Instructions for completing Personnel Forms

The purpose of the attached Personnel Form is to aid the reviewers of your proposal and NSF in understanding the proposed contributions to your research program by personnel in your group.

  • All personnel contributing to the program should be listed regardless of their source of support.
  • Under “Activity” list the experiments or projects.
  • Under “# Months Funded by NSF” include in parentheses the number of months funded by sources other than the proposed grant
  • Identify sources of non-NSF funds in “Comments”; do not list academic year contributions for faculty unless it differs from the norm. All non-grant support should be included on this form.
  • Except for faculty and undergraduate students, if # months is less than 12, please explain in “Comments”.
  • List engineers, technicians, secretaries, etc under “Other”; put title in the “Type of Position” column.
  • If you are currently funded, please note there is a form for the presently funded period and a separate form for the first year of the proposed period. If the distribution of personnel will change significantly over the course of the requested grant period you may include forms for each of the proposed grant years.
  • Modify number of columns and rows as needed. The form is a Word document and additional rows and columns may be added using the Table tab in the menu bar. You may change to the landscape mode if you need to expand or add additional columns.
  • Note to theorists: if the proposed funding would represent the sole source of support, and your activities can be described by a single collective theme, then you can enter that theme on the form for 100% of your research time. However, if you anticipate or have more than one source of support and/or have more than one major project, then you should list these and provide fractions of time involved in the same manner as many experimenters.

SAMPLE for a Single PIshows that Professor Alpha has two research projects. She is requesting two months of summer support for herself and full support for a graduate student.

SAMPLE for a Small Group shows that Professors Bravo and Charlie have two research projects and are each requesting two months of summer support for themselves, half support for a postdoc (with the other half coming from Yahoo U), half support for one graduate student who is expected to earn his PhD in the coming year, full support for a second graduate student, and three months of support for an undergraduate student.

SAMPLE for a Large Group shows more complicated scenarios.

  • Professor Beta gets 6 months of support from KLab, 4.5 months of support from Yahoo U, and is requesting 0.5 months from NSF in the submitted proposal.
  • Professor Epsilon gets one month of support from the COMET Experiment operating grant and is requesting 1 month of support in the submitted proposal.
  • Postdocs Boo and Joke work full time on some combination of the listed Activities but no support is requested for them however, the sources of their support are listed under Comments.
  • The activities of and support for the support staff (Hand, Jones, Wood) are also included.


Present Grant Period

Grant Number: PHY-

Principal Investigator:Institution:

Termination Date:

Total External Funding in Past Year-



Other (List):

Expected Carry-Over Funds at End of Present Grant Period:

% Research Time Spent on Projects

Type of
Position / Name / Activity (% Research time) / #months
Funded by NSF
/(Other) / Faculty
Supervisor/Advisor / Comments
Res. Sci.
Grad Stud


First Year Only

Proposal Number: PHY-

Principal Investigator:Institution:

Requested Funding – First Year:

If Renewal Proposal - Expected Carry-Over Funds at End of Present Grant Period:

% Research Time to Be Spent on Projects

Type of
Position / Name / Activity (% Research time) / #months
Funded by NSF
/(Other) / Faculty
Supervisor/Advisor / Comments
Res. Sci.
Grad Stud

SAMPLE for a Single PI

NSF-PHY Proposal Information

Proposal Number: PHY-0123456

Principal Investigator: F. GolfInstitution: YahooU.

Requested Funding – First Year: $123,456

If Renewal Proposal - Expected Carry-Over Funds at End of Present Grant Period: $1,200

% Research Time To Be Spent on Projects

Type of
Position / Name / Activity / #months
Funded by NSF/
(Other) / Faculty
Advisor / Comments
Project A / Project B
Faculty / A. Alpha / 70 / 30 / 2
Res. Sci.
Other - list
Grad Stud / K. Kilo / 100 / 12 / Alpha

SAMPLE for a Small Group

NSF-PHY Proposal Information

Proposal Number: PHY-0123456

Principal Investigator: F. GolfInstitution: YahooU.

Requested Funding – First Year: $246,800

If Renewal Proposal - Expected Carry-Over Funds at End of Present Grant Period: $5,000

% Research Time To Be Spent on Projects

Type of
Position / Name / Activity / #months
Funded by NSF/
(Other) / Faculty
Advisor / Comments
Project A / Project B
Faculty / B. Bravo / 70 / 30 / 2
C. Charlie / 30 / 70 / 2
Postdoc / N. November / 50 / 50 / 6 (6) / Bravo / ½ support from Yahoo U
Res. Sci.
Grad Stud / O. Oscar / 100 / 6 / Bravo / Graduating with PhD this year
P. Papa / 100 / 12 / Charlie
Undergrad /

Q. Quebec

/ 100 / 3 / Bravo

SAMPLE for a Large Group

NSF-PHY Proposal Information

Proposal Number: PHY-0123456

Principal Investigator: B. BetaInstitution: YahooU.

Requested Funding – First Year: $765,432

If Renewal Proposal - Expected Carry-Over Funds at End of Present Grant Period: $123,456

% Research Time To Be Spent on Projects

Type of
Position / Name / Activity / #months
Funded by NSF/
(Other) / Faculty
Advisor / Comments
Hall X / rp-process / COMET
Faculty / A. Alpha / 80 / 20 / 2
B. Beta / 100 / 0.5 (1.5) / 6 months support KLab
G. Gamma / 75 / 25 / 2

D. Delta

/ 50 / 50 / 2

E. Epsilon

/ 100 / 1 (1) / 1 month COMET operating
Res. Assoc. Prof. / Workem Hard / 100 / 9.5(2.5) / Teaching support from Yahoo U
Postdoc / A. Boo / 20 / 80 / 0(12) / Delta / Initial Support from Yahoo U
C. Darn / 100 / 12 / Beta
E. Fool / 100 / 2 / Alpha
Gui Han / 50 / 50 / 5(7) / Delta / Start-up funds

I. Joke

/ 100 / 0(12) / Epsilon / Combination of Yahoo U and DOE
Res. Sci. / Smart Jones / 75 / 25 / 12
Qui Wang / 100 / 12
Staff Asst. /

Weak Hand

/ 50 / 50 / 3(9) / Delta / ¾ support from Yahoo U
Engineer /

Casey Jones

/ 100 / (12) / Delta / GRIB operating
Staff /

Solid Wood

/ 30 / (4 / 8) / Gamma / K Lab / Yahoo U
Grad Stud / T. Anthony / 100 / 0(6) / Delta / Yahoo U TA
S. Carron / 100 / 4 / Alpha / Graduating with Ph.D. in 09
J. Deng / 100 / 12 / Gamma
D.Hidas / 100 / 12 / Beta

L. Fooey

/ 100 / 12 / Epsilon

O. Yu

/ 100 / 0(3/9) / Epsilon / DOE/Yahoo U TA