SpaxtonParishCouncil– MeetingAGENDA
Monday30April 2018, at8pm at
Spaxton Village Hall
Themeetingwillopenwithapublicsessionofupto30minutes’durationshouldanymember ofthe publicsorequestit.
Members are remindedthatthe Council has a generalduty toconsider thefollowingmattersin the exerciseofany ofits functions:Equal Opportunities(race, gender, sexualorientation,marital statusand any disability),Crime &Disorder, Health &Safetyand HumanRights.
1.Apologies for absence.
2.Dispensation requests.
3.The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 26 March 2018at Spaxton Village Hall to be approved.
4.Matters arising:
- Terms of reference for Cannington Enterprises working party
- Nether Stowey Library
- Community transport scheme
- Allotments and charges for the coming year.
5.Reports - Footpath: SALC: QHJAC: Parish Cluster: Hinkley Point SSG (as appropriate).
6.Affordable Housing
7.Financial items:
- Statement of accounts
- To agree payments as necessary
- Community Infrastructure Levy £2361.85 – response from Village Hall Committee
- EDF Energy Community Impact Mitigation scheme – Robert Adcock to report on playing field drainage schemes.
8.Planning items:correct at the time of writing. Please check the agenda published on the website prior to the meeting to see if any new planning applications have been received in the interim: .
Applications decided since the last meeting:none at the time of writing.
New applications:
45/18/00007Mrs S Felstead, erection of a new viewing platform and improvements to disabled access at Spaxton Village Hall, High Street, Spaxton.
45/18/00008County regulation 3, renewal of permission for the retention of a temporary modular building at Spaxton Church of England VC Primary School, High Street, Spaxton.
45/18/00009Clarke & Cossey, change of use and conversion of an agricultural barn to a dwelling, including the installation of a mezzanine floor, the erection of a stable/garage and a 1.8m high stone wall and alterations to the existing access at Culverwells, Lower Merridge, Bridgwater.
9.Correspondence received:
- Forces March 25 May 2018
10.Matters of report and items for the next meeting.
11.Date & time of next meetings.