Conducting a Survey (continued)

Conducting a Survey

Getting Started

For this project, you are going to design and conduct a survey, using the sampling techniques, data displays, and measures of center and variability.



You must decide on an issue or activity for your survey. Organized extra-curricular activities at school? Recycling efforts in your community?


Decide on a sampling technique that is appropriate for the issue or activity you are researching. Prepare and conduct your survey. Record the results.


Present your data using appropriate data displays. Analyze the data using appropriate statistical measures, including measures of center and variability.


Work with a classmate who investigated the same issue or activity that you did. Compare your survey and samples. How are the data alike? How are the data different?


Use your data and analysis to prepare a presentation to your class, school, or community. Summarize your findings, including the comparison you completed with a classmate. Expand your comparison to other classmates, classes, schools, or communities by researching data available in local newspapers or online.

Finishing the Project

You’re almost ready to present!

Project Checklist

Have you gathered together the parts of your project?

·  the materials you are going to use for the survey

·  the data you collected for your samples

·  the notes you took when comparing your data with another classmate

·  any research you conducted to choose the topic, develop the survey questions, or compare against your samples

Reflect and Revise

Review your project with a friend or family member. Are your graphs and calculations accurate? Are your numbers realistic? If necessary, make changes to improve your presentation.

Scoring Rubric

3 / All data required for the project is collected and displayed in an organized list or table. The data displays have been constructed correctly. The presentation included a comparison of samples and an analysis of the sampling techniques.
2 / Most of the data required for the project was collected. Most of the data displays and calculations were accurate, and the data was presented in an organized manner.
1 / Some data was omitted, some data displays or calculations were inaccurate, or the presentation was not well organized.
0 / A significant portion of the required data was missing, or the required calculations were incomplete.

Your Evaluation of the Project

Evaluate your work, based on the Scoring Rubric.

Your Teacher’s Evaluation of the Project

– grade 7 • Enrichment