Complaints Procedures

At The Hub School Club we believe that children and parents/carers are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt careful attention to their needs and wishes. We always welcome suggestions on how to improve the setting and give serious attention to concerns parents/carers may have regarding the running of the setting. We hope most concerns can be resolved by an informal approach, however if this does not achieve the required result we have a set of procedures to follow. We aim to bring the concerns about the running of the setting to a satisfactory end for all parties involved.

If a parent/carer has an issue either involving their individual child or The HubSchool Club as a whole, they should raise the issue with the manager if available or on specific request. Most complaints should be sorted out amicably and informally at this stage. The manager will inform the management committee of the informal complaint.

Should the matter remain unresolved a member of the management committee will speak to the parent and try to resolve the complaint. This person should be acceptable to both parties, listen to the issues being raised and offer advice. All discussions with the mediator are confidential and he/she should not hold separate meetings with either party.

When the mediator has concluded his/her investigations, a final meeting between the parents/carers and the manager is held to reach a decision on the action to be taken to deal with the complaint, drawing on the Mediator’s advice.

If the parent/carer feels unable or unwilling to raise the matter in this way, they can approach Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 or write to Ofsted at Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester. M1 2WD.

The Hub must make a written record of the complaint/s, the welfare requirements to which they relate, any action taken and the outcome and provide a summary on request to any parent/carer and Ofsted. Records must be retained for at least 3 years from the date on which the record was made.

The Hub School Club Signed by Chair: Date:

To be reviewed April 2018