Name ______Date ______Period _____

American Spirit Chapter 31

Theodore Roosevelt Preaches "Americanism" (1915) - pg. 265

Randolph Bourne Defends Cultural Pluralism (1916) - pg. 266

1. Both TR and Randolph Bourne make eloquent pleas for their vision of America. Their visions, however, are mutually exclusive. Who is correct in his assertion? Explain.

The World's Work Favors Restrictive Quotas (1924) - pg. 268

The New Republic Opposes Racialized Quotas (1924) - pg. 270

2. The article in the World's Workasserts that immigration from non-Northwestern European nations must be restricted severely to protect the cultural traditions of the nation's founders. The New Republic argues that the restrictions are actually about racism, not assimilation and tradition. What is your assessment of these two positions? Explain.

Samuel Gompers Favors Restrictions (1924) - pg. 271

3. Though, like most labor organizers, Samuel Gompers had opposed immigration for a long time, it is significant that he began to use race as an issue in his arguments in 1924. Why do you think he decided to make that philosophical shift?

Two Views of Immigration Restriction (1921, 1924) - pg. 273

4. Take a look at the cartoons. Do you think they could have been made today? Explain.

5. What do you think about immigration restriction? Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Explain.

Tar-Bucket Terror in Texas (1921) - pg. 275

6. What was a Tar-Bucket Party?

7. What criticisms does the Houston Chronicle make about the New KKK?

A Methodist Editor Clears the Klan (1923) - pg. 276

8. What social positives does Revered Shuler cite when discussing the Klan?

9. Look up Jesuits somewhere. Explain who they are. Do you think Shuler's accusations have historical basis?

10. How does Shuler explain away the violence of the Klan?

A German Observes Bootlegging (1928) - pg. 277

Fiorello La Guardia Pillories (fyi a pillory is a device for publically punishing criminals by making them stand with their head and arms locked in a wooden board attached to a post) Prohibition (1926) - pg. 278

The WCTU Upholds Prohibition (1926) - pg. 279

11. Prohibition was clearly difficult to enforce. Do you think this is more the fault of corrupt politicians, law enforcement, etc., or a product of the thirst of the nation? Explain.

12. According to the documents, what benefits came from prohibition?

13. According to the documents, what problems were created by prohibition?

14. Legislating morality (as with prohibition) often seems impossible given the resistance from various sectors of the population. Do you think prohibition was a good policy decision with benefits to society that should have been better enforced? Or, was prohibition a bad policy decision that was poorly enforced because it was such a bad policy? Explain.

Margaret Sanger Campaigns for Birth Control (1920) - pg. 281

15. Explain the argument presented by Sanger that you find the most effective.

16. Explain the argument presented by Sanger that you find the least effective.

The Lynds Discover Changes in the Middle-American Home (1929) - pg. 283

17. Do you agree with Dorothy Dix's quote? Explain.

18. Why do you suppose so many women (at least those who could afford it…) had house servants? Why do you think the number of middle class women with house servants today is significantly less? If you read the entire survey before answering you will have better responses.

19. The Middletown Study is considered to be an extremely important sociological study. I actually had to study it both while getting my BA and my Masters degree. Do you think the study (based on what you read) merits the attention it still receives today? Explain.

The Supreme Court Declares that Women Are Different from Men (1908) - pg. 286

20. What did Section 1 of the Oregon law state?

21. What did Section 3 of the Oregon law state?

22. Basically, in its opinion on Muller v. Oregon, why did the Supreme Court find laws limiting women's work hours Constitutional? Upon what historical "facts" was the finding based?

23. How could the finding be seen as both good and bad for Progressive reformers?

The Supreme Court Declares That Men and Women Are Equal (1923) - pg. 288

24. Why did the Supreme Court change its opinion from Muller when ruling in Adkins v. Children's Hospital?

25. If men and women are now equal based on Adkins, who will make me a sandwich?