Mr. Patriot Pageant Packet

Thank you for showing interest in becoming a participant for the first ever Mr. Patriot all male pageant! This packet will contain important information pertaining to the event. The purpose of this pageant is to have fun with our friends and family and to raise money for the Senior Prom. Please remember this pageant is a school sanctioned activity and you are to behave according to the EVHS code of conduct. A signature is required to confirm that the information in this packet has been read and entirely understood. Please direct any questions you might have to the Class of 2016 Class Officers or Mrs. Frazier ( room 220) or Mrs. Garland( room 223). Contact Information: or


·  Junior or senior male of good academic standing enrolled at EVHS.

·  No major discipline issues with teachers and/or principals. Signature from AP required.

·  Sponsorship from legitimate club or organization at EVHS. If this is an issue, let us know and we can match you up with an organization.

·  $25 application fee

General program:

·  Opening dance number with all contestants: around 1 ½ minutes

·  Video introduction of each contestant.

·  Talent portion: around 1 minute for each contestant

·  Runway promenade: swimsuit (dress code appropriate) or spirit wear

·  10 finalists will be selected to answer 2 questions each: one fun and one serious.


·  Complete the application and turn it in by Jan 29, 2016 with a $25 application fee.

·  Opening number outfit. ( to be determined by dance instructor)

·  Talent outfit – whatever fits your talent.

·  Any music necessary for your talent must be ready on a CD.

·  Runway promenade outfit – spirit wear, swimsuit or other.

·  You must be willing to commit to at least one organizational meeting scheduled for 2/4 at 4:00, a dress rehearsal on 2/20 at 3:00 and at least one day to learn the dance, date to be determined.

·  You must have one female escort to bring along for the runway promenade portion of the pageant.

·  Show good sportsmanship at all times.


·  Mr. Patriot: Gift certificate to Men’s Warehouse

·  Mr. Congeniality: determined by contestants

·  Best Smile: determined by judges

·  Most Talented: determined by judges

·  People Choice Award: chosen during intermission by the audience

APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETED AND TURNED IN BY Jan 29, 2016 WITH A $25 APPLICATION FEE. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCPETED. A MAXIMUM OF 25 CONTESTANTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Legible handwriting is important. Please type or print (no cursive) your application form NEATLY. The judges and emcees will be using these forms as they evaluate you.

Name ______

Age: ______Date of birth: ______Classification: ______

Email: ______Cell Phone: ______

Name of sponsoring club(optional)______

I, ______(legal name), a contestant in the 2016 Mr. Patriot Pageant, I hereby release and relinquish to the herein mentioned parties all rights to any videotape, photographic, sound recordings, and any other likenesses made of the Mr. Patriot Pageant. I agree to enter this competition and all related activities at my own expense and risk. I understand the winner agrees to represent the title for the rest of the school year and must comply with all the rules, regulations, and agreements attached to this application and outlined in the Pageant Packet. By signing this document I am fully aware and understand the contents of the Mr. Patriot Pageant Packet and will behave in accordance to the East View High School code of conduct, dress according to its dress code, and exhibit good sportsmanship throughout any and all meetings and the pageant. This includes no texting during the pageant.

Contestant’s Signature: ______Date: ______

If under 18 years of age, an adult’s or legal guardian’s signature is required.

Adult/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Principal’s signature ______Date: ______

Clubs/Organizations Involved in: ______


Hobbies/ Talents: ______

Goals & Ambitions: ______

What advice would you give your teachers about young people today? ______





List of qualities and attributes that are expected of Mr. Patriot:

·  Well Spoken

·  Talented

·  Able to relate to peers

·  Dynamic/Energetic – That “IT” quality that is so hard to define

·  Comfortable “in his own skin”

·  Sense of humor

·  Mature

·  Photogenic smile

Name of Contestant : ______

Rate on a scale of 1- 10, 10 being the highest.

Dance ability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Video Biography 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Talent: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Runway personality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Photogenic smile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TOTAL: ______

Please RANK the contestants in the order in which he/she believes the contestants should finish – from first place to fifth. The points for each place are pre-set: 1st place – 10 points: 2nd place – 5 points; 3rd place – 3 points; 4th place – 2 points and 5th place – 1 point. The top 10 contestants will be eligible for the last part of the pageant.

Q/A ( fun) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q/A ( serious) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TOTAL: ______

Important dates

Jan 29, 2016 / Completed packet, signatures and money due
Feb 4, 2016 @4:00 in room 224 / Mandatory quick meeting
Feb 20, 2016 @ 3:00 in EVHS Auditorium / Mandatory dress rehearsal
Feb 20, 2016 @ 5:30 in EVHS Auditorium / Show time! Please arrive early


Opening dance: There will be a 90 second group dance. You will have access to a video recording of the steps. It is your responsibility to learn them BEFORE the first dress rehearsal. Outfits will be very simple – probably shorts and solid t-shirt.

Video biography: You will have a max of 15 seconds to introduce yourself, state your classification and your sponsors. Say something about yourself such as your hobbies, or your favorite song, favorite food, favorite movie or something else that might make you memorable. Remember you are limited to 15 seconds. This is the judge’s second impression of you. Make it count! ( First impression is what you write in packet.) A picture for the judges will be taken at this time.

Talent portion: You will have more or less one minute to showcase your talent. It may be a legitimate talent or you can make one up. Either way, it must be previewed by Mrs. Frazier or Mrs. Garland at least three days before the day of the pageant. You can do this either in person or by video. Any props or equipment must be easy to move on and off stage since you will have seconds between acts. Please avoid any props that require water. If you require music, it must be on a CD and easy to access.

Runway portion: After intermission, there will be a Runway Promenade. You will be escorted by a young lady representing your sponsoring organization. The purpose of the Promenade is to entertain the audience and the judges. You may take on a cute nickname associated with the theme of your “outfit”. The emcees will announce both you and your escort. Themes can include swimsuit, spirit wear or other. (Dress code appropriate)Your outfit must be approved by Mrs. Frazier or Mrs. Garland three days before the day of the pageant. You can do this either in person or by picture.

Question/Answer portion with 10 finalists. Contestants will be asked one fun question and one serious question.

Q/A possible questions:

1. What quality do you like most about yourself and why?

2. What is the biggest challenge to young people today?

3. What is your definition of success?

4. If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?

5. What does “make it a great day or not, the choice is always yours” mean to you?

6. Where would you go for your dream vacation?

7. If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?

8. What advice would you tell incoming freshmen about EAST VIEW High School.