‘Opening Windows of Opportunity’
Newsletter 6
January 2018
Dear Parents,
Follow us on Twitter - @AbbeyPrimary1
School uniform available from
‘iWonder Space’
We took part in a range of activities which gave the children opportunities to reflect on who helps them in their lives, to thank them and to think about how to resolve conflicts and use kind words.
Pantomime Raffle
Congratulations to Mrs Delgado and Rosie Young (Green) who won the tickets for the Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime. A big thank you to Scarlett and Florence’s mum, Mrs Swaine, for donating the tickets to help us fund the coach to take our singing club to the O2 for the Young Voices event.
Home Start
Home Start is a valuable charity that supports families with a young child under five. The charity is looking for volunteers. The following is an extract taken from their advertisement - ‘Home-Start is a voluntary organisation supporting families with a young child under five who are struggling. We recruit volunteers to visit families in their own home for a couple of hours each week, to offer emotional and practical support and friendship. A preparation course will be starting on Wednesday 14 March to run each Wednesday for eight weeks (excluding the Easter half term) completing on Wednesday 16 May. Expenses are paid. To find out more or to apply for a volunteer application pack please contact: Home-Start Sutton on 020 8647 6501 (). An enhanced DBS check and references will be undertaken. Home-Start Sutton positively encourages people with parenting skills from all sections of the community to volunteer’.
BMX Champion Mike Mullen Visits Abbey
Mike shared his story of how BMX helped him to improve confidence, shifting from a fixed to a growth mindset. Mike said that he ‘uses BMX and what it taught me to help school pupils to develop stronger mindsets and improved well-being’,
Our children were treated to a presentation about what it takes not to give up and that anything can be accomplished if we put our minds to it.
Mike showed us BMX tricks and got staff involved in the tricks. Miss Berardi and Mrs Vietri were incredibly brave as they lay on the floor as Mike rode up a ramp and over the top of them!
Sir Linkalot Visit
We had a great day when Sir Linkalot visited and gave workshops to our children, parents and staff. He taught us how to make links between words and letters to make remembering tricky spellings easier. Have a look at his website to get his tips and tricks.
Great Achievement!
Well done to Sulloch Ketheeskumaran (Lilac) for achieving his yellow belt in a martial art. Keep it up!
Notes from the School Office
Please, please, please ensure all uniform and items bought into school are clearly labelled with your child’s name. We have hundreds of water bottles, lunchboxes, sweatshirts, coats, PE kits and rucksacks every day. If an item is named we can return it to the owner, however without a name it just becomes another item of lost property.
Year 6 SATs 2018
If you are a parent of a Year 6 pupil please make sure that your child is in school, on time, for the whole week beginning 14 May 2018. SATs tests have to be taken at the planned time in every school nationally.
KS2 Playtime Snacks
Please make sure that snacks are fruit or vegetables.
Friday 2 February / Singing Club perform at ‘Young Voices’ at the O2 ArenaTuesday 6 February / Safer Internet Day
Monday 12 February / First day of half term holiday
Monday 19 February / School and nursery closed for INSET Day
Tuesday 20 February / First day back
Tuesday 20 February / Bronze Class visit to the synagogue in Wimbledon
Friday 23 February / Film Night
Thursday 1 March / World Book Day
Monday 5 March &
Tuesday 6 March / School nurse to do Reception children’s height and weight
Friday 9 March / Y1 trip to Painshill Park
Wednesday 21 March to Friday 23 March / Y4 residential trip to High Ashurst
Wednesday 28 March / Onesie Wednesday for Autism Awareness Day
Wednesday 28 March / Disco
Thursday 29 March / Last day of spring term
Monday 16 April / First day of summer term
Friday 27 April / Bingo Night from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Thursday 3 May / School and nursery closed for polling
Monday 7 May / School and nursery closed for Bank Holiday
Wednesday 9 May / Parents’ Evening from 3.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Thursday 10 May / Parents’ Evening from 3.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Friday 11 May / EYFS trip to Ladyland Farm
Week beginning 14 May / Year 6 SATs week
Friday 25 May / School and nursery closed for Inset Day
Louise Tunstall and the Abbey Team.