CSL/EIFC Board Meeting Minutes -Sept 21st, 2015 City Hall Council Chambers
Call to Order:7:10 Lori Bumpus
Present:Ron Potsch, Lori Bumpus, Rich Sandefer, Teresa Larouere, Amy Cal try, Maureen Smith, Dave Dunlap, Carol Hjort
Absent:Karen Hutton, Austin Cheney
Minutes were reviewed and spelling changes made. M Smith motioned to approve minutes, seconded by A Caltry. Motion passed.
Financial Report
Club and high school accounts were both reviewed and no corrections needed. Three sponsor checks are still outstanding. Motion to approve both reports was made by C Hjort and seconded by M Smith. Motion passed.
DOC Report
HS girl’s season is in progress. The girl’s team is planning on playing season 1 of indoor soccer. Pre-academy has 82 participants at this time. EIUMen’s and Women’s teams have volunteered to coach Pre-academy. They will receive $300 donation each from CSL/EIFC. Academy has 5 teams in the 4-6thgrad league and 8teams for the 1st-3rd.grade teams. Every team has coaches.
Old Business
Facebook and website needs to be marketed to the Pre- academy and Academy families. Fundraiser items will be delivered to M Smith and need to be sorted and distributed before the last game.
New Business
D Bennett presented his vision for Academy expansion of soccer fields. Youth Chevy kickoff wants to present the organization with a $5oo check from Diepholz. Board members are needed for a newspaper photo of check presentation. 20 additional people are needed to test drive before Nov 1st in order to earn another $500. Other items are being provided along with banners to be displayed during Pre-Academy and Academy activities.
Tryout dates are set for first week in Nov. D Bennett will send out information sheet for younger club teams to ascertain interest. Flyers can’t be completed until dates are picked.
Due to lack of time it was decided to pass on any kind of breast cancer awareness activity in October.
It was suggested to put a skill ranking on the tryout spreadsheet to ensure better team equity on the 4-6th grade Academy teams.
D Dunlap received a net from Kathy Bates.
Next meeting is set for Oct 19th at 7pm in Council Chambers
Motion to adjourn was made by D Dunlap and seconded by R Sandefer. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned