Minutes of the

February 7, 2017 SPECIAL Meeting

Chairman Paul Harrington called the SPECIAL meeting of February 7, 2017 to order at 6:30 p.m.

MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman Paul Harrington, Michael Ciarcia, Malcolm Hamilton, Dennis Gragnolati, David Weigert, Norman Boucher and Stephan Brown, Jr.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Cornelius O’Leary

Alternate Member Stephan Brown, Jr. will be voting for Board Member Cornelius O’Leary for this evening’s proceedings.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Amanda Moore, Finance Director

Edward Sabotka, Holiday Committee

Robert Crochetiere, Inland/Wetlands Commission

James Roche and Rose Horan, Historical Commission

Richard Frawley, Conservation Commission

Patrick McMahon, Consultant, EIDC

Gloria Malec, Executive Director, Public Library

Steven Zelman, Probate Court


ADDED AGENDA ITEMS: This was included as an agenda item in error as this is a SPECIAL meeting and items can not be added to this agenda.

CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence will be discussed during Board Member Input.


a.  WPCA Bonding Infrastructure Project-A Repayment Agreement Sample and Resolution was distributed to Board members. The Board of Selectmen are waiting for action to be taken by this Board so that Town Meeting and Referendum dates can be set. After a brief discussion, Stephan Brown made a motion contingent upon the WPCA signing a repayment agreement with the Town, resolved, that the Board of Finance recommends that the Town of Windsor Locks appropriate $6,700,000 for the 2017 WPCA project, consisting of (1) an upgrade of the Dexter Pump Station, (2) an upgrade of the radio communication system, and (3) improvements to the processes, mechanical equipment, electrical and building systems at the Water Pollution Control Facility. The appropriation will be financed by the issue of

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bonds, notes and temporary notes in the same amount. This motion was seconded by Dennis Gragnolati. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and the motion carried.


a.  Holiday Committee-Mr. Edward Sabotka, Chairman of the Windsor Locks Veteran’s Council was present. Budget amount requested was $3,000.00 which is the same as last year. Funds are used for Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day events. Even though the Memorial Day Parade was cancelled this year due to rain, a memorial was still held at Memorial Hall and the attendance was overwhelming. A great portion of this budget goes towards grave markers and flags. Chairman Harrington and Dennis Gragnolati thanked Mr. Sabotka for attending and stated he does a great job for the town. Mr. Sabotka stated that membership in the Veteran’s Council is going down and asked if anyone was interested in becoming a member.

b.  Inland/Wetlands Committee-Mr. Robert Crochetiere, Chairman was present. He stated there could be a potential problem getting a soil analyst and wanted a cushion to eliminate any situations to protect the town and requested $2,500. Educational and Professional courses are necessary for certifications. He believes that four individuals may be attending at a cost of $55.00 per person. Regarding advertising, many notices of hearings, revising of regulations, and public mailings will be done. After the regulations are revised, approximately 20 copies will be needed to be printed. He also stated due to the increase in the cost of tapes another $25.00 will be needed. Mr. Crochetiere’s budget request was $6,251.00. Chairman Harrington thanked Mr. Crochetiere for attending.

c. Historical Commission-Member James Roche and Rose

Horan were present. Mr. Roche stated this budget request is the same as last year. Chairman Harrington thanked James Roche and Rose Horan for attending.

d.  Conservation Commission-Richard Frawley, Chairman of the Conservation

Commission and Rose Horan, Recording Secretary were present. Mr. Frawley began by stating they pay dues of $1,100 to the Central Conservation District. One of the advantages of this is it enables them to have soil analysts available at all times. The total budget they are requesting is $3,095.00 which is an $84.00 increase mostly due to advertising costs and general supplies. Chairman Harrington thanked them for their time.

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e.  Economic and Industrial Development Commission-Patrick McMahon, Consultant was present. He began by thanking

The Board of Finance for supporting the EIDC initiatives and projects over the last several years. After twelve years he will be moving on and Mr. Mark Pellegrini will be taking his place. He requested an increase of $5,000 in the Salary and Wages/Consultant line item due to several future projects which will require a tremendous amount of coordination and planning and requested a $100 increase for Connecticut Sight Finder Data Base Recording. He also spoke about funds needed for projects and improvement design needs on Main Street. Michael Ciarcia thanked Mr. McMahon for his years of service and wished him well in his future endeavors.

f.  Public Library-Gloria Malec, Executive Director was present.

Ms. Malec began by presenting a brief overview of projects the library is involved in and services offered. She is requesting a 4% increase. The library will no longer have access to free internet. Medical Insurance will also be an issue. Chairman Harrington suggested switching over to a HSA plan.

A long with town residents, The Windsor Locks Library is attracting more and more out of town people.

New employees were hired to fill vacancies and rates needed to be increased to be comparable. Veteran employee rate was increased to be at a comparable level to the new employees.

Michael Ciarcia asked about charging for internet services. Ms. Malec stated the State will not allow libraries to charge for this service.

She stated the library received a federal grant to upgrade to fiber optics.

Ms. Malec stated they conserve where they can, however, utility costs increased.

Ms. Malec submitted letters of support with 416 signatures.

Chairman Harrington thanked Ms. Malec for attending.

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g.  Probate Court-Mr. Steven Zelman was in attendance. He stated he will soon be Judge for the Tobacco Valley District. He stated the new telephone system is costing more and it is reflected in the telecommunications increase. Postage is decreasing. Most everything else on the budget is basically the same. Chairman Harrington thanked Mr. Zelman for attending.

Mr. Zelman also asked for a privacy partition for one of the clerk’s stations as when the door opens there is a wind tunnel effect created. Ms. Moore will see if there are any partitions in storage.

h.  Zoning Board of Appeals-Chairman Harrington stated a representative from the Zoning Board of Appeals was not present this evening, however they submitted a zero percent increase budget.

i.  Capital Improvement Advisory Committee-Ms. Moore stated the recording secretary needs recording paper which costs $65.00. She also discussed setting up a kios for all recording secretaries to print minutes at the Town Hall.


a.  Holiday Committee-Michael Ciarcia made a motion to temporarily

approve the Holiday Committee Observance $3,000.00 budget for the fiscal year 2017-2018. David Weigert seconded the motion. The vote was 5-1 in favor, and the motion carried. Chairman Harrington, Michael Ciarcia, Malcolm Hamilton, David Weigert, and Stephan Brown were in favor. Dennis Gragnolati opposed the motion.

b.  Inland/Wetlands Commission-After a brief discussion about exploring different options regarding soil testing and going over each line item of the budget, Michael Ciarcia made a motion to temporarily approve the Inland Wetlands Commission budget for $3,351.00 with the line item brake out for fiscal 2017-2018 being the same as fiscal year 2016-2017. David Weigert seconded this motion. After discussion the vote was 5-0 in favor with one abstention. The motion carried. Dennis Gragnolati abstained from voting.

c.  Historical Commission-Michael Ciarcia made a motion to temporarily approve the Historical Commission budget as presented for the 2017-2018 fiscal year for $1,517.00. Stephan Brown seconded this motion. Vote was 5-0 in favor with one abstention and the motion carried. Dennis Gragnolati abstained from voting.

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d.  Conservation Committee-Michael Ciarcia made a motion to temporarily approve the Conservation Committee budget for 2017-2018 fiscal year with the only change from the presented budget being in the Educational Training line, bringing it down to $80.00. Stephan Brown seconded this motion. Vote was 5-0 in favor with one abstention. The motion carried. Dennis Gragnolati abstained from voting.

e.  Economic and Industrial Development Committee.-After a brief discussion regarding Salaries and Wages, Michael Ciarcia made a motion to temporarily approve $28,635 for the E.I.D.C. budget for the 2017-2018 fiscal year with the only change being to the Salary/Wages line item going down to $20,000. Stephan Brown seconded this motion. After a brief discussion, the vote was 5-0 in favor with one abstention. The motion carried. Dennis Gragnolati abstained from voting.

f.  Public Library-After a discussion including insurance obligations, HSA options, and salary increases, Michael Ciarcia made a motion to temporarily approve the 2017-2018 Library budget for the amount the Town of Windsor Locks will fund at $468,000. Stephan Brown seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor with one abstention. Motion carried. Dennis Gragnolati abstained from voting.

g.  Zoning Board of Appeals- Michael Ciarcia made a motion to temporarily approve the Zoning Board of Appeals 2017-2018 budget as presented at $5,138.00. The motion was seconded by Stephan Brown. The vote was 5-0 in favor with one abstention. Motion carried. Dennis Gragnolati abstained from voting.

h.  Probate Court-After discussing ways to get a privacy wall partition, David Weigert made a motion to temporarily accept the 2017-2018 Probate Court budget as presented at $21,050.00. Michael Ciarcia seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor with one abstention. The motion carried.Dennis Gragnolati abstained from voting.

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i.  Capital Improvement Advisory Committee-Michael Ciarcia made a motion to temporarily approve the CIAC operating budget for the fiscal 2017-2018 at $415.00 which is $350.00 for Salaries/Wages and $65.00 in General Supplies. Stephan Brown seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor with one abstention. Motion carried. Dennis Gragnolati abstained from voting.

Ms. Moore clarified that the recording secretary will get an increase based on the number of meetings held if the other recording secretaries get an increase.

FINANCE OFFICE UPDATE: Ms. Moore spoke about the motion made regarding the transfer for a Finance Office employee going on a leave and a former Finance Office employee helping out during that time in the January 31, 2017 minutes. She suggested this motion be clarified and amended. Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the January 31, 2017 minutes as written. Stephan Brown seconded this motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0 and this motion carried.

Dennis Gragnolati made a motion that in the minutes of January 31, 2017 the motion under Old Business: c. Transfers, which stated that “The Finance Director be allowed to increase the work week of another Town employee from 35 hours to 40 hours per week to cover for another employee who will be going on leave of absence” be rescinded. David Weigert seconded this motion. All were in favor. The motion was rescinded.

Dennis Gragnolati made a motion that $660.25 be expended for temporary Finance Office assistance as recommended by the Finance Office Director. David Weigert seconded this motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

A report was requested that shows the amount requested during the budget process. Ms. Moore stated she can generate a report which shows what is appropriated and expended.


BOARD MEMBERS INPUT-Chairman Harrington spoke about regular and special meetings and stated in December when they make a motion to approve meetings, February and March meetings should be included so they will no longer be considered special meetings. By doing this, added agenda items can be included.

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If this happens, February and March meetings will also need to be included in the Annual Report under meeting schedules.

Michael Ciarcia inquired about the information received from Blum & Shapiro and Ms. Moore stated it will be added to next week’s agenda.

Chairman Harrington stated the Registrar of Voters send him an e-mail regarding the bonding issue and referendum. They may need to request funding for this.

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Dennis Gragnolati, seconded by Stephan Brown to adjourn. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by,

Terrie Becker

Recording Secretary