College Leadership Team


July 16, 2014

Present – Marsha Lupi, Linda Sciarratta, Jennifer Kane, Cathy O’Farrell, Candice Carter, John Kemppainen, Karen Patterson, Jeffrey Cornett, John Venn

Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.

Minutes – The minutes were approved as written.

Leadership team discussion update on minutes

Communications with Amanda Pasquale will continue regarding the Graduate Scholar Program.

Dr. Lupi shared that there are empty office spaces available in COEHS, and she will continue to keep tabs on availability.

The Meet and Greet Breakfast for the Jacksonville Teacher Residency Program was a great success.

Dr. Kemppainen shared that in comparison with the other colleges COEHS enrollment was #1 for summer school this year. Dr. Kemppainen also shared that the enrollment numbers for fall are in pretty good shape to date.


Dr. Jennifer Kane accepted the Interim Associate Dean role starting August 1st. Dr. Chris Janson accepted the Interim Chair position in LSCSM also beginning August 1st.

Dr. Kane announced that Dr. Jerry Johnson will be leaving UNF; he accepted a chair position at the University of West Florida. Dr. Johnson will be chairing a teacher education/ed leadership department. Dr. Godwyll will assume the program director duties and the visitor will be coordinating the cohorts established in the districts, but in the meantime Dr. Godwyll will be the contact for Dr. Johnson’s doctoral students.

Academic Affairs approved a minimum base pay raise for part time faculty to $750 per credit. . Tiffany King sent a new part time faculty pay schedule to department office managers.

Dr. Kane announced her new Office Assistant, Michele Verkerk. Michele will start Monday July 21. Christie L. Hall is Dr. O’Farrell’s new Office Assistant. Christie started May 27.

International Initiative Proposals – MHL

Five proposals were submitted. Dr. Sue Syverud from the EDIE department was lead proposer that submitted the selected the proposal which showed the most sustainability and the pragmatics to move forward. This is a college wide initiative – a professional development school in Belize. This professional development school will have to meet all the requirements that our students would need for Florida. We will have reciprocal students coming to UNF to do student internships. This initiative will bring more students in which will meet one of the goals and it is quite unique. A special thank you to Dr. Reed, Drs. O’Farrell and Kemppainen.

Dr. Candice Carter will serve in the role of representative to the International Council.

Potential for new degree in training and HR development – John K. and Jennifer K.

There are 69 students in advising’s queue who are missing test scores and lower level prerequisites. Conversations were brought forward to capture undergraduates in a non-teaching undergraduate degree. Bring back to the table the possibility of partnering with Dr. Kris Webb and Dr. Terry Cavanaugh – see if a working group could be brought together to come up with a next step. Dr. Kemppainen was asked to take the lead in investigation. Dr. Lupi asked Dr. Kemppainen for names of programs; graduate assistants can work on the research. Bring back to the CLT in one month.

Searches for AY-2014-2015 (MHL-LS)

At this time the following searches have been approved.

Chair, CELT

Assistant Professor, ASL, English and Interpreting

Clinical Instructor, Sport Management

Dr. Lupi will send out the rest of the list after she meets again with Dr. Coleman.

Urban Internship/Additional AA $ (MHL-LS)

Linda Sciarratta discussed the information on the handout she and Dr. Lupi gave to the leadership team. Since COEHS received eight visiting lines, salary money was moved to expense money which proposes each department to:

·  Receive additional dollars for office expenses

·  PDS expense budget was increased back to what it was during the 2008 allocation

·  Mini travel scholarships (student application will be generated by Dr. Lupi and Dr. Kane)

·  Books and materials for the Student Resource Center

·  CUEP operating expense support

·  Research Grants

More detail of the above bulleted items are highlighted in yellow on the Urban Internship budget 2014-2015 handout from the July 16 meeting.

Dr. Lupi asked the team for additional ideas for the remaining to be allocated which will include the $45,000.

·  Student Resource Center

o  Dr. O’Farrell suggested moving the Press and Die cast from classroom 1250 to the resource center.

·  Model Technology Room – College Technology Committee to review and update

·  Recruitment and Advertising

·  Crosswalk the student resource center and the model classroom. Make sure there is an overview of how resources are developed and keeping the technology committee involved with the units within COEHS. Lean more towards technology. Possibly earmark money for this idea.

·  Staffing the Education Technology Center during the evening hours. Dr. Lupi will talk to Dr. Eastham to extend the hours after 5pm at least 2-3 hours per week to provide online access for those students taking evening classes.

Additional money from AA (MHL – LS)

Hire an OPS person for COEHS departments with only one staff member. $12.00 per hour/25 hours per week - See Linda for the department account number to use when doing the paperwork to hire an OPS employee. Additional money from the $45,000 given to our college from AA will be used to supplement the OPS position.

Graduate Assistantship/Scholarship dollars

Dr. Lupi will commit to re-evaluate the distribution of graduate assistantship monies. Commitments have been made to students to date but cuts will still have to be made. Linda shared the amount of budget cut for FY 2015. Linda explained the handout distributed during the leadership team meeting and how it was broken down (proposed and current). Dr. Lupi will continue conversations with Dr. Kantner and return to the next CLT meeting with future updates on graduate assistantship dollars/waivers.

Dr. Lupi and Linda will re-do the budget and bring back to the next CLT meeting with all the suggestions.

CUEP Executive Director AY2014-2015 (MHL)

This will be an interim position this year – it is the last year of funding of the grant as we know it. CUEP will start exploring ways to seek their own funding. Dr. Lupi has a meeting with Dr. Traynham today; she will bring the position description Dr. Rose has written. Dr. Lupi will appoint a COEHS faculty member as an interim for the year. More discussion to follow during the next CLT meeting.

AA Special Event Funding – MHL

During the AA Dean’s meeting they were discussing monies which Academic Affairs had set aside to match payment for departments wanting to bring speakers to campus during special events.

COEHS Open House/Student Ambassadors – JK

The Education Advisory Board is here to stay for another year. EAB is an organization that looks at student recruitment and retention to identify the high or at-risk students and ways to intervene early in their academic year. Although COEHS does not have a lot of at-risk students, COEHS does face issues of students not knowing a lot about the College of Education. Dr. Kemppainen would like to hold open houses on the first floor lobby. Dr. Kemppainen would like to recruit upper class COEHS students as Ambassadors to participate at the Open House events and identify freshman who may want to become education majors. Dr. O’Farrell suggested recruiting students who are scholarship recipients.

Dr. Lupi would like to find some dates, hold a few committee meetings, and identify student ambassadors. Follow up during an up-coming CLT meeting.


FACTE this year is October 9-10in Tampa. Dr. Lupi asked the department chairs if they were interested, or if they could not attend, an interested faculty member may attend.

Growth and Graduate Programs – MHL

Please update Dr. Lupi on growth and graduate programs. How do we want to look for parameters? Need clarity on the best possible numbers. Dr. Lupi will be meeting with Dr. Kantner.

Other Business

Please encourage your faculty and staff to attend the Welcome Back BBQ.

Dr. Lupi and Dr. Kane will be in discussion about Clinical Education. Conversations will continue and brought back to the table after the fall semester starts.

ISQ’s – Since ISQ submission went online this year, people could opt out of ISQ submission. How can department chairs support their faculty? Discussions need to be continued.

Meeting adjourned 11:25 am