Community Pharmacy Enhanced Service – Hours Outside of Core and Supplementary (Bank Holidays) 1st April 2010 – 31st March 2011

1. Service description

1.1  The pharmacy will provide access to its services during an extended period of opening to ensure that people have prompt access to medicines during the out of hours period (whether for the whole or part of that period).

1.2  This service is over and above the dispensing service provided within essential services.

2. Aims and intended service outcomes

2.1  To improve access for patients to medicines when they are required out of core and supplementary hours by ensuring prompt access and continuity of supply.

2.2  To support people, carers and clinicians by providing them with information and advice on medicines and referral to other sources of assistance where appropriate.

3. Service outline

3.1  The pharmacy will supply medicines in response to the presentation of NHS prescriptions.

3.2  The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge and are appropriately trained in the operation of the service.

3.3  The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service are aware of and operate within local protocols.

3.4  The pharmacy should maintain appropriate records to ensure effective ongoing service delivery and audit.

3.5  Terms of agreement are set up between the PCT and pharmacy to cover how the out of hours (OOH) service will operate. This agreement will include the days and times during which services will be provided outside of core and supplementary opening hours.

3.6  Thames Valley Primary Care Agency, on behalf of Berkshire East PCT, will draw up rota schedules in line with the rota service agreed between PCT and Community Pharmacists.

3.7  In accordance with the NHS (Pharmaceutical Services) regulations 2005, pharmacies should ensure that opening times of nearby pharmacies are displayed when their own pharmacy is closed.

3.8  If changes are made to rota services pharmacies should prominently display these.

4. Quality Indicators

4.1  The pharmacy reviews its standard operating procedures and the referral pathways for the service on an annual basis.

4.2  The pharmacy participates in all PCT organised audit of service provision by completing the audit/claim form after each rota duty.

4.3  The pharmacy co-operates with any locally agreed PCT-led assessment of service user experience.

5. Payment

5.1 Payments will be made automatically by Thames Valley Primary Care Agency once the rota duty has been completed and the audit form/payment claim has been submitted. The payments will be updated after agreement of any uplifts in April 2010 and paid from 1st April 2010. The 2009/2010 rates of payment are listed below:

Rota Duty 2009/10

1 hour Boxing Day and New Years Day £250

1 hour Easter Sunday and Christmas Day £300

6. Service Provision

6.1 Services will be provided on the following days and times outside of core

and supplementary opening hours:

Bracknell Forest Locality

1 hour Easter Sunday £300

1 Hour Christmas Day £300

1 Hour Boxing Day £250

1 hour New Years Day £250

Windsor Ascot & Maidenhead Localities

2 pharmacies x 1 Hour Easter Sunday £300/hour

2 pharmacies x 1 Hour Christmas Day £300/hour

2 pharmacies x 1 Hour Boxing Day £250/hour

2 pharmacies x 1 Hour New Years Day £250/hour

Slough Locality

1 hour Easter Sunday £300

1 Hour Christmas Day £300

1 Hour Boxing Day £250

1 Hour New Years Day £250

7. Service Review

7.1 Usage of the service will be monitored and reviewed at 31.3.2010

7.2 Pharmacists must record certain information per duty (form attached)

7.3 If a rota duty is altered please ensure Thames Valley Primary Care Agency is informed.

7.4 The Berkshire East PCT may request additional rotas or may withdraw rotas as considered appropriate but if this is necessary the PCT will provide will provide 2 months notice of a request.


Name & address of Pharmacy:

(Pharmacy Stamp)

1. Total number of prescription items dispensed during this rota duty
2. Number of prescription forms dated today
3. Number of prescription forms dated prior to today
4. Was pharmaceutical advice offered by any member of the pharmacy staff?
(a)  If yes, how many patients receiving advice also had a prescription form?
(b)  How many patients purchased OTC/P and received advice?
(c)  How many patients received advice only?
(d)  How many patients received minor ailments/EHC services,
if provided? / Yes/No
5. Are there any exceptional circumstances you would like to report e.g. you needed to stay open much longer than the required one hour due to a high volume prescriptions. (Please use the reverse of the form if required)

Please supply the postal area of each patient’s address and the number of forms received for each area * (e.g. Slough, 4 forms Bracknell, 2 forms etc) * please use reverse of form if required

Postal Area: / Number of forms:

I claim payment of £……… for the following rota duty:



I declare that the information given on this agreement is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that action may be taken against me if I make an incorrect claim.

I consent to the disclosure of relevant information on this form for the purpose of fraud prevention, detection and investigation.

Signature of Duty Pharmacist: Name of Duty Pharmacist (printed):

………………………………….. ………………………………………..

Date: …………………………….

Please return the completed form to: Carol Hart, TVPCA, 7-9 Cremyll Road, READING, Berkshire RG1 8NQ