Lesson – Full Evaluation

Trainee: / Topic:
Date: / Period: / Lesson No:
Positive aspects of today’s lesson:
On the whole, I felt that this lesson went really well, pupil behaviour was excellent and students made good progress in their learning.
The starter worked really well as it helped pupils revise jobs vocab which they knew really well and built up their confidence for the lesson, something which I felt is really important for this group, there are a large number of students with behavioural confidence and low self-esteem so to build up their confidence during the starter is always going to be a ‘goal’ for the lesson and should help things run more smoothly.
To what extent did the pupils achieve the learning outcomes? What evidence do you have for this?
I was really pleased as the pupils achieved the learning objectives, which were to revise jobs vocab (they demonstrated this via completion of the starter), and to be able to discuss future plans and they demonstrated this by responding to my questions completing a piece of writing about their future plans and by completing a reading exercise.
The plenary was a simple question and answer activity, students had to give me sentences in French about their future plans. As the lesson was based on jobs and using the future tense, this was a good simple plenary to show their progress. Weaker pupils did find this difficult, however, through effective questioning and giving them examples of other sentences, all pupils were able to give me a future tense sentence about their future plans before being dismissed.
To what extent did pupils make expected progress? What evidence do you have for this?
All pupils were able to complete the writing task as a writing frame was provided with examples of extended sentences with further support also being displayed on the interactive whiteboard so there was differentiation by support. Thus, it was up to the pupils whether or not they used this extra support, most pupils initially did not take the support sheet and attempted to complete the work without it. I also circulated to check completion of work and to answer pupils’ questions and queries. Thus, although there was differentiation by outcome all pupils were able to access the task and make the expected progress. There was also extension work provided for the most able members of the group.
I also felt that my questioning in this lesson was really effective. In this lesson, pupils were discussing future plans and so they needed to know how to use the future tense (je vais + infinitive). Therefore, careful questioning was essential. I started off by giving them some English examples, I am going to have a big house, I am going to be rich, and asking them what they notice about the second verb. In this way the pupils spotted their ‘two verb rule’ (the 2nd verb is in the infinitive/dictionary form). This made this rule clear to them and allowed them to spot the pattern for themselves. I then told them that the same rule applies in French, so I ask them ‘how do you say I am going’ and then asked them ‘French uses the 2 verb rule too, therefore, how would you say I am going to buy a big house’. Therefore, through careful questioning they were able to form sentences in the future tense. I then asked pupils to write sentences of their own talking about their future lives, I left some English and French examples on the board which they could use as support if necessary and circulated to keep the pupils motivated and on-task.
What were your targets for this lesson? Did you meet them?
Behaviour management - As this is such a potentially difficult class, in terms of behaviour, lots of low ability students and many pupils lacking in self-esteem, this was my first lesson with the class and so I was advised by my mentor that using lots of praise is a good way to motivate these pupils and keep them on-task, especially as they were completing lots of written work. Therefore, whilst circulating I made sure I spoke to each pupil and stopped to have a look at their work and really praise their efforts. I did not have to use any sanctions during this lesson, however certain pupils were initially working pretty slowly (when I know that they are quite able) and so I had to stop and encourage them to work faster by saying ‘You have done 6 out of 8 so far, all to without mistakes which is excellent, but we only have 3 minutes left so speed up, you don’t want to be staying at break now!!”.
What would/could you have done differently to maximise or extend learning?
I need to use more target language in the lesson and encourage pupil use of target language.
In order to engage and motivate this class, I should give them a survey to find out what their interests are in order that I tailor my resources to their interests.
I should agree some ground rules and basic expectations for my lessons with the pupils.
I need to prepare more support and extension activities for this mixed ability class to enable all pupils to progress to the best of their ability.
Professional development target for next weekly training plan and subsequent lessons:
Target language for classroom interaction – The one aspect of my lesson that didn’t go too well was my use of target language. Having observed the class earlier in the week (and other lessons used by my mentor) I could see that hardly any target language is used in their lessons. This is something that I feel I will really have to work on building up gradually as the pupils do not seem to be used to it, and also because having not spoken much French recently I need to build up my own confidence too in this aspect of my teaching. Target Language was rarely used in lessons in my first placement too so I feel that this will be one of my biggest targets for this second placement.

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