Permission to shoot form
District Shooting & Archery Competition

The District Shooting and Archery competition will take place on Saturday 10th November 2012 at Blackhills Scout Camp site, Wilsden. The Cub competition will be from 9am-12 and the Scouts 1-4pm.

Please return the form below to your leader who must then pass it on to Steve Clayton the Competition organiser.

Below are extracts from the Firearms Act 1968:

‘Section 21’

(1)A person who has been sentenced (to custody for life or) to preventive detention, or to imprisonment or to corrective training for a term of three years or more (or to youth custody (or detention in a young offender institution) for such a term), or who has been sentenced to be detained for such a term in a young offenders institution in Scotland, shall not at any time have a firearm or ammunition in his possession.

(2)A person who has been sentenced … to imprisonment for a term of three months or more but less than three years (or to youth custody (or detention in a young offender institution) for such a term), or who has been sentenced to be detained for such a term in a detention centre or in a young offenders institution In Scotland, shall not at any time before the expiration of the period of five years from the date of his release have a firearm or ammunition in his possession.

This means:
Section 21 prohibits the possession of a firearm and ammunition (under any circumstances), by any person who has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to a term of imprisonment (or its equivalent for young persons) of 3 months or more. The prohibition applies in all circumstances, including handling and firing at an approved shooting club or at a clay pigeon shoot where a certificate is not ordinarily required. It also applies to the possession or use of other categories of firearms and ammunition such as AIRGUNS or shot cartridges for which a certificate is not needed.

A sentence of 3 months to 3 years attracts a 5 year prohibition, shorter ones no prohibition but a longer one means a life ban.

Parent or Guardian’s Consent

I, being the parent/guardian of the person named below, declare that he/she is not subject to restriction by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 (which is detailed above and only applies to persons who have served a term of imprisonment or youth custody) and give permission for ______(name of young person) to take part in the Air Rifle Shooting Activity on the above dates.

Signed: Date:
