Modern World

Crusades as an impetus

Reform: “return to pristine Islam” p. 438

Ibn Taymiyyah 1263-1328 “neo-Hanbali”-fought against Shia, Sufi excesses, taqlid, lack of ijtihad.

Also opposed non-Muslims sharply.


Muhammad ibn al-Wahhab 1703-1792

Muhammad Āl Sa‘ūd

Takfir: “Those who do not share our views are kuffār”

Arabist; anti-Shii, anti Sufi—destroyed tomb of Muhammad, tombs in Najaf and Karbala, Sufi shrines.

“Sufi Jihad”

Usman don Fodio- 1754-1817—ruled in Nigeria 1804-1815

Muhammad al-Sanusi 1787-1859 – Libya—movement oriented towards reform and unity

Idris I of Libya r. 1951—1969 –grandson of Al-Sanusi

Muh. B. Ahmad al-Mahdi 1844-1885 Sudan—movement oriented towards a social and political order based on the Prophet. Companions called “ansar” and waged jihad on the Ottoman empire, and establishede a rule based on sharia.

Movements in Daghestan / Chechnyawith “Imam Shamil” 1797-1871.

Muhammad V –Morocco 1927-1957-Sufi shaykh and sharif.

Varieties of Islam

Ahmadi: based on teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1825-1908, in Qadian in Punjab

Mujadid of our time, incarnation of Vishnu, incarnation of Jesus, etc.

Jesus buried in Srinigar.

Considered Muslims by India, left for Pakistan, where they were considered non-Muslims

Bahais, Druzes—not mentioned in this context


1798-Napoleon comes to Egypt

Ottoman reforms 1839, 1856), reforms of Muhammad Ali and others


Afghani (d. 1897), M. Abduh d. 1905

Al-Urwa al-wuthqa “firm handle” Q. 2:256-journal of Afghani and Abduh.

Abduh—became Shaykh al-Azhar, reformed Al-Azhar, taught Qur’n, modernistic approaches, secular as well as religious subjects.

Succeeded by Rashid Rida (d. 1935)


Shah Wali Allah of Delhi 1702-1762—disciple of Abd al-Wahhad but a Sufi

Grandson, Ahmad Barelwi 1786-1831—jihad against British; if unsuccessful, make hijra to a place ruled by Muslims.

“Anglo-Muhammadan Law”

Muhammad Iqbal 1876-1938

Inner spirit moves all human civilization, argued for acquisition of Western philosophy and science, integrated int a “Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam.”

Suggested to Muhammad Ali Jinnah 1876-1948 idea of Muslims autonomy in NW India

1941: Mawlana Sayyid Abu al-A’la Mawdudi: Islamic Society. Jammat-I Islami.

Turkey: Secularism

Kemal Ataturk

Egypt: “treatise on Imamate or Supreme Caliphate in which he argued for the establishment of an Islamic state that would be ruled by a council of jurists or religious scholars. Such a state would recognize nationalistic sentiments and aspirations but would subordinate them to the religio-political interest of the larger community. As this Islamic state remained theoretical and unrealized, Rida became increasingly nationalistic and traditional” Ayoub, in Oxtoby, 445.

1928: Hasan al-Banna 1906-1949—founds Muslim Brotherhood. Foundation of violence in the Brotherhood, although most clearly after Al-Banna assassinated in 1949.

1952—Free Officers Coup in Egypt, under Gamal Abd al-Nasser

Sayyid Qutb p. 445


1979: Iranian Revolution. Ruhollah Khumayni 1901-1989. Khomeini sent into exile in 1963, inuprisings led by Shii Ulama.

Khomeini 448

Islam in Europe and America:

711, Ottomans, modern results from colonialism

Slaves to America

Nation of Islam Elijah Mohammed 1897-1975

Arkoun 453

Women’s status
