These bylaws supercede all previous bylaws of the Associated Students of Centralia College.



Section 1Student Government Positions

The positions comprising the members of the ASCC Student Government as are listed below:

  1. Associated Student Body President
  2. ASCC Vice President of Finance & Committees
  3. Senator for Executive Affairs
  4. Senator for Student Relations
  5. Senator for Clubs and Organizations

Section 2Student Government Position Descriptions

  1. The President is the primary liaison between the Student Body and the Administration. He/She shall serve as the chair of the Student Government, but will have no vote, except in the case of a tie vote. Other responsibilities for the President are specified in an expanded job description.
  2. The Vice President is responsible to perform his/her respective duties as specified in expanded job descriptions for each position.
  3. The Senators are responsible to perform their respective duties as specified in expanded job descriptions for each position.
  4. Expanded job descriptions are available for the Student Government in the Student Government Operations Manual.
  5. Expanded job descriptions are subject to annual review and revision by incumbent ASCC Student Government members during Spring Quarter.

Section 3ASCC Interview Process

An ad-hoc committee shall consist of up to six students with a minimum of three students at large. The Director of Student Life and Involvement and one faculty or staff person shall serve as the interview committee for the Student Government positions. The current Student Government shall appoint the students (non-members of Student activities) by application. The current ASCC President may attend (non-voting) at the discretion of the Interview Committee, strictly as a resource person. The Chair of the Interview Committee will be a student chosen by said members.

Section 4Interview Process

The Committee shall interview individuals for each student government position. Individuals will be scored on the following areas: Application, recommendations, essay, presentation, interview, and overall impression. Scores from the interview process will be added to the total number of votes received for a final total.

Section 5Requirements for Student Government Candidates

  1. A candidate for Student Government must be an ASCC student as outlined in Article IV Section 1 of the ASCC Constitution, enrolled in a minimum of ten college level credits and have a cumulative GPA of a 2.5 or higher.

2. First quarter students must show successful progress in classes to apply.

Section 6Stipulations for holding Student Government Positions

1.Each Student Government member must complete at least ten credit hours each quarter to maintain his/her position and must maintain a quarterly GPA of a 2.0 or higher. If a student must take less than 10 credits he/she must get permission from the Director of Student Life and Involvement and other members of Student Government.

2.A Student Government member cannot concurrently hold a leadership position in an ASCC-sanctioned club or organization as defined in the Article 5 of the Bylaws.

Section 7Probation/Termination of Student Government Members

  1. A probationary period and/or suspension for any member of the Student Government may be deemed necessary by the Director of Student of Student Life and Involvement, and approved by the Student Government. Probation or termination may be for non-performance of duties as stated in the specific job description of that Student Government position or by not maintaining requirements outlined in Article I Section 5 of the ASCC Bylaws.
  2. If terms of the probation are not met, the Student Government member may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of the Student Government. If a Student Government member violates any of the Guidelines for Student Conduct as stated in the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities he/she shall be subject to disciplinary procedures as deemed appropriate by the Vice President, Student Services.
  3. A Student Government member can be removed from office if they are not enrolled in ten credit hours or if their GPA drops below 2.0 at the discretion of the Director of Student Life and Involvement and the other Student Government members.
  4. A Student Government member who misses 60% of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Student Government during a quarter will automatically be removed from office unless granted an exception by the Student Government.

Section 8Term of Office

  1. The term of office for Student Government begins the last day of the spring quarter and ends the last day of the spring quarter of the following year.
  2. A Student Government member may serve a maximum of two terms in the same position, with the understanding that they must run for the second term.

Section 9Vacancies in Student Government

  1. If a Student Government position is vacated at any time, the following process will be followed:

1)If the ASCC President resigns or is removed from office, the Vice President shall become President and assume all the powers of Presidency.


1)All other vacancies shall be filled by the President's appointment within two weeks of the time of vacancy.

2)If a vacancy occurs during Spring Quarter, the Student Government shall have the authority to decide whether the vacancy shall be filled, or to appoint an appropriate person to temporarily fill the position until such time as is deemed appropriate.

3)Appointments shall be ratified by a two thirds affirmative vote by the ASCC Student Government.

4)If a quorum is unattainable due to vacancies in office, an appointment shall be ratified by a two thirds affirmative vote by the Inter Club Council (Article IV Section 2 C).

Section 10Resignation

An ASCC Student Government member may resign at any point in the quarter. The officer must submit a letter of resignation to the ASCC Student Government and the Director of Student Life and Involvement. The ASCC Student Government shall follow the procedures described in these bylaws (Article I Section 9) to fill a vacancy.

Section 11Impeachment Process

Charges for impeachment may be brought against any ASCC Student Government officer for any of the following but not limited to:



Misappropriation of funds

Violations of the ASCC Constitution and Bylaws

Behavior violating the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities

Discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and or veteran status.

A.Impeachment proceedings may be brought by any member of the ASCC by means of petition outlining the specific grievances and signed by at least ten percent of the membership of the ASCC.

B.Impeachment proceedings may alternatively be brought by two thirds of the ASCC Student Government.

C.Petition for impeachment must be presented to the Student Government for validation which will take place by 5 class days following the receipt of the petition.

D.The accused will be suspended from service on the Student Government and will not vote in the ASCC Student Government on any issue pertaining to the impeachment proceedings until judgement is rendered.

E.An Executive Session will begin no later than seven days after the validation of the verified petition by the ASCC Student Government. The Inter Club Council will preside over the executive session.

F.Appeals and disciplinary procedures will be carried out by the Inter Club Council.

Section 12Compensation

A.ASCC Student Government members shall receive a compensation for their service.

B.Compensation will be withheld immediately upon violation of the Constitution and Bylaws. Approval or disapproval of disbursement of the compensation in question will be at the discretion of the Student Government and the Director of Student Life and Involvement.


Section 1The meetings of the ASCC Student Government shall follow these rules:

  1. The ASCC Student Government shall meet regularly at least once each week during each quarter of fall, winter and spring, excluding vacation periods. Summer meetings will be as deemed necessary.
  2. Student Government meetings are open meetings in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, except for an Executive Session.
  3. The voting members of the ASCC Student Government shall consist of the Vice President and senators.
  4. The President shall vote only in case of a tie if he/she chooses. The President may abstain in which case the motion dies for lack of majority.
  5. A majority of the voting members of the ASCC Student Government shall constitute a quorum.
  6. All decisions of the ASCC Student Government shall be made by a simple majority vote.
  7. There will be no voting by absentee or proxy.
  8. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the basis for conducting the procedures of the ASCC Student Government.
  9. The Director of Student Life and Involvement may override any decision that is illegal, violates campus policies or state law, or violates the Student Rights and Responsibilities.
  10. The President may call a special meeting of the Student Government whenever necessary, but the President must notify the members at least seventy-two hours in advance and insure that there is public notification at least twenty-four hours before the meeting.


Section 1After the Student Government has passed a motion, it shall be considered passed unless the ASCC President exercises his/her power of veto.

Section 2The ASCC President may veto a motion that has been passed by the Student Government if he/she does so in writing within two class days of the motion being passed.

Section 3If the ASCC President vetoes a motion, his/her letter to the Student Government, so indicating, must be delivered to the Student Government and the Director of Student Life and Involvement by 4 p.m. of the second class day after the motion was passed.

Section 4The Student Government may overrule a veto of the ASCC President by a two-thirds majority vote in favor of the previously vetoed motion. The ASCC President shall not have the option to veto the same motion a second time.


Section 1StandingCollege and Faculty Tenure Review Committees

The Student Government shall make recommendations to the ASCC President, for the appointment of ASCC students to various college committees as needed or requested by the College Administration. (NOTE: Students serving on Faculty Tenure Review Committees must be full time CC students as per the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) contract.)

Section 2Student Committees

  1. Services and Activities Fee Budget Committee

The duties and responsibilities of the Services and Activities Fee Budget Committee are as described in the ASCC Financial Code.

  1. Constitutional Review Committee
  1. The composition of this committee shall be five students as voting members and the Director of Student Life and Involvement. The student members shall be the ASCC President and four students at large. The President shall chair and coordinate the activities of the committee.
  2. The committee shall conduct a review of the Constitution and Bylaws every two years, and shall receive and review any proposed changes to the Constitution and by-laws.
  3. The committee shall submit proposed changes to the Student Government for review and subsequent action.
  4. The Committee can be called together at any time, as the Student Government deems necessary.
  1. Inter Club Council

1.The Student Government only during the appeal process of a Student Government constitutional or bylaw interpretation shall convene the Inter Club Council (ICC). The ICC shall render a constitutional or bylaw interpretation through the adoption of a Student Government position statement. A ICC decision shall be final.

2.The ICC membership shall be composed of no less than half plus one of currently chartered clubs/organizations presidents or their designee. Each member shall have one vote on the ICC.

3.ICC members will be an ASCC member as defined by Article IV of the ASCC Constitution. ICC membership shall excluded Student Government members, or any ASCC member involved in a current or pending constitutional or bylaw interpretation appeal process under consideration by the ICC.

4.For a quorum to be achieved, two thirds of the Club/organization president or designee will be present. Only a club/organization President or designee, in attendance shall vote. Absentee voting is strictly forbidden.

Section 3Forming New Committee

  1. The ASCC Student Government may form new standing committees by a majority vote of the Government.
  2. Ad hoc committees may be formed to accomplish a specific purpose and terminated by majority vote of the ASCC Student Government.

Section 4Policies and procedures for the operation of the ASCC Student Government shall be prepared by the Director of Student Life and Involvement, in consultation with Student Government members, and approved by the Student Government, for implementation.


Section 1All Student Clubs and Organizations must have a Centralia College Associated Students Charter.

Section 2The process to obtain Associated Students charter is as follows:

A.Complete an application form and file the form with the Senator of Clubs and Organizations

B.Submit a Constitution and Bylaws to the Senator of Clubs and Organizations.

C.Upon approval of the constitution and bylaws by the Student Government and the Director of Student Life and Involvement, the Senator for Clubs and Organizations will report to the ICC regarding the groups constitution and bylaws.

D. The club/organization will submit the name of an ASCC advisor to the Senator for Clubs and Organizations.

Section 3A Student Club/Organization charter/constitution must contain the following articles:

Article I:Name or Title of Group

Article II:Statement of Purpose

Article III:Aims and Goals

Article IV:Membership

Article V:Structure

Article VI:By-Laws

Article VII:Operating procedures, standing rules, etc.

Section 4To hold and maintain an Associated Student Charter, a student group must:

A.Maintain up-to-date financial records in cooperation with the Student Life and Involvement Center.

B.Follow the financial procedures as specified in the ASCC Financial Code.

C.Register with the Senator of Clubs and Organizations the names and officers and representatives, advisor, and the date time and place of meetings.

D.Uphold the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities.

Section 5Any proposed changes in the constitution of a student group must be accepted by the Senator of Clubs and Organizations and Director of Student Life and Involvement in order to access the group's budget as approved by the S & A Fee Budget Committee.

Section 6If the Student Government determines that any club is in violation of any of the above rules, the following procedures shall go into effect:

A.Issue a warning describing the violation. The group will be given 30 days to rectify the problem.

B.If the problem is not rectified within the 30-day period ICC will be advised of the problem.

C.Upon a two-thirds majority vote by the ICC the club/organization will be deemed inactive and will be notified within five school days.

D.Any recognized student group deemed inactive shall remain so until all rules for an active student group (refer to Article V, Section 1-5 and the Policies & Procedures manual) have been reestablished. Upon reactivation the group is considered a "new" club.

Section 7Policies and procedures for the operation of the Clubs & Organizations shall be prepared by the Director of Student Life and Involvement, the Senator for Clubs and Organizations and approved by the Student Government, for implementation.


Section 1A Student Activities Admissions Team (SAAT) which consists of four to six members shall be maintained to provide social, cultural, recreational and educational programs for the students and the community.

Section 2Policies and procedures for the operation of the SAAT shall be prepared by the Director of Student Life and Involvement, the Student Activities/Outreach Specialist and approved by the Student Government, for implementation.


Section 1The student body shall have the rights of initiative and referendum.

Section 2The majority of the ASCC Student Government may call for referendum on a particular issue under ASCC Student Government consideration.

Section 3An initiative must be proposed in writing and bear the signatures of one-tenth of the members of the ASCC.

Section 4A proposed initiative must be submitted to the ASCC Student Government.

Section 5A referendum or initiative is passed when receiving a majority of votes cast in the election.

Section 6Policies and procedures for the running an election or Special Election shall be prepared by the ASCC Vice President and the Director of Student Life and Involvement, and approved by the Student Government, for implementation.