9 January 2015

Dear Parent / Carer

Y8 trip to see Walking The Chains at Brunel’s Passenger Shed - Thursday 22 January 2015

Brunel’s Suspension Bridgeis celebrating 150 years of carrying travellers from one side of the Avon Gorge to the other. To commemorate this event the Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust has commissioned a play, ‘Walking the Chains’which has been written by local playwright ACH Smith, who wrote ‘Up the Feeder, Down the ‘Mouth’.This is a ‘circus-theatre’ play which sounds very exciting.

SMRT has been selected to take students to a performance of the play on the afternoon of Thursday 22nd January at Brunel’s Passenger Shed, Temple Meads Station.

There will be other local schools present so the highest standards of behaviour will be expected.

Students willregister in school and then walk to the Passenger Shed, accompanied by staff. The play is expected to finish at3pm and students will be dismissed from Temple Meads.

Particular care will be required when walking to and from the venue.

Students are to wear their school uniform, and will not require any additional kit or equipment.

The performance is free and, by walking, it means that this event is without charge. We sincerely hope that every student will wish to participate.

The emergency contact number during the day is 07786281885.

You should have confirmed by completing a Student Information/Contact Form or signing a checking sheet at the start of this academic year that we hold accurate contact information for yourselves and other emergency contacts, and that we are in possession of all relevant medical information. If any of this contact or medical information has changed you should inform the school. If you wish to review this information in full then request a printed copy from the trip administrator or student reception.


It is important that the School knows if your child suffers from any medical condition, however mild, or is taking medication, so that care can be arranged as appropriate. This includes any condition such as asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, heart condition, allergies, incontinence or physical weakness. If there is confidential information which you would not want more generally known then address this in a letter to Mrs Barnes, the lead first aider, who will share it with pastoral staff and trip leaders only. We should also know if your child is currently under any medical treatment or taking prescribed medication or drugs.

Please return the permission slip below byFRIDAY 16th JANUARY in order that your child can take part.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the trip, please contact Mrs Straw on or 0117 3773629.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Simon Stevens
Assistant Head, Community


Permission slip - Year 8 trip to ‘Walking The Chains’ production
Please return this form to Mrs Straw at Visitor Reception

Student name: ………..……………………………… House/Reg Group: ……..

I give permission for my child to take part in the trip to see‘Walking The Chains’at Brunel’s Passenger Shed on 22 January 2015, and confirm that the school’s record of my child’s contact and medical information is up to date.

Signed: ………………………………………… Date: ………………………

Parent / Carer