Civil Aviation Directive (CAD AIRW-10)
Organisation Name:Part M Approval Number:Address:
Contact Name: / Tel No:
CAME Reference:
Compiled by (Org): /
Compliance Statement:
The response below form what I consider to be a true statement of this organisation’s compliance to the requirements EASA Part M as at amendment 2 dated 25/08/2016 and AMCs as at issue 2 amendment 1 dated 25/08/2016.
Signature / PositionPrint Name / Date of signing
Version 1, August 2016Page 1 of 10
/ PART M1 / CAME / PROCEDURE2 / COMMENT3Part M.A.701 Scope
Requirements to qualify
/ M.A.701Part M.A.702Application
Application / M.A.702
Part M.A.703Extent of Approval
Certificate of Approval / M.A.703(a)
For CAT Approval part of AOC / M.A.703(b)
Scope of work specified in CAME / M.A.703(c)
Part M.A.704Continuing airworthiness management exposition
Contents / M.A.704(a)
A statement signed by the accountable manager to confirm that the organisation will work in accordance with this Part and the exposition at all times / M.A.704(a)(1)
The organisation's scope of work / M.A.704(a)(2)
The title(s) and name(s) of person(s) referred to in points M.A.706(a), M.A.706(c) and M.A.706(d). / M.A.704(a)(3)
An organisation chart showing associated chains of responsibility between the person(s) referred to in M.A.706 (a), M.A.706 (b) and M.A.706(c) / M.A.704(a)(4)
A list of airworthiness review staff referred to in point M.A. 707, specifying where applicable, the staff authorised to issue permits to fly in accordance with Part M.A.711(c) / M.A.704(a)(5)
A general description and location of the facilities / M.A.704(a)(6)
Procedures specifying how the continuing airworthiness management organisation ensures compliance with this Part / M.A.704(a)(7)
The continuing airworthiness management exposition amendment procedures / M.A.704(a)(8)
The list of approved aircraft maintenance programmes, or, for aircraft not involved in commercial air transport, the list of "generic" and "baseline"
maintenance programmes / M.A.704(a)(9)
/ M.A.704(b)Amendments approved by the CAA / M.A.704(b)
Minor amendments / M.A.704(c)
Part M.A.705 Facilities
Suitable office accommodation at appropriate locations / M.A.705
Conducive to good standard / M.A.705
Adequate technical library / M.A.705
Document consultation room / M.A.705
Part M.706 Personnel Requirements
Accountable Manager
/ M.A.706(a)For CAT Accountable Manager same as AOC
/ M.A.706(b)Compliance
/ M.A.706(c)Nominated post holder and qualifications/experience
/ M.A.706(d)NPH not part of Part 145 approved organisation under contract to operator unless agreed
/ M.A.706(e)Sufficient appropriately qualified staff
/ M.A.706(f)Relevant knowledge, background and appropriate experience
/ M.A.706(g)Qualifications recorded
/ M.A.706(h)CAME update of the title(s) and name(s) of person(s) referred to in points M.A.706(a), M.A.706(c) and M.A.706(d)
/ M.A.706(j)Control the competence of all personnel (large and CAT aircraft) and initial and refresher training
/ M.A.706(k)Part M.A.708Continuing airworthiness management
Compliance to M.A Subpart C / M.A.708(a)
CAMO responsibilities
AMP/Reliability programme / M.A.708(b)(1)AMP and amendments Approval / M.A.708(b)(2)
Mods and repairs / M.A.708(b)(3)
Maintenance and release in accordance with AMP and Subpart H / M.A.708(b)(4)
AD and OD application / M.A.708(b)(5)
Defect rectification by AMO / M.A.708(b)(6)
AMO input when necessary / M.A.708(b)(7)
Coordination of maintenance, Ads, life limited parts and component inspections / M.A.708(b)(8)
Management of continuing airworthiness records and tech log / M.A.708(b)(9)
Ensure the mass and balance statement reflects aircraft current status / M.A.708(b)(10)
CAT operators not holding Part 145 approval
Written maintenance contract / M.A.708(c)Detailing the functions specified under M.A.301-2, M.A.301-3, M.A.301-5 and M.A.301-6 / M.A.708(c)
Ensuring that all maintenance is ultimately carried out by a Part-145 approved maintenance organisation / M.A.708(c)
Defining the support
of the quality functions of M.A.712(b) / M.A.708(c)
Aircraft base, scheduled line maintenance and engine maintenance contracts, together with all amendments,
shall be approved by the competent authority / M.A.708(c)
Unscheduled maintenance / M.A.708(d)(1)
Component and engine maintenance / M.A.708(d)(2)
Part M.A709 Documentation
Maintenance data
/ M.A.709(a)Non-CAT aircraft baseline or generic AMP
/ M.A.709(b)Part M.A.711 Privileges of the organisation
/ M.A.711(a)Management CA of aircraft except CAT as listed on approval certificate
/ M.A.711(a)(1)Management CA of CAT when listed on approval certificate and AOC
/ M.A.711(a)(2)Carry out CA tasks
/ M.A.711(a)(3)Part M.A.712Quality System
Quality System
Establishment of Quality System
/ M.A.712(a)Designation of Quality Manager
/ M.A.712(a)Record Storage
/ M.A.712(c)Combination of CAMO
/ M.A.712(d)Integration of CAMO in the case of CAT
/ M.A.712(e)Small organisations
/ M.A.712(f)Monitoring of Subpart G activities
Quality Feedback
/ M.A.712(a)Approved procedures
/ M.A.712(b)(1)Contracted Maintenance
/ M.A.712(b)(2)Compliance with Part M
/ M.A.712(b)(3)Part M.A.713 Changes to the approved continuing airworthiness organisation
Notification to the CAA
Part M.A.714 Record KeepingRecording of all work carried out
/ M.A.714(a)Record protection
/ M.A.714(e)Backup computer location
/ M.A.714(f)Transfer of records to another CAMO
/ M.A.714(g)Transfer of records to a new owner
/ M.A.714(h)Part M.A.716 Findings
Level 1 finding
/ M.A.706(a)Level 2 finding
/ M.A.706(b)Response to CAA audits and corrective action
/ M.A.706(c)SCAA Use Only
Compliance Statement reviewed and accepted.
Name of Inspector:
Instructions for completion by applicant and CAA
When completing this document, it is important to make a positive statement showing how the organisation complies with any relevant part of Part M (column 1) by indicating in column (2) the CAME or procedure reference, if any part is not relevant then N/A should be inserted in column (2). It should be stated in the comments column (3) why the part is not applicable.
Column (3) should give details of method of compliance for applicable paragraphs. It is essential that the associated AMCs are also considered as part of the compliance review and statement.
If additional information is required to demonstrate compliance please use the space below or attach an appropriately referenced continuation sheet.
Version 1, August 2016Page 1 of 10