Name: Caroline GALLAY

Nationality: French

Date and place of birth: 08/07/1975, in Pau (France)

Country I live in: Spain

Family situation: Married, 2 children



Language combinations: From English to French, from French or Spanish to English

From Spanish to French, from French or English to Spanish

Rates: From 0.06 to 0.08€ a word, depending on the technicality of the text

Contact: 00 34 605 220 882 or 00 34 963 363 514,



Address: Calle Trafalgar, 31, pta 5 46023 VALENCIA (SPAIN).





I am presently working in collaboration with several translation agencies and other independent translators on a local, national and worldwide scale. Here are some names: Aabam, Agestrad, Bolt, Communiqué, Dixon, Installang, Lingua Franca, Mac Felder, Metrolengua, Nexus, Nodus Terrae, Proverb, Quills Language Services, SRI, Traducciones Poliglotas, Vicente Albert(Spain), Technicis, Europa Translations (France), Lingo24 (Scotland), Techtranservice (Canada), Global Cosmic (India). I also have my own clients whose names I prefer to keep silent.


Because I have committed myself to secrecy I will not expose here the jobs I have done for them. All I can say is that I have performed translations in the following fields:

-Medicine and Pharmaceuticals: infertility treatments, cancer research and available treatments, depression and epilepsy treatments, malaria and AIDS prevention means, tablets’ package notices: information for the users, labeling.

- Psychology and Psychiatry: GESTALT THERAPY

-Environmental Issues (Water and waste management, clothes and tools for Fire Forest Prevention)

-Business translations (websites, corporate documentation, magazines, leaflets, posters, advertisements, all kind of promotional material for different corporations from all sectors)

-Travel and Tourism (museums and other touristic attractions guides, hotels, golf resorts, marinas, travellers routes, urban tourism, ecotourism, cyclotourism, excursions, hiking)

-Construction, Civil Engineering (tenders, bids, buildings: hotels, flats; Public Works: highways (electronic systems), railways, metro lines; engineers’ CVs)

-Ports, Shipping, Shipbuilding, Logistics/Transportation as well as general, technical, commercial descriptions of boats, water sports, navigation)

-Sports (bicycle brands, equipment, competitions (Tour de France, La Vuelta, the Olympic Games) and other events.

-IT/Telecommunications(Mobile Phones, SIMS, Prepaid PhoneCards, Trados Users’ Guides, Software Users’ Guides, Software Help Messages)

-Videogames, Gambling, Online Casinos

-Educational courses (e-learning and educational programs translation, adaptation and transcription, providing translated educational contents in a clear and coherent way, with culturally appropriate language and functionality), Tales for children

-History, Prehistorical Arts, Arqueology

- Others: e-mail, letters, press releases, magazines (general or specialized)

-Legal Translations (contractsand patents)

- Technical Translations (other than the already mentioned ones): technical reports, users’ guides for different types of products: pieces of furniture, domestic and business appliances, Lifts.


-Bilingual Proofreading: Special attention is paid to fidelity to the original document, spelling, grammar, style, punctuation, layout.

-Monolingual Proofreading: Special attention is paid to spelling, grammar, style, punctuation, layout.


+Script transcriptions: Transcription of video and audio documents for broadcast and education.


Summarizing is how we take larger selections of text and reduce them to their bare essentials: the gist, the key ideas, the main points that are worth noting and remembering. Webster's calls a summary the "general idea in brief form"; it's the distillation, condensation, or reduction of a larger work into its primary notions.

Summarizing of Spanish and English texts into French (contracts) and French texts into Spanish;


Redaction of press releases in French from English material.


I’m frequently asked to perform Interpreting Jobs; here are the types I feel confident with:

+Collateral interpreting

+Whispering (Chuchotage)

+Simultaneous interpreting

+Instantaneous translation of documents


-Business, technical and scientific meetings (automobile, foie gras, yoghourt and jam industries, cooperation between European ports, water management in the Valencian community, urological surgery)
-Official Receptions in Valencia City Hall (international school exchanges)

-Congresses (Gestalt Therapy, Cultural cooperation between Spain and Senegal, Industrial cooperation between Spain and Morocco; between Spain and Algeria, Water management in the Valencian community)

-Workshops (Gestalt Therapy, Cultural cooperation between Spain and Senegal)

-Cultural visits (a grotto, various museums, a Valencia guided tour)
-Industrial visits (a cheese plant, a foie gras plant, a sewage treatment plant)

As for the fields I work on, see above in the TRANSLATION PART.

References upon request.


ENGLISH TO FRENCH: Approx. 3.500 / 4.000 words per day according to technicality

SPANISH TO FRENCH: Approx. 4.500 / 5.000 words per day according to technicality


ENGLISH TO FRENCH: Approx. 8.000 / 9.000 words per day according to technicality and quality of the translation

SPANISH TO FRENCH: Approx. 9.000 / 10.000 words per day according to technicality and quality of the translation


Resources on-line: Word Reference, IATE, Le Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique, Wikipedia,, The Free Dictionary, Reverso,, Google and many more.

Hardware and Software:Windows XP, Microsoft Office, Trados 2007 Freelance.


From Spanish to English:

From Spanish to French

From English to French



1996-1999: MASTER DEGREEIN TRANSLATION STUDIES:Languages: French- English- Spanish. I specialized in Genetics and Biotechnologies; Environment, Agriculture and Agribusiness. I took it in France, in the UPPA (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour), one of the 2 top universities in France offering this translation master degree. I passed it with good marks and I took a shortcut, I did it in only 3 years!

In the third and then fourth year, I specialized in Scientific Translation (see above). We trained both in Translation and Interpreting(consecutive and simultaneous): direct and inverse. In my third year, as a compulsory part of my course, I went away to Spain for 6 full months as an Erasmusstudent, where I could practice Scientific Translation from Spanish to English and inversely in the English Philology Department of the University of Valencia. It proved to be a very beneficial experience.

1999: TOEIC Exams; result: 950 both in written and oral comprehension.

1999- ...: I’m quite proud to say that in general, since I’ve left college, I’ve never stopped feeding my cultural thirst, I try to read as much as I can, apart from my translator jobs. I read novels and magazines. Apart from that, in 2002, in the framework of my preparation for the selective exam to become a Spanish Teacher for Secondary Education (see below), I was intensively trained in Contemporaneous Literature Translation.

2000: Training for the Proficiency Test of Cambridge in Cardiff University (Wales).

2007: November: Trados course with SIC, in Madrid.

2008: from March to May: Website Translation (30 hours), in ESTEMA, Valencia.

2009-2011: Preparing for the INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE in German.After having passed the BEGINNER CERTIFICATE in June 2009. If everything goes fine, in two years I’ll attend ADVANCED LEVEL classes. I wish that German become a new linguistic combination in 3-4 years time.


1999-2000: I taught French in Wales for one school year in a Public School.

2000-2001: I taught English in France for one school year in several Public Schools.

2002: I passed the selective examination to become a Certified Teacher for the secondary education in France (CAPES). I specialized in Spanish. I ranked 214 out of 855 that had passed it and out of 6000 candidates who took the exam.

2002-2007: I taught Spanish to GCSE AND A-LEVEL students in several Public Schools.

Since 2007: I’m now on an extended leave of absence and intend to stay here as I enjoy living in Spain and working as a full time translator, so here I am, ready to help!