Tecumseh VISTA Academy

Family Lending Library

April 2014


1. “The ADHD Book of Lists: A Practical Guide for Helping Children and Teens with Attention Deficit Disorder”.

Sandra F. Rieff 2003 PARENT

A comprehensive reliable source of answers, practical strategies and tools in a convenient list format. Created for parents this book is filled with strategies, supports and interventions that have been found to be the most effective in minimizing the problems and optimizing the success of children and teens with ADHD. This book contains a wealth of information to guide in the management of ADHD at school and at home.

2. “Learning to Slow Down and Pay Attention: A Book for Kids about ADHD”.

Kathleen Nadeau PhD 2005 CHILD/PARENT

Ellen Dixon PhD

For children aged 6 to 11 this workbook has solutions for every situation at home, at school and with friends. It will help the child with issues like getting homework done, making friends, dealing with feelings, learning to relax, asking for help and much, much more.

3. “Attention Difference Disorder: How to Turn Your ADHD Child or Teen’s Differences into Strengths in 7 Simple Steps”.

Kenny Handleman MD 2011 PARENT

In his book Dr. Handleman teaches you to take your child’s deficits and turn them into strengths. It is a concise easy to read book that will let you see ADHD or ADD in a completely different light. This book provides practical steps to help you unwrap the gift of ADD and ADHD.

4.”Parenting Children With ADHD: 10 Lessons That Medicine Cannot Teach”.

Vincent J. Monastra 2012 PARENT

Easy to read book offering helpful tips for families dealing with this disorder. Published by the American Psychological Association.

5. “Organize your ADD/ADHD Child: A Practical Guide for Parents”.

Cheryl R Carter 2011 PARENT

This book provides tips and tools to help your child take charge of their life and get organized.

6. “Taking Charge of ADHD: The Complete Authoritative Guide for Parents”.

Russell Barkley PhD 2013 PARENT

This book empowers parents by arming them with the up-to-date knowledge, expert guidance and confidence they need to be involved with ADHD kids.

7. “1000 Best Tips for ADHD: Expert Answers and Bright Advice to Help You and Your Child”.

Susan Ashley 2012 PARENT

Excellent proven quick tips and easy to implement solutions that will make even the toughest days smoother for your active ADHD child.

8. “The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD”.

John Taylor 2013 CHILD

Written for children aged 8 to 12 to read by themselves – so they can help themselves. This book will play an important role in helping youth with ADHD learn practical strategies for managing everyday life. The book is a Grade 5 reading level.

9. “Right-brained Children in a Left-Brained World: Unlocking the Potential of your ADD Child”.

Jeffrey Freed 1998 PARENT

This book provides effective methods for helping your ADD child excel in a classroom setting. Very insightful read for anyone parent who wants their ADD child to grow and thrive in school and everyday life.

10. “Learning Outside the Lines”

Jonathan Mooney & David Cole 2000 TEEN

Written by 2 University graduates who struggled with Learning Disabilities as well as ADHD this book teaches students how to control their education and find true success with brilliant and easy study suggestions and tips.

11. “ADHD: Achieving Success in School and in Life”

Barbara Guyer 2000 PARENT

This book offers chapters from experts in the field of ADHD who share their extensive knowledge and how it affects children, adolescents and adults. Specific techniques for helping individuals cope with ADHD are recommended in clear easy to understand language, helping the reader turn theory into action.


1. “The Everything Parent’s Guide to Children with Asperger’s Syndrome: The Sound advice and reliable answers you need to help your child succeed”.

William Stillman 2004 PARENT

This uncomplicated handbook will help you understand the results of the diagnosis, identify triggers that can lead to sensory overload, recognize symptoms of meltdowns and work to prevent them, educate family and friends about Asperger’s and discover support groups for you and your child.

2. “The Everything Parent’s Guide to Children with Autism: Expert, reassuring advice to help your child at home, at school and at play”.

Adelle Jameson Tilton 2010 PARENT

This book is a resource that you and your family will need in order to make the most of everyday life, how to handle challenges with confidence and taking the time to savour the rewards of life with your child. With this comprehensive guide you’ll discover how to communicate effectively with your child, find a school that meets you needs, handle meltdowns in public or private and much more…..


1. “The Everything Parent’s Guide to the Defiant Child: Reassuring advice to help your child manage explosive emotions and gain self- control”.

Jesse Jayne Rutherford PARENT

2.” A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens: Talking to your Kids about Sexting, Drinking, Drugs and Other Things That Freak you Out”.

Joani Geltman PARENT

3. “Helping Your Troubled Teen: Learn to recognize, Understand and Address the Destructive Behaviour of Today’s Teens and Preteens”.

Cynthia Kaplan 2007 PARENT

4. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”

Sean Covey 1998 TEEN/PARENT

Indispensable book for teens, as well as parents, grandparents or any other person who influences young people. Provides step by step guide to help teens improve their self- image, build relationships, resist peer pressure, get along with parents and the many other tough issues that teens face. Written in a very entertaining style.

5. “From Defiance to Cooperation”.

John F Taylor Ph.D 2001 PARENT

An excellent resource for parents with defiant or ODD children or teens . Discusses how to enhance communication skills to reach your child and help reduce undesirable behavior. Helps the parent understand the reasons behind the behavior and give the parent the ability to teach their child conscience- based self- control.

6. “What Parents Need to Know about ODD”

Dr. James Sutton 2003 PARENT

7. “The Explosive Child”.

Ross W. Greene, Ph.D. 2001 PARENT

A new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated chronically inflexible children. This book will aid in reducing hostility between children and adults, help you anticipate situations which may get out of hand and focus more on communication and less on reward and punishment. This book lays out a sensitive practical approach to helping your child develop the skills to be more flexible and handle frustration more effectively both at home and at school.

8. “Your Defiant Child: 8 Steps to Better Behaviour”.

Russell A Barkley Ph. D. 1998 PARENT

Christine Benton

Eight easy steps to restore your loving relationship with your child and bring peace to your home. This book clearly explains what causes defiance and how it can be resolved. Used by many child and family counsellors this book is filled with helpful charts and checklists that will get your child’s behavior back on track and your family life more fulfilling.

9. “The Defiant Child: A Parent’s Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder”.

Dr. Douglas A. Riley 1997 PARENT

This book offers parents much needed insight into defiant behavior so they can better understand the turmoil in their families and resolve it by taking back parental control. Dr. Riley helps parents make sense of their child’s often upsetting behavior by explaining how oppositional children and teens view the world. This book outlines how to help defiant child learn the skills they’ll need to succeed in life. He dispels myths and offers suggestions for talking to oppositional children so that they will listen.


1. “The Bully , the Bullied and the Bystander”.

Barbara Coloroso 2003 PARENTS

Drawing on her decades of work with troubled youth the author offers a compassionate and practical guide to show parents, teachers and most of all kids how they can break this cycle of violence.

2. “Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savy Teens: Helping young People Learn to use the Internet safely and responsibly”.

Nancy E Willard 2007 PARENT

Essential strategies to keep children and teens safe on-line. This book is full of helpful advice and useful commentary on the cyber-reality facing our children. A must read for anyone concerned with the critical issue of children’s internet safety.

3. “Little Girls Can Be Mean”.

Michelle Anthony 2010 PARENT

Reyna Lindert

This simple 4 step plan will help you become a problem solving partner with your daughter. This book also offers helpful tips and insights that girls can use to confront social difficulties. Whether your daughter is just starting kindergarten or is in the middle grades (Grade 6) this book will be a helpful tool when dealing with any social issue.


1. “How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk”.

Adele Faber 2012 PARENT

Listed as the ultimate “Parenting Bible” by the Boston Globe and a National Bestseller this book discusses how to effectively connect with your child. This includes the author’s time-tested methods to solve common problems and build foundations for lasting relationships. Some issues in this book include helping parents cope with their child’s negative feelings, resolve family conflicts peacefully and engage the child’s willing co-operation in difficult tasks.

2. “The Complete Guide to Discussing Difficult Subjects with Children and Teens”.

Atlantic Publishing Group (June 2014) PARENT

Effective ways to discuss such issues as alcohol, drugs, sex, relationships and other topics that may be difficult to approach.

3. “A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens: Talking to your Kids about Sexting, Drinking, Drugs and other things that Freak You Out”.

Joani Geltman PARENT

4. “Helping Your Troubled Teen: Learn to Recognize, Understand and Address the Destructive Behaviour of Today’s Teens and Preteens”.

Cynthia Kaplan 2007 PARENT

5. “How To Talk So Your Kids Will Listen”.

H. Norman Wright 2004 PARENT

The common principles found in this book are proven approaches that change and improve all family communication. This book will help parents connect with their children of any age form toddler to teen.


1.” What’s Heaven?”

Maria Shriver 1999 CHILD/PARENT

This book was written for children who are facing a difficult time and looking for answers. Kate’s great grandma just died and her mother helps her learn about heaven.

2. “Why Did You Die?: Activities to Help Children Cope with Grief and Loss”.

Ellen Goldring 2008 CHILD, PARENT

Includes 40 simple activities to teach your kids to express their feelings and thrive despite their loss.

3. “When Someone Very Special Dies: Children Can Learn to Cope With Grief”.

Marge Heegaard 1988 CHILD, PARENT

This book was designed to teach basic concepts of death and help children understand and express the many feelings they have when someone dies.

4. “Straight Talk about Death for Teenagers: How to Cope with Losing Someone you Love”.

Earl Grollman 1993 TEEN

Specially written for teenagers to help them understand and deal with death. It offers activities to help them through the pain. Healing activities such as participating in the funeral or writing memories of your loved one are just two of the many suggestions offered in this book. It lets the teen know that the feelings of anger and guilt are a normal part of the grieving process. It is a perfect guide for any teenager who has lost a loved one.

5. “When Children Grieve: For Adults to Help Children Deal with Death, Divorce, Pet Loss, Moving and other


John James 2001 PARENT

No matter the reason or degree of severity of the loss, whether it be death, divorce, moving to a new neighborhood or losing a prized possession this book will give you guidelines to the help your child develop lifelong healthy responses to dealing with any kind of loss.

6. ”I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved one”.

Pamela Blair 2008 TEEN, PARENT

For anyone who has lost a loved one. This book offers solace and comfort and shows grieving readers how to endure, survive and grow from the pain and turmoil surrounding death. It provides a rock-steady place to take up anchor and weather the pain associated with death.

7. “Sad Isn’t Bad: A Good-Grief Guidebook for Kids Dealing With Loss”.

Michaelene Mundy CHILD

8. “I Wish I Could Hold Your Hand…..A Child’s Guide to Grief and Loss”.

Dr. Pat Palmer 2000 CHILD

This warm and comforting book gently helps grieving children identify their feelings from denial and anger to guilt and sadness – and learn to accept and deal with them. The expressive illustrations and simple direct writing help children discover that it is normal and natural to feel the pain of loss and that they can help themselves to feel better.

9. “Finding the Words”.

Dr. Alan Wolfelt 2013 PARENT

An ideal book for parents looking for a resource when talking to young children or teens about death (suicide, homicide, funerals, cremation, pet deaths, terminal illness etc.). This book can be used in any setting, religious or otherwise.