We all must do our part for the environment – by Craig Murray Nimmo Bay Resort

This is the true BC. As a matter of fact it is the beginning for all those salmon and steelhead and all those anglers who go on a yearly angling odyssey in search of these beauties. Here is the 10,000 year old Ice Field that feeds many of the coast Range rivers, the life's stream to the salmonids of the coast.

Our environment is in danger of being lost, or at least severely depleted, with the onslaught of mans innovations. On every front nature is being attacked in the name of progress.

Ghandi once said "There is enough for every mans need, but not enough for every mans greed”. The rivers, as seen in this picture in their original state (frozen) are all we have left for the fish, for us, as water is crucial to our very existence, and for the wildlife which still abounds in BC.

It is up to each and every one of us to do our part in reducing our carbon footprint and do things just a bit differently than we have always done them. Push your elected representatives to find new ways and new money for alternative energy. Look at your own way of doing business and see how you might do it differently to save energy and reduce the effect ofpossible pollution on this planet.

Nimmo Bay is a part of the first BC Sustainable Tourism collective. This is a group of companies who got together to see how BC could be a sustainable destination into the future, and to share ideas on how front country and back country, big and small tourism venues can pool their best practices and ideas to make a difference in how we all do business. There is a real desire for this knowledge out there and we are looking into ways of accommodating our mother earth.

The six companies are Fairmont Hotels (Western Division), Rocky Mountaineer Railway, Canadian Mountain Holidays, Whistler / Blackcomb, Clayoquot Wilderness resort and Nimmo Bay Resort., From big to small and front to back we have the Industry covered and we all hope to pass on what we learn and discover, to others in our business.

The triple bottom line theory of using a social conscience, being economically sound and environmentally sensitive really can make a difference and add to a positive bottom line. Today, people want to go to places where the owners and managers really do look after their own back yard and the environment is a true concern.The business ethic has to be combined with the conservation mentality for one to proceed and succeed.

If the globe is warming and it is the fault of mankind, then we can and should do something about it because once the ice is gone, so are the rivers and the fish.

And without water, we're all doomed. Today, BC is blessed with water but 90% of the world is not and there is a whole bunch of people out there that are starving for clean, pure, sweetwater, that for the time being, we have in spades.