2010 Fall - Web Design Final Review


Complete each statement.

1.The ______is a worldwide collection of computer networks that links together millions of computers used by businesses, the government, educational institutions, organizations, and individuals.

2.A(n) ______is a group of two or more computers that are connected together to share resources and information.

3.The ______is a collection of high-speed data lines that connect major computer systems located around the world.

4.A(n) ______is a company that has a permanent connection to the Internet backbone.

5.The ______is the part of the Internet that supports multimedia and consists of a collection of linked documents.

6.The ______is a set of rules for exchanging text, graphic, sound, video, and other multimedia files.

7.Each Web site contains a(n) ______, which is the first document users see when they access the site.

8.A(n) ______is a site generally available to the public.

9.The buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet is called ______.

10.A(n) ______is a private network that uses standard Internet technologies to share company information among employees.

11.A(n) ______is a private network that uses Internet technologies to share business information with select corporate partners or key customers.

12.A Web ______is a program that interprets and displays Web pages and enables you to view and interact with a Web page.

13.A(n) ______is the address of a document or other file accessible on the Internet.

14.A(n) ______is an element used to connect one Web page to another Web page on the same, or a different, Web server located anywhere in the world.

15.______is the authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web.

16.HTML uses a set of special instructions called ______to define the structure and layout of a Web document and specify how the page is displayed in a browser.

17.A Web ______is a file that contains both text and HTML tags.

18.HTML is ______, meaning you can create, or code, an HTML file on one type of computer and then use a browser on another type of computer to view that file as a Web page.

19.The ______is an industry consortium that seeks to promote standards for the evolution of the Web and Web technologies.

20.______combines the descriptive tags of SGML with special tags that denote formatting styles for how a document should display in a Web browser.

21.To ensure that browsers can interpret each new version of HTML, the W3C maintains HTML standards, or ______, which it makes publicly available on its Web site.

22.______is a markup language that uses tags to describe the structure and content of a document, not the format.

23.A(n) ______is a program that allows a user to enter, change, save, and print text, such as HTML.

24.A(n) ______is a program that provides basic text-editing functions, as well as more advanced features such as color-coding for various HTML tags, menus to insert HTML tags, and spell checkers.

25.A(n) ______editor is a program that provides a graphical user interface that allows a developer to preview the Web page during its development.

26.A(n) ______Web site structure connects Web pages in a straight line.

27.A(n) ______Web site structure connects Web pages in a tree-like structure.

28.A(n) ______Web site structure has no set organization.

29.A(n) ______Web site is one in which the home page is the main index page, and all other Web pages are linked individually to the home page.

30.The ______of a Web page is the text that appears on the title bar of the browser window when the Web page appears.

31.The title of a Web page is the name assigned to the page if a user adds the page to the browser’s list of ______.

32.In a browser, the list of favorites is sometimes known as the list of ______.

33.The ______of a Web page contains the information that is displayed in the browser window.

34.The ______of a Web page is a solid color of a picture or graphic against which the other elements on the Web page appear.

35.______is the default text format used for the main content of a Web page.

36.Normal text can be used in a series of text items called a(n) ______.

37.______are used to set off different paragraphs of text or different sections of a page.

38.An image used in a Web page is called a(n) ______image.

39.A(n) ______is an area of an image that activates a function when selected.

40.______are lines that are displayed across a Web page to separate different sections of the page.

41.A(n) ______is text, an image, or another Web page element that you click to instruct the browser to go to a location in a file or to request a file from a server.

42.The ______appears at the top of the Notepad window.

43.The ______appears at the top of the Notepad window just below the title bar.

44.Each ______represents a menu.

45.A(n) ______provides a list of commands you can use to open, save, and print the text in the file and perform other tasks.

46.The ______is the main part of the Notepad window.

47.The ______on the scroll bar indicates your current location in the file.

48.______causes text lines to break at the right edge of the window and appear on a new line, so all entered text is visible in the Notepad window.

49.The <!______> tag is used to tell the browser which HTML or XHTML version and type the document uses.

50.The ______document type is specified when you want to prohibit the use of deprecated tags.

51.______tags are tags that the W3C has earmarked for eventual removal from their specifications, because they have replaced those tags with other tags.

52.The ______document type allows the use of deprecated tags.

53.The ______document type is used to support frames on a Web page.

54.A(n) ______list formats information using small images called bullets.

55.A(n) ______list formats information in a series using letters or numbers.

56.To change the default bullet or number type, the ______attribute is entered within the <ol> or <ul> tags.

57.A(n) ______list offsets information in a dictionary-like style.

58.A <______> tag indicates a term in a definition list.

59.______are an essential part of the World Wide Web, allowing developers to connect one Web page to another Web page on the same, or a different, Web server located anywhere in the world.

60.Moving the mouse pointer over a link displays the URL of the linked page, document, or other file on the ______of the browser.

61.Unless otherwise coded in the <______> tag, the browser settings define the colors of text links throughout a Web page.

62.The ______attribute of the <body> tag controls the color of a link that has been clicked or visited.

63.The ______attribute of the <body> tag controls the color of a link that is active.

64.When a visitor clicks a(n) ______link, it automatically opens a new message in the default e-mail program and inserts the appropriate contact e-mail address in the To field.

65.A(n) ______page is the main page of a Web site, which visitors to a Web site generally will view first.

66.A Web site ______page should identify the purpose of the Web site, by briefly stating what content, services, or features it provides.

67.The ______attribute displays as a Web page is loading and when a user moves the mouse over the image to provide additional information on the purpose of the image.

68.Any text on a Web page, including headings, can be formatted with a different color or style by using attributes of the <______> tag.

69.The ______attribute of the <font> tag is used to change the font color.

70.______tags properly means that you always must enter end tags in an order opposite from the start tags.

71.If you want to use the default bullet style, the ______attribute does not need to be included.

72.A Web ______is a collection of Web pages created and maintained by a group or individual.

73.The <a> tag also is called the ______tag.

74.The ______attribute of the <a> tag indicates a forward relationship from the current document to the linked document.

75.The ______attribute of the <a> tag indicates a reverse relationship from the current document to the linked document.

76.The ______attribute of the <a> tag specifies the content type of the linked page or file to help a browser determine it if can handle the resource type.

77.When the browser recognizes a(n) ______URL in a clicked link, it automatically opens a new message in the default e-mail program and inserts the appropriate contact e-mail address in the To field.

78.In the case of a link within a Web page, the <a> tag specifies a(n) ______, or named location, in the same file.

79.The <b> </b> tag is a(n) ______style tag that displays text as bold.

80.The <______> tag designates a long quotation.

81.The <______> tag is a logical style tag that displays text with emphasis and usually appears as italicized.

82.The <______> tag is a physical style tag that displays text as italicized.

83.The <______> tag sets enclosed text as preformatted material, preserving spaces and line breaks.

84.Text that displays below normal text is called ______.

85.Text that displays above normal text is called ______.

86.Teletype text is also called ______text.

87.______styles allow a browser to interpret the tag based on browser settings, relative to other text in a Web page.

88.The <h2> heading tag is a(n) ______style that indicates that the heading text should be larger than regular text but smaller than text formatted using an <h1> heading tag.

89.The <strong> </strong> tag is a(n) ______style, which indicates that the text should have a strong emphasis, and which most browsers interpret as displaying the text in bold font.

90.______style tags specify a particular font change that is interpreted strictly by all browsers.

91.The <br clear=“______/”> tag removes both left and right alignments.

92.A(n) ______image is a smaller version of the image itself.

93.______allow you to organize information on a Web page using HTML tags.

94.Tables can be used to create a(n) ______or frame around an image.

95.______consist of rows, columns, and cells, much like spreadsheets.

96.A(n) ______is a horizontal line of information in a table.

97.An) ______is the intersection of a row and a column.

98.A(n) ______cell displays text as bold and center-aligned.

99.A(n) ______cell displays normal text that is left-aligned.

100.A table ______is the line that encloses the perimeter of the table.

101.A table ______is any cell with bold text that indicates the purpose of the row or column.

102.A table ______is descriptive text located above or below the table that further describes the purpose of the table.

103.The ______attribute allows a Web developer to select which internal borders to show in a table.

104.______generally are useful in a Web page is the Web page needs to display a structured, organized list of information or includes text and images that must be positioned in a very specific manner.

105.Conceptualizing a table on paper first saves time trying to determine which HTML table ______to use to create the table.

106.All tags for a table are inserted within the <______>tags.

107.The <______> tags indicate the start and end of table rows.

108.The <______> tags indicate the start and end of a row with table heading cells.

109.The <______> tags indicate the start and end of a row of data cells.

110.A table is borderless if no border attribute is specified in the <______> tag.

111.The ______attribute of the <table> tag controls the table alignment.

112.The ______attribute of the <table> tag sets the table width relative to the window width.

113.The cellspacing attribute of the <table> tag defines the space between cells in ______.

114.The ______attribute of the <th> and <td> tags horizontally aligns the cell.

115.The ______attribute sets the amount of space between cells.

116.Using the ______attribute aligns the information in a cell at the top of the cell.

117.Vertical alignment can be set in each individual cell of a row by using the ______attribute in the <td> tags in the row.

118.The ______attribute in the <td> tag permits the background color of the cell to be changed.

119.A table uses the ______attribute within the <td> tag of each cell to indicate the width of each column relative to the entire table.

120.______tables often are appropriate when the tables are used to position text and image elements.

121.A table is modified to use cellspacing and cellpadding by adding these attributes to the <______> tag.

122.______defines the number of pixels of space within a cell.

123.Tables used to structure columns and rows of information can benefit from having a(n) ______to clarify the contents of the table.

124.The ______attribute of the <th> or <td> tag sets the number of rows spanned by a cell.

125.The ______attribute of the <th> or <td> tag sets the number of columns spanned by a cell.

126.To quit Notepad, click the ______button on the Notepad window title bar.

127.When an image is used as a link, the entire image becomes the ______area, also called the hotspot.

128.Web page visitors who click a(n) ______are linked to another part of the same Web page or to another Web page on the same or another site.

129.A Web page that uses an image map for navigation also should include ______links to the URLs reflected in the image map.

130.Using ______links in conjunction with a navigational image map ensures that if the image does not download or a Web page visitor has images turned off, a user can still navigate to other Web pages.

131.With a(n) ______image map, the browser does not have to send the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse click to the Web server.

132.With a client-side image map, the ______of the mouse click are included in the HTML file together with the URL of the link.

133.In a server-side image map, the ______sends the x- and y- coordinates to the Web server for the position of the link on the image map.

134.______image maps are supported by most, if not all, browsers.

135.Before coding the image map, you must map the image ______for each hotspot.

136.A(n) ______image for image mapping is one that has obvious visual sections and is therefore a good choice as an image map.

137.With a(n) ______image map, the Web server does all the work.

138.______images for image mapping are ones without obvious visual sections.

139.The ______-axis runs vertically on the image.

140.The first number of a(n) ______is the x-coordinate, and the second number is the y-coordinate.

141.The ______-axis runs horizontally on the image.

142.Map areas can use one of three shapes: rectangle, circle, or ______.

143.The ______tag defines the link and anchors for an image map.

144.You insert the coordinates for the various map shapes in the <area> tag in the ______file.

145.In Paint, the ______area is where the image displays.

146.Moving the mouse pointer down increases the ______coordinate.

147.The x- and y-coordinates are ______when beginning in the top-left corner of an image.

148.The ______feature of Paint can answer your questions about the use of this software application.

149.The ______tool in Paint's toolbox is used to find the x- and y-coordinates of the image to be mapped.

150.In Paint, the ______displays the coordinates of the center of the mouse pointer at its current position on the image.

151.The ______tag is used to create table data cells.

152.Generally speaking, the ______attribute indicates the URL of a client-side image map.

153.A(n) ______tag is needed for each clickable area.

154.The two main image mapping tags are <map> </map> and ______.

155.The ______attribute of the <map> tag defines the map's name.

156.The ______attribute of the <map> tag indicates the points bounding the map area.

157.The ______attribute of the <img> tag adds pixels of horizontal space between the image and the text.

158.A(n) ______is a rectangular area in which text or graphics can appear, often used to divide a Web page into more than one window.

159.A(n) ______can be thought of as a window with various windowpanes.

160.The ______file opens when a visitor enters the URL of the frame's Web site in the Address text box of the browser.

161.The ______tag defines the structure of the frames within a window.

162.The ______tag defines a given frame within a frameset.

163.The ______tag provides alternate content if the browser used does not support frames.

164.To use frames, you create a frame definition file in HTML, using a combination of ______and several attributes to specify the layout.

165.A(n) ______is used to define the layout of the frames when displayed on the screen.

166.The ______attribute indicates whether or not a scroll bar is present.

167.The ______attribute indicates the source to be displayed in the frame.

168.In the <frame> tag, the ______attribute turns the frame borders on and off.

169.The <frameset ______="25%,75%"> tag creates two columns.

170.If the border is turned off, the browser automatically inserts five ______of space to separate the frames.

171.The ______attribute lets you change the border to a new color.

172.The ______attribute lets you change the margin on the left and/or right of a frame.

173.If the Web page content exceeds the length of a frame area, a(n) ______is needed in order to display all of the frame content.

174.The ______tag allows you to accommodate those visitors who cannot otherwise see your Web page in frames.

175.The ______document type is used to support frames on a Web page.

176.The frameset document type allows the use of ______tags.

177.The first step in creating a frame ______file is to start a text editor and then enter the initial HTML tags to define the overall structure of a Web page.

178.HTML and XHTML support ______document types.

179.The size of a frame should be determined by the ______it displays.

180.If a frame is too small, the visitor must ______vertically or horizontally to read the content.

181.If you use ______to specify the size of a row, the frame does not resize when the browser window is resized.

182.If you need more than two columns in a frameset, you must include the dimensions for the columns in the ______tag.

183.You use the ______attribute in the <frame> tag to restrict a Web page visitor's ability to resize the frame.

184.If the noresize attribute is not used, ______displays a small hash mark in the middle of the frame border.

185.To quit a browser, click the ______button on the browser title bar.

186.A(n) ______control is any type of input mechanism on a form.

187.A(n) ______input control is either a radio button, a check box, a Submit button, a Reset button, or a selection menu.

188.A(n) ______input control is either a text box, a textarea box, or a password text box.

189.In a(n) ______box, a visitor may enter small amounts of text.

190.In a(n) ______text box, a visitor may enter a password.

191.In a(n) ______box, a visitor may enter larger amounts of data.

192.A(n) ______control creates a drop-down list or menu of choices from which a visitor can select an option or options.

193.A(n) ______control creates a list item in a list from which more than one item can be chosen.

194.A(n) ______control creates a list item in a list from which only one item can be chosen.