Dear Headteacher

Education Health and Care Plan Conversion Process for School Leavers (16+)

You will know from previous written information and face-to-face briefings about the major changes arising from the new SEND code of practice which local authorities, schools and colleges have to implement from September 2014. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the arrangements we have put in place as a local authority to manage the conversion of statements of SEN into Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) for school leavers in Hertfordshire.

The Code of Practice (2014) has a clear expectation on Preparing for Adulthood (P fA) and devote chapter 8 to this theme. Chapter 8 indicates that PfA themes should be introduced as early as possible, but definitely by Year 9, where outcomes must reflect that consideration has been made of the young person’s aspirations beyond school.

The area SEN teams within the SEN Service will coordinate the conversions of statements for pupils remaining in school. Services for Young People, where the Youth Connexions Personal Advisers are located, also has five full-time equivalent Post-16 EHCP Co-ordinators.Dave Szczerba and Marta Brzezinska are the Team Leaders for the Post-16 EHCP Co-ordinators and Youth Connections Personal Advisers.

We have produced an ‘easy read’ flowchart that explains the process but the main pointers are:

•The SEN Service and the Service for Young People will work together on EHCP Co-ordination.

•The SEN Service will be responsible for children/young people until Year 11 in mainstream and Year 11/ their leaving year in special schools, at which point Services for Young People will take over through the post-16 EHCP coordinators.

•The SEN Service will have oversight (through the gatekeeper role) in special schools, as they have done in the past.

•Post 16 EHCP Co-ordinators will attend at least 50% of Year 11/leaver reviews, to provide knowledge of setting PfA Outcomes and the Post 16 Local Offer

  • Following the review meeting, post-16 EHCP coordinators will draw up a draft EHCP and will consult with local providers.

•The Post-16 EHCP Co-ordinator will then complete the process.

For further details on the EHCP Conversion Process for School Leavers, please see the attached At a Glance document.

The Youth Connexions LDD Team Personal Advisers will work with your currently statemented young people in Year 9 and Year 11/leaving year, prior to their conversion reviews, to gain their views and complete the ‘All about Me’ section of the EHCP. The Youth Connexions LDD Team now provides this statutory service for all young people with statements/EHCPs in both mainstream and special schools. Youth Connexions LDD Personal Advisers will continue to attend Year 9 and Year 11 reviews where possible, as they have done previously, but it is not their role to co-ordinate the EHCP.

We believe that these arrangements will enable the local authority to fill its new statutory duties, as well as supporting schools and colleges to discharge their responsibilities for young people post-16. If you have any questions about these arrangements or the Post 16 EHCP Co-ordinators team, then please contact Dave Szczerba and Marta Brzezinskaon [ or