Forward Thinking Poster Session/Colloquy Presentation

Colloquy Schedule

November 29, 2011

AMU – Ballroom C

1:20 pm Cusp Catastrophe Models for Cognitive Workload and Fatigue and Some Real-

World Applications

Dr. Stephen J. Guastello, Professor, Psychology

Payal Dharia, Megan Fabisch, Hillary Gorin, Matthew Mallon, Natalie E. Peters,

Kirsten Poston, Paul Timm, Kelsey Weinberger

1:45 pm Predicting Cognitive Decline with fMRI and Physical Activity in Healthy Elders at

Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

Dr. Kristy Nielson, Professor, Psychology

Alissa Butts

2:10 pm Surveying Parents of Deployed Military Personnel: Stress, Coping and

Education about Mental Illness

Dr. Stephen M. Saunders, Professor, Psychology

Cody Carson, Henry Boeh, Mariclare Kanaley, Jena Gomez, Erica Johnson

2:35 pm Spiritual Questioning and its Impact on the Therapeutic Alliance

Dr. Stephen M. Saunders, Professor, Psychology

Cody Carson

3:00 pm Parent and Family Outcomes of PEERS: A Social Skills Intervention for

Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Dr. Amy Vaughan Van Hecke, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Jeffrey Karst

Forward Thinking Poster Session/Colloquy Presentation

Colloquy Schedule

November 29, 2011

AMU – Ballroom D

1:20 pm Time, Routes, and Places of Nineteenth-Century Travelers

Dr. Eugenia Afinoguénova, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures

Aishah Al Fadhalah, James Bauer

1:45 pm The Human Powered Nebulizer in the Treatment of Airway Diseases in El Salvador

Dr. Lars E. Olson, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering; Dr. M. Therese

Lysaught, Associate Professor, Theology, Christopher Hallberg, Clinical Trial


Ellen Hawkinson, Katelynn Kramer Brian Laning, Sarah Schmiedel, Andrew


2:10 pm Monitoring the Menstrual Cycle as a 4th Vital Sign for Women’s Health

Dr. Richard J. Fehring, Professor, Nursing; Dr. Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Associate

Professor, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

David Polyak, Dana Rodriguez, Mary Schneider

2:35 pm A Feminist Perspective on Listening to Women: Birth Stories of Vaginal Birth

Following Previous Cesarean Delivery

Dr. Lisa Hanson, Associate Professor, Nursing

Elizabeth Hill-Karbowski