How to Submit Your Paper for AN2016
The proceedings of AN2016 will be published online and open access in the Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), a publication of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). All papers will be published in a single volume of POMA. Authors are free to use the material elsewhere. We do point out that while it is totally acceptable to publish the same material in other publications of ASA (e.g., Journal of the Acoustical Society of America – JASA), this may not be acceptable to other journals and you would need to check with those journals.
You can learn more about POMA at:
NOTE: Because of expectations from our funders that the proceedings of the meeting will be published in POMA, recipients of any financial support from AN2016 to attend the meeting (including only registration) agrees to submit a paper to POMA based on their meeting presentation as part of their acceptance of the support. Moreover, individuals getting travel or other reimbursements will not receive the reimbursement until the paper has been submitted to POMA.
The procedure we will use is as follows:
- The full paper must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm (23:59) GMT on August 15, 2016. Papers submitted after August 15 will not be accepted (and authors not reimbursed!).
- You can submit papers starting May 1, 2016. Papers cannot be modified after submission unless there are requested editorial changes from the editors (see below).
- Submission is via the POMA website. When you get to that page, click on the authors tab. At the next page you should click on submit a MS. If you are not a member of ASA you will need to register so you can sign in.
- Once you are in the submission page, you will see a request for article type. When you are asked for “article type,” look for something that refers to AN2016 and use that as your article type.
- Papers must be a minimum of 1,500 words of text (not including references) and the final manuscript and cover page, formatted for POMA, cannot exceed 15 pages including all figures, tables, and references.
- Instructions for submission and a template for your paper, with properly formatted headers, font sizes, and other material, can be downloaded from the AN2016 publication page.If you insert material directly into this template in the proper places the formatting will be done for you. Also note that there is a separate cover page (see below).
- There is no template for LaTeK. If you have to use that, then please follow the format for the Word version precisely. And, remember, the submission to POMA must be in PDF format.
- The cover page for the article that must be used is at the AN2016 publication page. Please note that if you use LaTeK to prepare your paper, you must still use the Word version of the cover page.
- You can download an example of a properly formatted paper at See item at bottom.
- Publication charge for meeting papers is waived.
- Papers will be reviewed for style and general content by an editorial team from AN2016 and POMA. This is not a full peer-review.
- You will receive comments from the editorial team by November 1, 2016. Authors receiving comments will need to do their revised final submission no later than two (2) weeks after receiving any comments.
- There will be no copy-editing or MS revision by the editorial team. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their MS is correctly formatted and written clearly.
The JASA format for references in the text must be used. Examples of such references are as follows. You can get additional formatting for references by looking at any recent JASA paper or from the JASA web site.
Amoser, S., and Ladich, F. (2010). "Year-round variability of ambient noise in temperate freshwater habitats and its implications for fishes," Aquat. Sci. 72, 371-378.
Bailey, H., Senior, B., Simmons, D., Rusin, J., Picken, G., and Thompson, P. M. (2010). "Assessing underwater noise levels during pile-driving at an offshore windfarm and its potential effects on marine mammals," Marine Pol. Bull. 60, 888-897.
Cato, D. (2012). “Physical biologists and biological physicists: Combining biology and physics in research on the effects of noise on aquatic life,” in Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, edited by A. N. Popper, and A. D. Hawkins (Springer-Verlag, New York), pp. 509-513.
CO-OPS. (2010). “NOAA Tide Predictions,” Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.
Cott, P. A., Mann, D. A., Higgs, D. M., Johnston, T. A., and Gunn, J. M. (2012). "Assessing disturbance from under-ice noise on fishes in boreal lakes," in Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, edited by A. N. Popper, and A. D. Hawkins (Springer-Verlag, New York), pp. 363-366.
Fay, R. R. (1988). Hearing in vertebrates: A psychophysics databook (Hill-Fay Associates, Winnetka, IL).
HRECOS. (2010). “Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System,” USEPA, NOAA, Hudson River Foundation, and the Hudson River Estuary Program of the NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation.
Le Prell, C. G., Henderson, D., Fay, R. R., and Popper, A. N. (2012). "Noise-induced hearing loss: Scientific advances," edited by C. G. Le Prell, D. Henderson, R. R. Fay, and A. N. Popper (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York).
Martin, B. (2013). "Computing cumulative sound exposure levels from anthropogenic sources in large data sets," POMA 19, 010048.
McDonald, M. A., Hildebrand, J. A., and Wiggins, S. M. (2006). "Increases in deep ocean ambient noise in the Northeast Pacific west of San Nicolas Island, California," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 711-718.
Poggendorf, D. (1952). "The absolute threshold of hearing of the bullhead (Amiurus nebulosus) and contributions to the physics of the Weberian apparatus of the Ostariophysi," Adler HE, Cappelli B, Transl.). Z. Vergl. Physiol. 34, 222-257.
Popper, A. N., Hawkins, A. D., Fay, R. R., Mann, D. A., Bartol, S., et al. (2014). "Sound Exposure Guidelines," in ASA S3/SC1. 4 TR-2014 Sound Exposure Guidelines for Fishes and Sea Turtles: A Technical Report prepared by ANSI-Accredited Standards Committee S3/SC1 and registered with ANSI (Springer), pp. 33-51.
Southall, B. L., Bowles, A. E., Ellison, W. T., Finneran, J. J., Gentry, R. L., et al. (2007). "Marine mammal noise exposure criteria: Initial scientific recommendations," Aquat. Mamm. 33, 411-521.
Urick, R. J. (1983). Principles of underwater sound (McGraw-Hill, New York).