The NCMA-ET Board of Directors held the regular monthly board of directors meeting at Scientific Sales, Oak Ridge, TN onThursday November 21, 2013.


Jerome Hicks / John Phelps / Justin Keck
Judy Franklin / Heidi Timmerman
Granda Humphrey / Nick Crowe
Landon Hill / Faye Orick
Allen Wash / Vicki Dyer

Heidi Timmermancalled the meeting to order at11:35 a.m.

President Report – Judy Franklin

Judy reported that she attended the National Webinar. She said national announced they would begin having random Financial Audits in the near future. There will be a Small Business Virtual Conference on December 19, 2013. March 28, 2014 is the Spring Leadership Conference in which the Graalman Award will be presented. Judy Franklin, Heidi Timmerman, and Jerome Hicks will attend to accept the award on our Chapters behalf. The National Chapter Grants committee is behind in processing the Grants. Our Chapter should be informed soon regarding our Grant request.

President Elect – Heidi Timmerman

No report. Heidi opened the meeting for Judy Franklin. She asked about announcements for the December meeting.

Secretary – Granda Humphrey

No report.

Treasurer – Laura Davis/Assistant Treasurer - Brooks Baldwin

No report.

Education –Faye Orick/Allen Wash

Conducted the SCA Webinar in November in which there were 31 attendees.

NES – Katherine Bumgardner

No report.

Programs – Landon Hill/Cassandra Stuart:

December Speaker will be the Oak Ridge City Manager. Still working on Speakers for March and May 2014. The May 2014 may be the Human Resource theme.

Membership –Nick Crowe/Justin Keck

Nick reported there is one new member (Nathan Cross). He sent a membership application to Cornerstone. Nick requested approval to order new Badge Holders.

Newsletter – Tracie Rucker/Courtney Dyer

Need articles.

Scholarships and Community Relations – John Phelps/Rose Weaver

No report.

Social – Vicki Dyer

Vicki will have door prizes for the December meeting.

Nominations and Elections – Sonny Rogers

The Chapter needs to begin thinking of a President Elect nominee for 2014-2015.

Honors and Awards – Justin Keck/Rich Brown

Justin will provide an article for the newsletter regarding the link to the national website which contains various Award opportunities for our members.

Public Relations and Webmaster – Stephanie Davis

No report.

Employment – Al Guidry

No report.

Graalman –Jerome Hicks/Heidi Timmerman/Landon Hill/Sonny Rogers/Judy Franklin

Heidi will create a blank spreadsheet and schedule a meeting on a quarterly basis to maintain the various information required for the annual Graalman award application and our annual report.

Sponsorship Chair – Nathan Cross

Nathan reached out to the Dayton Ohio Chapter for ideas.

Old Business

Laura Davis suggested that we begin using Constant Contact to schedule the annual NES and for the monthly membership meetings. She will look into the actual cost and report back to the Board.

Landon Hill suggested that we update our website. This is in progress.

Landon Hill, John Phelps, and Heidi Timmerman will be nominated for top professionals under 40. Justin Keck is checking on this.

Courtney Dyer volunteered to create a Face Book page for our Chapter. This will be announced in our monthly newsletter. Courtney continues to work on this project and she is making progress.

Judy contacted Stephanie Davis and she agreed to continue as the Webmaster. Landon had a conference call with the Boston Chapter. The Developer will not begin working on our new website until he is paid. Landon will request a check from our Treasurer (Laura Davis) Landon requested someone to assist with developing the forms for the new website. We need to select a background picture for the new website. This is in progress.

New Business

Job Postings – the board discussed perhaps replacing the Employment Chair with someone more accessible. Judy Franklin will contact Al Guidry to see if he is still interested in actively participating in this position. It was suggested this chair person should be searching for job opportunities at least on a monthly basis and posting on our website.

Landon Hill will present a brief tutorial for our new Website at the January 2014 meeting.

The Sponsorship Chair will begin making the sponsorship announcements beginning in January 2014.

The next board meeting will be December 19, 2013 at SCI.