1. The vehicle used for the road test may not have: (p. 32)


  1. Who is required by the GDL law to wear a seat belt in the vehicle? (p.38)


  1. In the event of a crash or sudden stop, use of seat belts may: (p. 38-39)


  1. Whenever possible, child car safety seats should be placed: (p. 39-40)


  1. Speed can be a factor between life and death; therefore how much braking distance will it take a vehicle to stop on a dry surface, when driving at a speed of 60 mph? (p. 48)


  1. The meaning of a hand-signal when a driver’s hand and arm are straight out is: (p. 49)


  1. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm downward is: (p. 49)


  1. To drive in reverse, the motorist’s head and body should be: (p. 49)


  1. Signal should be used: (p. 49)


  1. When parking downhill on a street with a curb, the vehicle’s wheels should be: (p. 51)


  1. When parking uphill on a street with a curb, the vehicle’s wheels should be: (p. 51)


  1. The most common type of parking on city streets and the one that takes the most practice for new motorist is: (p. 52)



  1. The New Jersey speed limit in a business or residential district, unless otherwise posted, is: (p. 58)


  1. The speed limit in a school zone, unless otherwise posted, is: (p. 58)


  1. The New Jersey speed limit in a business or residential district, unless otherwise posted, is: (p. 58)


  1. The rules for passing depend on the type of road. If both center lines are solid: (p. 60)


  1. You should always yield to: (p. 61)


  1. Passing on the right is allowed only on roads with more than one lane going in the same directions, when: (p. 61)


  1. When you see or hear emergency vehicles responding with sirens/or flashing lights, you must: (p. 61)


  1. If you come to a multi-way stop at the same time as another motorist, you must: (p. 62-63)


  1. When approaching or nearing an uncontrolled intersection you should: (p. 62)


  1. When two or more roads join and there are no signs or signals, it is a good practice to: (p. 63)


  1. Failure to stop for pedestrians in a cross-walk, carries a fine up to: (p. 63)


  1. An acceleration lane is: (p. 64)


  1. A deceleration lane is: (p. 65)


  1. If you miss your exit on an expressway you should: (p. 65)


  1. When approaching a curve, your vehicle may tend to: (p. 67)


  1. The best way to enter a curve is: (p. 67)


  1. Unless a no-turn on red sign is posted, NJ law allows a right turn on red after a motorist: (p. 68)


  1. When making any turns, state law requires a motorist to get in the proper lane and signal at least: (p.68)


  1. When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing lights, you must: (p. 71)


  1. When a school bus has stopped directly in front of a school to pick up or let off children, a motorist may pass from either direction at a speed of no more than: (p. 73)


  1. On a two-lane road, not near a school, when a school bus is stopped and its red lights are flashing: (p. 72)


  1. Headlights must be used: (p. 74)


  1. During daylight hours when rain, snow, or ice, motorists must turn on: (p. 74)


  1. The bright beam lights are used for: (p. 74)


  1. You may not park within how many feet of a fire hydrant? (p. 75-76)


  1. You may not park within how many feet of a stop sign? (p. 76)


  1. While driving, the holder of a GDL Permit or Probationary Driver License is not permitted the use of: (p. 77)
