April 27, 2006

By: Mark Urquhart, Secretary

The Legislative Task Force (LTF) telephone conference meetingin Sacramento started at about 11:10AM. A quorum was present as there were 9voting members present, and at least one voting member from each chapter. A list of people that participated is Attachment A. The agenda is Attachment B.


Approval of Minutes – March 2, 2006 Telephone Meeting


Scott Johnston asked if there were any comments on these minutes. There were none.


Mike Mohajer made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 23, 2006 telephone meeting. Lisa Wood seconded the motion. The motion carried, as all were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report

John Abernethydiscussedtreasurer’s report as of April 24, 2006(Attachment C). He said as of that date there was a balance of $39,602.57.


Mike Mohajer made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report dated April 24, 2006. Constance Hornig seconded the motion. The motion carried, as all were in favor.

Next Meeting:

Next Meeting will be held at the WRS in Palm Springs.Yvette Agredano asked who on LTF will not be attending. Lisa Woodand Russ Reiserersaid they will not be attending.

Western Regional Symposium Update

Yvette Agredano said that Jeff Hunt dropped off the session panel. She said that the CIWMB indicated that Bonnie Cornwall and Karl Palmer should have the e-waste issues covered. Yvette Agredanosaid that John Skinner will be attending representing SWANA international.It was discussed that the speaking times by the panel will be short and therefore the LTF should prepare and email questions to Yvette so there is enough Q&A to fill the session time. The session topic will center on universal waste but also include the broader topic of waste bans.

Other: There were no other business items.

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Yvette Agredanodiscussed the bill matrix distributed via email for the meeting on April 24, 2006. The following table is a summary of discussion regarding the bill matrix. Due to time constraints, not all bills on the agenda were discussed.

AB 2176 / Requires legislature to evaluate whether local agency fees will be adequate to fund state mandates in proposed legislation. Yvette Agredano suggested that the LTF quietly support the bill. League and CSAC are sponsoring the bill. The language of the bill is changing. LTF will support the bill quietly.
Position: Support.
AB 1688 / LTF feels that illegal dumping officers should not be limited to only those with those duties as ‘primary’ function.
Position: Support if amended to include the above.
AB 1693 / It was discussed that LTF should oppose this bill to make financing through the Pollution Control Financing Authority more difficult because many solid waste facilities of various sizes are able to benefit from the financing. The LTF will send a letter to the author with this position.
Position: Oppose, citing example facilities that have used CPCFA financing (Constance HornigprovidedYvette Agredano with examples for a letter).
AB 1866 / Would require state agencies polystyrene food containers. The bill received a lot of questions. Conservative assembly members question why a burden is placed on industry. Liberal legislative members are pushing for manufacturer responsibility. The language was changes from polystyrene to indicate materials that are recyclable and compostable. It waters down the bill but LTF still supports it in concept.
Position: Support in concept over need to address disposal and litter problems from those materials.
AB 1992 / Allow better tool for illegal dumping on private property. This bill will probably be compromised with opposition concerns related to dumping permission. The LTF supports the bill as is.
Position: Support.
AB 2118 / This bill was gutted to look like a spot bill. May only end of up being a definition bill. Decided to change position to watch.
Position: Watch.
AB 2127 / There was considerable discussion on this bill, because even though it contains some concepts of the LTF model of not banning without science and a plan. However, the bill would actually penalize the solid waste industry because it could remove funding for the collection and recycling of alkaline batteries. The bill was amended to delay implementation until January 1, 2007.
Position: Support.
AB 2206 / This bill regarding multi-family dwelling recycling has language in it that LTFnegotiated out of a version last year. Yvette Agredano is working with author’s staff to try to moderate the bill. League has a watch position.
Position: Monitor the bill and possibly oppose.
AB 2271 / Required battery recycling and advance disposal fees for such. It was discussed that position should be changed from support to watch. There are concerns over advance disposal fee instead of manufacturer responsibility.
Position: Watch
SB 1778 / Will not allow diversion credits for greenwaste ADC. Yvette Agredano mentioned that Sharon Greene, LACSD has a good display at a hearing showing the wasted landfill space if soil cover must be used in place of green waste ADC.
Position: Oppose.


Due to lack of time, only the treated wood waste issue shown on the agenda was discussed.

Treated Wood Waste:Larry Sweetsersaid he is very concerned because many of the treated wood waste restrictionsthat DTSC is proposing are worse than hazardous waste requirements. It was discussed that DTSC is way out of line in terms of reality.

IVADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:06 PM.

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APRIL 27, 2006

Voting Member Chapter / NAME / ORGANIZATION / PHONE / EMAIL
VM/Gold Rush / John Abernethy (T) / SacramentoCounty / 916-875-4527 /
VM/Gold Rush / Larry Sweetser / Sweetser and Associates/ESJPA / (510) 703-0898 /
Gold Rush / Chris Hanson / PlacerCounty / 530-886-4965 /
VM/Gold Rush / Russ Reiserer / City of Palo Alto / (650) 496-6951 /
ALT/Founding / Lisa Wood / City of San Diego / 858-573-1236 /
VM/Gold Rush / Mark Urquhart (S) / EMCON/OWT / 530-626-4771 /
VM/Founding / Grace Chan (VC) / LA County Sanitation Districts / 562-699-7411 ext 2402 /
VM/Founding / Constance Hornig / Law Offices / 323-934-4601 /
VM/Founding / Mike Mohajer / LA CountyIWM Task Force / 909-592-1147 /
VM/Sierra / R. Scott Johnston (C) / MercedCounty / 209-385-7388 /
SWANA CA Chapter. Lobbyist / Yvette Agredano / Shaw/Yoder, Inc. / 916-446-4656 /

VM= Voting Member

Ch = Chair

VC = Vice Chair

T = Treasurer

S = Secretary

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THURSDAY, April 27, 2006, 11:00 AM – Noon

CALL IN NUMBER: 1.800.867.2581

PASSCODE: 1006105 Followed By the # Sign

1)Business Items


b)Approval of Minutes: March 23, 2006—Attachment

c)Approval of Treasurer’s Report—attachment

d)Next Meeting: LTF Meeting at WRS: May 3rd 4:30 – 5:30, Plaza CD

e)Western Regional Symposium Update


2)Legislation (See attached matrix)

a)AB1688 (Niello) Support if Amended

b)AB 1693 (Matthews) Oppose

c)AB 1866 (Karnette) Support in Concept

d)AB 1992 (Canciamilla) Support

e)AB 2118 (Matthews) Oppose

f)AB 2127 (Tran) Support in Concept

g)AB 2206 (Montanez) Oppose

h)AB 2253 (Hancock) Support

i)AB 2271 (Koretz) Support if Amended

j)AB 2296 (Montanez) Oppose

k)AB 2449 (Levine) Support

l)AB 2845 (Bogh) Support

m)AB 2878 (Ruskin) Support

n)AB 3001 (Pavley) Support

o)SB 369 (Simitian) Support

p)SB 928 (Perata) Oppose

q)SB 1225 (Chesbro) Support

r)SB 1305 (Figueroa) Support

s)SB 1778 (Alarcon) Oppose


3)Regulatory Issues

  1. Permit Implementation Regulations (AB 1497): New and revised regulations implementing the requirements of Assembly Bill 1497 (Stats. 2003, Ch. 823), applying new construction and demolition requirements to the regulation of other solid wastes, and clarifying permit process requirements.A 60-day formal public comment period on the proposed regulations begins on April 7, 2006 and runs through June 6, 2006. A public hearing is scheduled for June 5, 2006. See Rulemaking Documents below for more details.
  2. Tire Hauler Registration and Manifesting Requirements for the Comprehensive Trip Log.Revision of existing waste tire hauler registration and manifest regulations to introduce the Comprehensive Trip Log form (CIWMB 203) as a replacement form for the current Manifest form (CIWMB 647) and Tire Trip Log form (CIWMB 648). Additionally, establish criteria for submittal of electronic data to the Board, in lieu of the required paper form(s). The proposed changes implement, interpret and make specific the provisions of Chapter 838, Statutes of 2000 (Escutia, SB 876), as well as correct errors, add language to make the regulations more functional, and delete unnecessary language. On March 14, 2006 the Board approved the revised permanent regulations and directed staff to submit the regulations to OAL for review, approval, and filing with the Secretary of State.
  3. Treated Wood Waste: DTSC representatives will summarize the proposed regulatory straw proposal, discuss regulatory issues related to this rulemaking, and offer alternatives. After introductions and a short presentation, DTSC will solicit comments and suggestions from workshop attendees. The workshop is scheduled for April 26th in Sacramento. The purpose of this workshop is to develop concepts and background information regarding the management of treated wood wastes. Information and comments received will be used to develop draft regulatory language that will be presented for comments during a public notice. DTSC will, therefore, not prepare written responses to comments submitted during or in response to this workshop.
  4. Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Description. New regulations that will allow the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) to implement the requirements of the Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 (Act), Chapter 526, Statutes of 2003; as amended by Chapter 863, Statutes of 2004, including the establishment and implementation of a payment system for the collection and proper recycling of covered electronic waste (CEW). The package containing proposed regulatory language, Initial Statement of Reasons, and the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking has been submitted to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) for publication of the Notice on March 24, 2006. The date of publication begins a formal 45-day comment period. Comments are due by 5 pm on May 8th.
  5. Other


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SWANA LTF Tele Meeting Minutes 04-27-06- approved 6-1-06.docSWANA LTF Sacramento Meeting Minutes 03-23-06.doc 1