Year 6 Homework –Spring Term2018

As last term, you are getting one grid for the whole term. You are expected to complete one of these tasks per week.

Please ensure that your homework is completed to the best of your ability and that you aim to impress us. We are expecting to see at least half an hour’s worth of work each week!

If you choose to complete your work on a computer, you can either print off your work, or bring it in on a memory stick for us to see. Please write in your homework book that you completed your work on a computer and brought it in on a memory stick.

We expect you to choose a variety of activities. If you choose a maths based activity one week, make sure you choose from another column the following week. You can only choose each activity once!

You will give your homework books in every Thursday and they will be returned to you on the following day.

You are still expected to read every night, for at least 20 minutes, and practise your spellings and give the sheet in on a Friday.

Marking will be given as house points:

1HP / 2HP / 3HP
Your homework is ok, but we would like to see more effort and consideration over the content and/or presentation of your work. / This is good homework, you’ve clearly put some thought into it and put a sensible amount of time into this work. / Very impressive work! You must have put lots of thought and effort into this work and it’s clear that you enjoyed doing this.

If we feel it necessary, we may also add comments to advise you what more you could do to make your work even better.

By the Easter holidays you should have completed ten pieces from this grid, across a mixture of columns.

English / Maths / Cross-curricular
Retell a Bible story of your choice. At the end, explain the significance of this story on the lives of Christians. / Create a treasure map based in the Amazon rainforest using co-ordinates. Make sure you use all four co-ordinates.
Show the co-ordinates of different locations on the map and how to move (translate) between two or more points.
You must use squared paper to do this. / Research and create a fact-file about one of the four nations of the United Kingdom.
Things you might want to think about:
  • The patron saints
  • Food
  • Major cities or landmarks
  • Languages
  • History

Demonstrate and explain the use of apostrophes in writing.
You need to show both:
  • Possession
  • Contraction
Remember to include:
  • The difference between plural possession and singular possession
  • Exceptions to the rule
A good idea is to include a quiz for your reader (and the answers!) / Measure the furniture and walls in a room of your house and draw a plan of this to scale.
You must use squared paper to do this. / Chinese New Year falls on Friday 16th February this year. Complete some homework about this.
  • Make some Chinese food
  • Investigate the celebrations and explain what happens
  • Retell the story of the Chinese zodiac
  • Visit Chinatown (in London or another city) and take photos. Explain the significance of the decorations.

Write a balanced discussion about a subject of your choosing.
Possible suggestions:
  • Should children be made to do homework?
  • Should children wear school uniforms?
  • Is it a good idea for children to be given mobile phones?
  • Should animals be kept in zoos?
Remember you need to stay balanced and use paragraphs and formal language. / Visit a carpet store/website and find out the prices of some flooring that you like.
Work out how much it would cost you to carpet your bedroom (or another room in your house). Don’t forget underlay!
You’ll need to measure your room and work out the area and perimeter. / Our geography topic is Brazil. Complete something about Brazil.
  • Create a travel guide for people who might want to visit Brazil.
  • Research a famous Brazilian person.
  • Examine sport in Brazil – Rio 2016 or the Brazilian football team would be obvious choices – and look at their impact on the country or famous events.
  • Anything else of your choosing.

Write a book review for a book you have read and enjoyed recently. / Help yourself to one of the tests from the classroom. Complete it and bring it back.
Answer sheets are available, but please only mark them once you’ve done the test! / After half term
Create some religious Easter art. We would be particularly impressed if you could create this in the style of an artist you have researched.
The 2018 Winter Olympics take place in February.
You could:
  • Write a newspaper report about some of the events.
  • Create a leaflet persuading people to go to South Korea or Pyeongchang.
  • Something else you choose (English based!)
/ Also about the 2018 Winter Olympics:
  • Present the Winter Olympics in numbers
  • Research statistics from previous Olympics and compare them to this one.
  • Look at distances between different Winter Olympics host venues
  • Anything else you choose (Maths based!)
/ More about the 2018 Winter Olympics:
  • Imagine the 2022 Winter Olympics is held in a city of your choosing (hint: London is hardly acceptable – there are no mountains!) and design the logos and publicity for this.
  • Create an ‘idiot’s guide’ to one or more of the sports of the Winter Olympics. Make sure this is easy to follow and has diagrams.