Individual/Organisational name:209 Sawler_Bradley

What state/ territory are you from? Queensland

Model Work Health and Safety Codes of Practice - Public Comment Response Form

1)Safe Design Of Building and Structures
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Pg 5 (1.1 para. 3, bullet 3): after demolition, suggest adding ‘ or dismantling and disposal’
Pg 5 (1.2 para 2): A designer’s duty is “testing and analysis”. I’m not sure what is defined by testing but I think the majority of designers will only perform analysis. Therefore suggest that it says “testing and/or analysis”.
Pg 5 (1.2 para 3): “Design output includes any hard copy or electronic drawing”, suggest that it should read “Design output includes any hard or electronic copy of drawing”
Pg 5 (1.2 para 4, bullet 2): the following from bullet 1 should also be included here: “including variations to a plan or changes to a structure”
Pg 7 (1.4 Knowledge and capability, bullet 1): “knowledge of work health and safety legislation”, shouldn’t it be all applicable legislation and not just WHS?
Pg 8 (1.4 Information transfer, para. 2): Need to rework “for the purpose of giving effect it to it concerning”
Pg 11 (2.1): “contractor” should be “principal contractor” to be consistent with the start of the document.
Pg 12 (Figure 1): 1) Some of the arrow heads are missing in the pdf version. 2) standardize the use of capital letter for the work “S(s)tandard”
Pg 26 (Figure 2b): there is a 3rd dashed line to and from the TENDER PROCESS, which is not defined. Should be defined or just made the same as communications responsibilities.
Pg 26 (Figure 2c): The legend for the dashed line is missing.
Pg 27 (Figure 2d): 1) wording should say “principal contractor and contractors”, as there is only one principal contractor. 2) legend for the dashed lines is missing
Pg 27 (Figure 2e): 1) line from test to figure shouldn’t cross through the communication lines per the figure. 2) legend for the dashed lines is missing 3) PCBU is not defined in this document.
Pg 32 (AS 1170): Suggest to change it to AS/NZS 1170 Structural design actions Set
Pg 32 (AS 3000): This should be AS/NZS 3000
Pg 32 (AS 3850.1/2): These have been superseded with AS 3850 Tilt-up concrete construction.
Pg 33 (AS/NZS 4360): This has been superseded and replaced with AS/NZS ISO 31000.
Pg 33 (AS/NZS 4994): Title should be Temporary edge protection
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
No. This code is generally inline with those used in Queensland legislation.
2)Excavation Work
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
3)Demolition Work
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
4)Spray Painting and Powder Coating
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
5)Abrasive Blasting
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Pg 6 (Table 1): suggest changing ‘per cent’ to the symbol ‘%’. I’ve never come across ‘per cent’ ever.
Pg 6 (Table 1): 2nd line, need to change the word form ‘than’ to ‘that’
Pg 23 (6.10 Respiratory protection, 4th para): Shouldn’t include the year of the Australia Standard, as the most current version should be the one that is used.
Pg 30 (8.3 Vibration, 5th para): Shouldn’t include the year of the Australia Standard, as the most current version should be the one that is used.
Pg 33 (Appendix B, Do not use, bullet 1): Should rework to “Materials with any radioactive substances...”
Pg 34? Should include an Appendix C, with a list of technical publications, as consistent with the other Codes of Practices (i.e. Welding and Allied Processes and Safe Design Of Building and Structures)
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
6)Welding and Allied Processes
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Pg 7 (2.3 Minimise the risk, bullet 2): under isolation can also include “welder and nearby workers”
Pg 7 (2.3 Minimise the risk, bullet 4): under Administrative the example of cooling-off may not be technically suitable. Suggest adding a note about that.
Pg 14 (3.5 Control measures bullet 1); Shouldn’t include the year of the Australia Standard, as the most current version should be the one that is used.
Pg 22 (PPE Table): Shouldn’t include the year of the Australia Standard, as the most current version should be the one that is used.
Pg 24 (Aluminium): Inconel is a trademark name. Suggest using ‘Nickel-Chromium’
Pg 24 (Copper): Monel is a trademark name. Suggest using ‘Nickel-Copper’
Pg 24 (Nickel): Inconel, Monel, Hastelloy are all registered trademarks. Suggest removing them. This code shouldn’t promotecorporate companies.
Pg 26 (Appendix B): Shouldn’t include the year of the Australia Standard, as the most current version should be the one that is used.
Pg 26 (Appendix B): The links to SAI website are for a logged-in address. Therefore they do not work unless logged in. If used it should go to the external access link for which everyone can access.
Pg 26 (Appendix B): Suggest added a really good resource: ANSI Z49.1: 2005 Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes. This is available as a free download also.
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
7)Safe Access in Tree Trimming and Arboriculture
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
8)Preventing and Managing Fatigue in the Workplace
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
9)Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
Other Comments