Sample MiniQuest

Comparing the NEA to the AFT

The National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) are two national organizations that represent the general interests of the teaching profession. As a future educator, it is important that you understand the services these organizations offer to their members.

Scenario / You have just graduated from college with a degree in education. During your final semester, you applied for several positions in different locations. After two successful interviews, you just received two offers from two different school districts. The salary and benefits are about the same, and you feel that you could be happy living in either community. As you researched the districts you noted that one was represented by the NEA and the other by the AFT. You decide to investigate the two organizations to determine which best reflects your personal philosophy of education. You feel that you will be happier working for a district where the professional organization reflects your personal beliefs about teaching and the profession.
The Task / ·  To help you determine which organization reflects your personal belief system, read pages 39-41 of your text, Teaching Today, and go to the web sites of the two major professional organizations for teachers and examine the material.
·  As you explore the web sites, look for the answers to the following questions.
o  How does the organization view teachers? (See Text and review web sites.)
§ Explore the various links on About AFT
§ Explore the links on About NEA
o  What services do the organizations provide for their members?
§ (Explore the various links on the page.)
§ (Explore the links in the left frame.)
o  What issues does the organization support? What is its view on the issues?
§ (Explore the links on the Legislative Action and Issues pages.)
§ (Explore the links on the Legislative Action and Issues pages.)
The Product / ·  Create a Venn diagram or a T-chart to summarize and illustrate the similarities and differences between the two organizations. (CSCI 148).
·  Based on this comparison, write a one page reflection stating which you would prefer to join, and why. (EDUC 161).

Activity written by Sarah Cecire

Last revised, November 10, 2001