Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board
111 St. James Court, Suite B Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 607-5781 Fax (502) 607-5780
SecondQuarter Board Minutes FY 17
October 27, 2016
Christian Ulrich, Chair Representing Emergency Services
Vacant, Vice Chair Representing Mental Health
Deborah ArnoldExecutive Director, KCCRB
Sherri Clusky Representing Department of Education
Mark Claxton Representing Emergency Services
Jay Mattingly Representing Department for Public Health
Sarah McCoun Representing Department for Behavior Health and Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities
Alex Payne Representing KY State Police
Stephanie RobeyRepresenting the Division of Emergency Management
Present Via Phone:
Connie Adams Representing Mental Health
Elizabeth Caywood Representing Department of Community Based Services
Hank CecilRepresenting Mental Health
Jodi Carroll Representing Mental Health
Robin K. Mohon Representing Office of Attorney General
Helen Ostien Representing Kentucky American Red Cross
Richard PeddicordRepresenting the Kentucky State Fire Marshall
Catherine Stapleton Representing Mental Health
Other Attendees:
Kelli Robinson Representing KCCRB
Allen Canterbury KCCRT – Chaplain
Mary Ann Claxton KCCRT
Woody Will Representing Local CISM Team
Phillip SandersRepresenting the Chaplain’s Association
I. Call to Order
On October 27, 2016 the FY17Second Quarter Board meeting was held at the KCCRB offices at 111
St. James Court, Suite B Frankfort and called to order by Christian Ulrich,Chair of KCCRB at 1:35pm.
Roll call was completed and a quorum was established via attendance and phone.
II. Agenda Items
Review of FY17first quarter meeting minutes. Motion made to accept the meeting minutes as
written was made by Hank Cecil and seconded by Mark Claxton. After no further discussion the
motion was passed.
III. Executive Director’s Report
Deborah Arnold, Executive Director presented the Executive Directors report.
- KCCRB Fiscal Report– Ms. Arnold presented the FY17 Budget to the Board. She discussed the funding streams and explained about the Team Coordinator and Preparedness Coordinator positions now being combined into one position due to funding. At this point, Ms. Arnold discussed KCCRB’s newest hire, Angela Roberts. Ms. Roberts will start November 1 coming to KCCRB after many years’ experience with the Red Cross as a Senior Disaster Manager. Ms. Roberts has participated in many disasters and many critical incidents from the Red Cross perspective and has worked with recruiting new members. Ms. Arnold also explained that Ms. Roberts would be working throughout the state to help behavioral health agencies to develop a Disaster Behavioral Health Plan for their agencies.
- Response Report–Ms. Arnold discussed the FY17 responses and services thus far provided to the Commonwealth.
- Team Report – Ms. Arnold discussed that the team has remained consistent with 162 current team members.
Ms. Arnold reiterated the commitment for staff to attend Regional Team meetings. The KYLEAP continues to grow and has had two responses in September. Ms. Arnold discussed the Post Critical Incident Seminar (PCIS), the history, why it is important to add this additional layer of intervention and where we are with regards to working with DOCJT to have a PCIS in KY. She discussed that she and Kelli Robinson would attend the North Carolina PCIS in November to gain addition experience and be prepared to provide this in KY. Connie Adams asked that more information be given about what is going on with the KYLEAP.
- Training Report – Ms. Arnold discussed training that has taken place since the last meeting.
- Presentations – No discussion on Presentations.
- Exercises –Ms. Arnold discussed that the team always participates in the CSEPP exercise and that in the last few years KCCRB has been requested to participate in Fayette County as well as Madison County and the State EOC. This year, KCCRB was also requested to participate in the Garrard County CSEPP exercise putting our team who could volunteer in six locations for the exercises.
- Communication- Ms. Arnold discussed that the public KCCRB Facebook continues to increase.
IV.Committee Reports
- Membership Committee –
Membership Committee did not meet.
B. Training Committee –
CJ Wright discussed the Training Committee wanting to be involved in planning the Annual Team
C. Executive Administrative Committee-
Christian Ulrich, Board Chair discussed that the committee did not meet. Christian did ask the Board to
take time to think about and ask themselves how am I doing as a board member and is there more I can
do or offer.
V.Old Business
- FY 17 Budget –No discussion, discussed in the FY 17 Executive Director’s Report
- KYLEAP Update - Ms. Arnold gave an update on the status of the KYLEAP program. She stated that she and Kelli Robinson had trained several Troopers and Officers from around Kentucky in September and are now part of the KYLEAP team. Ms. Arnold did discuss looking at additional funding options such as seeing if we could have some of the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program funds already earmarked for law enforcement to be used to provide training.
- Board Vacancies – Ms. Arnold discussed that the Governor’s Board of Commissions have not approved the recommended appointments from the last board meeting as of yet. They requested that the team list be sent to them which Ms. Arnold has done.
Ms. Arnold and Mr. Ulrich discussed that the Vice Chair was still vacant. Mr. Ulrich asked if there were any current members who were interested in the Vice Chair or if anyone wanted to nominate a current board member to be the Vice Chair. There were no volunteers or nominees. Mr. Ulrich asked the board to think about who they would see as fulfilling this role and be prepared to nominate someone at the next Board meeting.
VI. New Business
- New Hire – Discussed during Executive Director Report
- KCCRT Annual Team Training – Ms. Arnold discussed that we would like to participate with our partners and have a full-scale exercise where we could practice all disciplines of our team. She asked if any of the board members knew of any exercises that had been planned already or were in the planning stages that she could contact someone and try to get the team involved to let her know.
- Other Business – Ms. Arnold discussed with the board that she would like for the board to take an active role in helping to develop the Strategic Plan for KCCRB. She asked that the board think about how we at KCCRB could work with each of their programs and how we could integrate into their agencies.
VI. Announcements
- Next Board Meeting: January 26, 2017
VIII. Adjournment –
Mark Claxtonmade the motion to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Sherri Clusky. The motion to
adjourn was passed and the Board Meeting was adjourned at 2:16 pm.
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