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Updated 11/30//2012
Plant Pathology 5140
Diseases of Field Crops
Spring Quarter, 2012
Credits: 02
Thursday, 5:30 to 7:20 PM, Room Kottman 401
One Class to be held on Saturday - TBD
Instructors: Anne E. Dorrance, 118 Selby Hall, (330) 202-3560,
Pierce A. Paul, 115 Selby Hall (330) 263-3842,
Office Hours: TBA
Pre-requisites:Biology 101 or 113 or PCMB 101 or Plnt Bio 101 or permission of instructor.
Textbook:Schumann, G.L., and D’Arcy, C.L. 2010. Essential Plant Pathology, 2nd Edition.
Supplemental reading materials will be made available on the internet. Most course content will be made available on CARMEN. Plant Health Progress or access Plant Management Network
Useful references:
APS Compendium Series:
Compendium of Corn Diseases
Compendium of Soybean Diseases
Compendium of Barley Diseases
Compendium of Wheat Diseases
Wheat Health Management
Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust
Optional: Certain sections of “Exercises in Plant Disease Epidemiology”
Course Goals: Upon completion of the course, students should have acquired information necessary to:
1)Understand the fundamental importance of diseases in field crop production systems.
2)Identify several common diseases of corn, soybean and wheat on the basis of symptoms.
3)Understand how disease develops in field crop situations and the effects that the environment has on this process.
4)Understand the effects and limitations of disease management strategies as they are deployed in field crop production.
Student Responsibilities
Grades will be based on points accrued through the quarter in a midterm, project/paper and a final exam. Material covered in class will be emphasized on exams, however; some questions will come directly from the assigned readings. Some identification of disease samples will also be included. Final exam will be comprehensive.
The final grade will be based on the following:
First midterm exam100 pts
Second midterm exam100 pts
One project/paper100 pts
One final exam200 pts
Total 500 pts
Instructions for project/paper
You will be provided with 2 datasets from the instructors. For each dataset, compose a short, 4-5 page report which evaluates a specific disease management practice. From these data you are to assess if this management practice should be incorporated into the production system. The audience can be the producers in your region or the manager of your business.
The Paper should have the following information:
- Title page
- Description of disease affecting crop
- Pathogens-including disease cycles
- Current means of Management
- Objectives of the study (why treatments were evaluated)
- Quality of the study – were they able to assess the treatments
- Discussion – are you going to recommend this practice and if so why/ if not – why
- What additional information do you need
- Summary
- References (from only peer reviewed journals)
Grade Assignment
The minimum percentages and corresponding points to achieve a given grade are as follows:
Grade / Percentage / Points / Grade / Percentage / PointsA / 92.5 / 464 / C / 72.5 / 362
A- / 88.5 / 442 / C- / 68.5 / 342
B+ / 86.5 / 432 / D+ / 66.5 / 332
B / 82.5 / 412 / D / 62.5 / 312
B- / 78.5 / 392 / E / <62.5 / 312
C+ / 76.5 / 382
Academic Misconduct:
Message to the students:
Adopted in 1992, the Code of Student Conduct is a set of rules that protects persons and property of the university community. As members of the university community, each of us enjoys certain rights and privileges. Among these are the right to be free from a variety of forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, the right to discuss and exchange ideas, the right to be involved in University governance, and the right to privacy. Privileges like these are accompanied by an obligation to live by the rules and policies established for the orderly operation of the university. Degree requirements, rules against plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty, residence hall rules, and financial aid eligibility requirements are examples of the rules that govern life on campus. Please review these rules as they apply to you during your participation in Plant Pathology 614N. Pay particular attention to section 3335- 31-02 (Committee on Academic Misconduct, pages 45-46 of the OSU Resource Guide for Students). Academic misconduct erodes the integrity of the University and will not be tolerated. All suspected cases will be forwarded to the University's Committee on Academic Misconduct for action. Copies of the Resource Guide for Students may be obtained from the StudentAdvocacyCenter, Room 205 Ohio Union (292-1111), the office of Student Judicial Affairs, Room 2025 Drake Union (292-0748), or from the College office.
In practice, this means that there will be no tolerance for submitting plagiarized work to meet academic requirements. This includes, but is not limited to, the representation of another’s works or ideas as one’s own; the unacknowledged use and/or paraphrasing of another person’s work; and/or the inappropriate unacknowledged use of another person’s ideas; and/or the falsification, fabrication, or dishonesty (i.e. cheating) in producing material for evaluation of your performance. All this shall be grounds for charges of academic misconduct and will be treated according to the above statement.
Special Provisions:
This material is available in alternative formats upon request. Arrangements can be made for enabling students with speech, hearing, or visual impairment to participate in the course. Please contact the instructor.