Ice Racing New South Wales Inc

2012 NSW Open Short Track Speed Skating Championships

Thursday September 13th 6.30-8.45pm
Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink
Enquiries: /

Announcement & Invitation

This event will be held at:
Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink, Phillips Avenue, Canterbury.
Phone: ph: (02) 9789 4044 / on
Thursday September 13th 6.30pm - 8.45pm

Cost?Normal rink entry at the door, $45 per skater to participate in the event. The fee includes a buffet supper.

Competition Regulations:The NSW Open Short Track Speed Skating Championships will be conducted under ISU/AIR Regulations.


6.30 / Warm up Nipper,Midget,Sub juniors
6.35 / Warm up Open, Masters
6.40 / R1 / Nippers / 222 Final / Points awarded
R2 / Midgets/Sub-Juniors (MSJ) / 333 Heat 1 . / 5 in heat 1st & 2nd to A Final; 3rd & 4th to B Final;
rest C Final
R3 / MSJ / 333 Heat 2
R4 / Masters / 1000 Heat 1 / 1st, 2nd & 3rd to A Final, rest to B Final
R5 / Masters / 1000 Heat 2
R6 / Open / 1000 Heat 1 / 1, 2 & 3 to A Final, rest to B Final
R7 / Open / 1000 Heat 1
R8 / Nippers / 333 Final / Points awarded
R9 / MSJ / 333 C Final / Points awarded
R10 / MSJ / 333 B Final / Points awarded
R11 / MSJ / 333 A Final / Points awarded
7.10 / R12 / Masters / 1000m B Final / Points awarded
R13 / Masters / 1000m A Final / Points awarded
R14 / Open / 1000m B Final / Points awarded
R15 / Open / 1000m A Final / Points awarded
R16 / Nippers / 444m Final / Points awarded
R17 / MSJ / 500m Heat 1 / 1 & 2 to A Final,3 & 4 to B Final, rest to C Final
R18 / MSJ / 500m Heat 2
7.40 / R19 / Masters / 500m Heat 1 / 1 & 2 to A Final, Rest to B Final
R20 / Masters / 500m Heat 2
R21 / Open / 500m Heat 1 / 1 & 2 to A Final,3 & 4 to B Final, Rest to C Final
R22 / Open / 500m Heat 2
R23 / Nipper / 500m Final / Points awarded
8.05 / R24 / MSJ / 500m C Final / Points awarded
R25 / MSJ / 500m B Final / Points awarded
R26 / MSJ / 500m A Final / Points awarded
R27 / Masters / 500m B Final / Points awarded
R28 / Masters / 500m A Final / Points awarded
R29 / Open / 500m C Final / Points awarded
R30 / Open / 500m B Final / Points awarded
R31 / Open / 500m A Final / Points awarded
8.30 / R32 / MSJ / 777m Final / Points awarded Top 8 after 500m finals
R33 / Masters / 1500 Final / Points awarded All in
R34 / Open / 1500 Final / Points awarded Top 8 after 500 finals


CLOSING DATE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd 2012Submit your entry form and pay at the registration desk inside the rink on MONDAY 3rd September during Arrows Training time **

I, ______, a registered skating member, with helmet cover number ______

of ______Club

apply to enter the 2012 NSW Open Short Track Championships in the Division marked below.

Division to enter :The division for your age is based on your age at July 1, 2012. You may skate up one or more division but you may only enter one division.
Divisions may be combined if there are less than 4 in a division. Places will be awarded based on the division you enter.

Please tick the division and indicate whether you are a male or female.

 / Female / Divisions / Age / Distances to be skated in metres / No of races
Nipper / Up to 9 years / 222, 333, 444, 500 All Finals / 4
Midget / < 12 years / 333 heat, final; 500 heat, final; 777 final only. / 5
Sub Junior / < 15 years / 333 heat, final; 500 heat, final; 777 final only. / 5
Junior / < 19 years / 1000 heat, final; 500 heat, final; 1500 final. / 5
Open Senior / 19 years & over / 1000 heat, final; 500 heat, final; 1500 final. / 5
Masters / 31 years & over / 1000 heat, final; 500 heat, final; 1500 final. / 5

I agree to abide by the Rules of the Competition and to skate each race on its merits or risk disqualification.
I understand that no responsibility for any injury incurred during these Championships can be accepted by the Organisers, the Ice Speed Skating Association of NSW Inc.

Amount enclosed: ______/ Fee $45.00 + normal rink entry
The competition entry fee includes a buffet meal in the canteen during the presentation of trophies. To assist with the catering please enter how many of you and your family will be attending: ______
Signature of Skater or parent/guardian if skater is under 18 years)
in event of a query: ______/
or /

** If you can't be at the rink on September 3rd, please pay as follows:

Bank transfer to St George Bank / BSB: 112-879 Account No: 003 553 559
Acct Name: IRNSW
Reference: skater's name & division / OR / Cheque/money order payable to IRNSW
Mail payment and completed form by Sept 3rd
Event Co-ordinator, PO Box 1144, Strathfield, 2135
Please email your receipt to: