornik, R., Romantan, A., Schwartz, J. S., Armstrong, K., DeMichele, A., …Wong, N. (2008,
May). Cancer information scanning and seeking in the general population. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
Wong, N. C. H., & Cappella, J. N. (2007, November). Anti-smoking threat and efficacy appeals:
Effects on smoking cessation intentions for smokers low and high in readiness to quit. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Gray, S. W., Wong, N., Kelly, B., Romantan, A., Ramirez, S., Fraze, T., …Hornik, R. (2007, June).
Physician initiated cancer screening discussions and patient intention to engage in screening behavior. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL.
Hornik, R., Schwartz, J.S., Armstrong, K., DeMichele, A., Fishbein, M., Fraze, T., …Wong, N. (2007,
May) The Seeking and Scanning Behavior (SSB) Project. Poster presented at the USC-IPR/NIH Conference on Interdisciplinary Science, Health Promotion & Disease Prevention held in Pasadena, CA.
Wong, N. C. H. (2007, May). Investigating the effects of cancer risk and efficacy perceptions on
cancer prevention adherence and intentions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Gray, S. W., Romantan, A., Kelly, B., Ramirez, S., Stevens, R., Wong, N., …Hornik, R. (2006, June).
Cancer information acquisition differs by patient characteristics. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Atlanta, GA.
Wong, N.C. H. (2005, November). When normative influence matters: Social identification as moderator of the norms-intention relationship in the theory of planned behavior. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Aune, K. S., & Wong, N. C.H. (2005, May). The nature and functions of adult play: A comparison of friends and romantic partners. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, New York, NY.
Fellows, K., & Wong, N. C. H. (2005, May). Coping with the unexpected: Perceptions of and responses to a relational expectancy violation as a function of intimacy and commitment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, New York, NY.
Aune, K. S., Wong, N. C. H., & Ko, L. (2004, November). Adult play among friends and partners: A test and extension of Baxter’s typology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Householder, B., & Wong, N. C. H. (2004, November). Emotional state or relational closeness: Explaining the impacts of discrete emotions on the ability to detect deception in friends and strangers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Householder, B., Wong, N. C. H., & Hale, J. L. (2004, November). The impact of attitude toward the requesting organization and prosocialness of the request on the door-in-the-face. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Wong, N. C. H., & Householder, B. (2004, November). Condoms and affect: Explaining the impacts of discrete emotions on processing of an HIV prevention PSA. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Wong, N. C. H., & Householder, B. (2004, May). Smoke and mirrors: Explaining the impacts of discrete emotions on processing of an anti-smoking PSA. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Wong, N. C. H., & Householder, B. (2003, May). Revisiting the cohabitation effect: Does relationship uncertainty and experience of relational dialectical tensions moderate the cohabitation–relational outcomes link? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Wong, N. C. H., & Harris, T. M. (2003, April). Contact, cultivation, or dependency: Three explanations for the formation of our interracial dating attitudes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association, Birmingham, AL.
Wong, N. C. H.(2002, November). Power of play: An empirical investigation of the relational
functions adult play performs for personal relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Aune, K. S., & Wong, N. C. H. (2001, May). The antecedents and consequences of adult play in
romantic relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington D. C.
Wong, N. C. H., & Aune, K. S. (2001, May). The effect of persona-adoption on perceptions of solidarity, satisfaction, and the management of dialectical tensions in romantic relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Washington D.C.
Levine, T. R., Lapinski, M. K., Banas, J., Wong, N., Hu, A. D. S., Endo, K., …Anders, L. N. (2000,
November). Self-construal and self-other benefit as determinants of deceptive message generation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Wong, N. C. H. (2000, November). The effect of self-construal on the informal network’s impact on an individual’s medical decisions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Levine, T. R., Anders, L. N., Banas, J., Baum, K. L., Endo, K., Hu, A. D. S., & Wong, N. C. H. (2000,
June). Norms, expectations, and deception: A norm violation model of veracity judgments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Acapulco, MX.
Baum, K. L., & Wong, N. C. H. (2000, March). Was my first impression a positive one?:
Investigating the connection between impression management theory and persona-adoption. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Hu, A., & Wong, N. C. H. (1999, November). The effect of self-construals on communication
apprehension towards informative and persuasive public speaking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Wong, N. C. H., Baum, K. L., & Aune, K. S.(1999, November). The dialectical connection between persona-adoption, affinity-seeking, and self-disclosure. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Invited Presentations
Wong, N. C. H. (2010, November 4). An investigation of strategies to reduce smoking among college
students targeting both college smokers and non-smokers. Presented as part of the Biostatistics
and Epidemiology Seminar Series, University of Oklahoma College of Public Health.
Wong, N. C. H. (2009, June 18). Anti-smoking threat and efficacy appeals: Effects on smoking cessation
intentions for smokers low and high in readiness to quit. Presented online on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) Media Network Webcast: New Research and Network Sharing.
Wong, N. C. H. (2006, February). Association of cancer worry and genetic determinism with an individual’s adherence/non-adherence to cancer screening and adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors. Presented at the first annual Annenberg National Health Survey Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Wong, N. C. H. (2005, March). When does normative influence matter: Application of an
expanded theory of planned behaviorto predict sunscreen use intentions. A colloquium presented to the Department of Speech at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Wong, N. C. H. (2003, November). Panel participant: Drinking gets in our thinking: Examinations of alcohol message processing and the influences of alcohol consumption on social cognition. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL.
2012-2013Faculty/Staff Service and Support Award. Department of Communication. University of Oklahoma.
2013Top Faculty Paper. Popular Culture Interest Group, Central States Communication Association.
2005 Top 4 Student Paper. Interpersonal Communication Division, International Communication Association.
2004-2005 Dissertation Completion Assistantship. University of Georgia.
2003 Top Paper Award. Interpersonal Communication Division, Southern States Communication Association.
2000Robert N. Bostrom Young Scholar Award, 2nd Runner-Up. Interpersonal Communication Division, Southern States Communication Association.
International Communication Association
Health Communication Division: Panel chair (2009, 2010), paper reader(2007- ), division secretary
Information Systems Division: Panel chair (2009), paper reviewer(2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012)
Interpersonal Communication Division: Paper reader (2005, 2006)
National Communication Association
Health Communication Division: Panel chair (2007-2011), paper reader (2007- )
Communication & Social Cognition Division: Paper reader (2005-2007, 2010), respondent (2010)
Interpersonal Communication Division: Panel chair (2002), paper reader (2005-2007), acting division
secretary (2001), division web manager (2001-2002)
Editorial Board Member
Communication Studies (2013-2015)
Health Communication (2010-)
Journal of Applied Communication Research (2009-2011)
Western Journal of Communication (2014- )
Ad Hoc Reviewer