Agricultural Science: Practical Assessment Checklist

All students must have a written record of the following:

1)  Identification of plant and animal types associated with agriculture.

  1. Common plants: tillage, pastureland, noxious plants etc.
  2. Plant families

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Plant Name
Plant Family
  1. Food producing animals: identification of bodily characteristics of the breeds: beef, dairy, sheep, pigs.

Beef Breed 1 / Beef Breed
2 / Beef Breed
3 / Dairy Breed
1 / Dairy Breed
2 / Dairy Breed
3 / Sheep Breed
1 / Sheep Breed
2 / Sheep Breed
3 / Pig
1 / Pig Breed 2 / Pig Breed
Body Char.
  1. Animals relating to agriculture: parasites, soil borne organisms etc.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Animal Name
Animal Phylum

2)  Any one of the following:

  1. A farm visit
  2. Experience on a family or adopted farm.
  3. Laboratory investigation (indoor or outdoor)

Farm Visit / Family Farm / Adopted Farm / Lab Investigation / Ploughing Match 1 / Kildalton Farm Walk / Ploughing Match 2 / Fota Wildlife / Other Trips

3)  Home Farm Layout

  1. Sketch plan indicating the principal farm buildings and layout of the farm including: Aspect, Roadways, Fencing, Shelter, Grazing Methods (Strip/Paddock etc)

Name of Farm / Farm Yard Sketch / Farm Sketch / OS Maps / Photos / Aspect / Roadways / Fencing / Shelter / Grazing Methods
Farm Plan

4)  Crops: at least two of the following: cereal or root/potato or grassland under the headings of

Crop 1
(Compulsory) / Crop 2
(Compulsory) / Crop 3
Crop Name
Information on Farm that you visited for photos and information
Seed Varieties used
Crop Rotation
Cultivation practices(Seedbed prep, machinery use, time of year etc)
Establishments(Fertilisers, Disease, Weed and Pest Control etc)
Harvesting(Time of year, machinery etc)

5)  Livestock: under the headings of

Animal 1
(Compulsory) / Animal 2
(Optional) / Animal 3
Animal Name
Information on Farm that you visited for photos and information
Type of Enterprise
Husbandry (Feeding, Management etc)
Disease Control ( min 3 diseases, cause, prevention & treatment)

6)  Investigations/Experiments: under the headings of Aim, Method, Recording, Results, Conclusion. (at least one from each heading)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Ecology / Habitat Study / Quadrat / Line Transect / Biotic & Abiotic Factors / Numbers of Earthworms present
Soil Science / Sedimentation / Sieve Test / pH / Capillarity / Flocculation / %Air
& % Water / Soil Colour
Microbiology / Milk / Silage / Soil
Genetics / Traits / Family Tree / CrissCross Breeding in pigs / Breeding
in Sheep / DNA Isolation
Plant biology / Photosynthesis / Germination / Transpiration / Osmosis / NPK Nutrition
Animal biology / Heart Dissection / Food Tests