WEEK of 1-5 to 1-9
EAST 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0
v Students will review & learn the EAST procedures and project expectations.
ASSESSMENTS: (How will I check for student understanding? How will I know they meet the goal?)
Teacher will walk around the room questioning students and monitoring progress on student's project.
v Informal Formative observation.
v Daily Participation Grades.
v Bell Ringer Responses
Bell Ringers
CART Poster notes page
Project Proposals
Fish Bowl & Topics, Timer
DIFFERENTIATION (low, middle, high):
Full class explanations. “Randomized” group work.
v Projects:
v Modifications:
Students have to turn in technology release forms before we can begin on computers.
· First week back to school from break
· Students have transferred into class and have transferred out of class.
· Behavior Reward will be this week.
· Students will be pulled for a grade-level meetings on Thursday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Student Objective: *Make sure Objective is updated & on the white board.
Monday: I will learn/review the EAST classroom rules & procedures
Tuesday: I will learn/review the EAST CART Poster
Wednesday, Thursday: I will learn/review the differences between an EAST Project and a General Activity. I will begin to develop/re-establish a project group and a project idea.
v This Goal relates to PREVIOUS content by:
Students will learn/review the school’s and EAST classroom’s expectations.
This Goal relates to FUTURE content by:
Students will use any knowledge learned in the real world or in school as well as technology to complete their EAST projects and assignments.
Students will be able to identify real world problems and work through them.
Bell Ringer / Activating Prior Knowledge:
*Students enter class and sign in on the clip board and take a bell ringer from the basket by the door (make sure the correct Bell Ringer is in the basket). Bell Ringers are to be done silently and individually for 7 minutes! (Use Timer). At the end of 7 minutes you can ask for volunteers to share. After sharing, call on one student to pick up the papers for you and please place them in the stacking trays.
Also, before the students start, take a bell ringer and read aloud to ensure all students are clear on the questions. Ask that if there are any questions regarding the bell ringer that they raise their hand so you can come to them to answer it. Circulate the room and check on students who may struggle with the bell ringer, or staying on task.
Monday: Bell Ringer: NO BELL RINGER! Students will pick up the EAST Syllabus
Tuesday: Bell Ringer: Middle School Word Search
v This is to help students get back into the routine of completing Bell Ringers.
v Students will have 5 minutes to work individually. After 5 minutes students will find a partner in the classroom and share answers for 1 minute. They will then rotate to another partner and share answers again. (This is to establish connections in the classroom).
Wednesday: Bell Ringer:
Paragraph Response: (Be sure to include and opening and closing sentence).
Yesterday we learned and reviewed our CART poster.
Write 2 sentences about each letter of CART (that means two sentences about C, and etc.). Try to think of how each letter is related to our EAST Projects. Do NOT just copy what is on the poster. I want it put into your own words and meanings.
Thursday: Bell Ringer:
Paragraph Response: (Be sure to include and opening and closing sentence).
Yesterday we learned about the differences between an EAST Project and a general activity.
Describe what makes an EAST Project different from a general activity.
v Bell Ringer Assignment / Activity - students will answer role by saying something that happened over Christmas break.
v Students will review the EAST classroom rules and procedures.
Ø Teacher will call on students to help read the CART poster and answer questions regarding definitions and explanations.
v Bell Ringer Assignment / Activity
v Students will review the EAST CART poster (project expectations).
Wednesday & Thursday:
v Bell Ringer Assignment / Activity
v Students will review the differences between an EAST project and general activity.
v Students should be forming project groups & submitting proposal forms.
v Teacher will walk around the room questioning students and monitoring progress on student's projects to engage students in learning.
v Teacher will meet with groups throughout the week to discuss their proposal forms and their weekly goals / "game plans" for completing their project.
v Teacher we review and remind students of the weekly participation grade / Class Dojo.
Class Closure:
Have students begin packing up 3 minutes before the bell. Students in my classes have assigned duties when it is time to clean-up.
v One group pushes in chairs
v One group makes sure all computers are logged off (or shut-down in 8th period).
v One groups makes sure there is no trash out on the floor or tables.
v One group wipes down the tables (we are out of wipes however, so they can help the other groups)
Syllabus Papers need to be signed and returned by FRIDAY!
Continue to think about how you can improve and progress your EAST project, and look for other potential projects. What problems need to be solved in our communities?
Student Objective: *Make sure Objective is updated & on the white board.
Friday: I will participate in Fish Bowl Friday.
Bell Ringer / Activating Prior Knowledge:
*Students enter class and sign in on the clip board and take a bell ringer from the basket by the door (make sure the correct Bell Ringer is in the basket). Bell Ringers are to be done silently and individually for 7 minutes! (Use Timer). At the end of 7 minutes you can ask for volunteers to share. After sharing, call on one student to pick up the papers for you and please place them in the stacking trays.
Also, before the students start, take a bell ringer and read aloud to ensure all students are clear on the questions. Ask that if there are any questions regarding the bell ringer that they raise their hand so you can come to them to answer it. Circulate the room and check on students who may struggle with the bell ringer, or staying on task.
Friday: Bell Ringer:
ü Describe the rules and expectations that Mrs. Hicks' has for "Fish Bowl Friday."
ü Discuss how Fish Bowl Friday is important to EAST and developing real world skills.
v Bell Ringer Assignment / Activity
v Fish Bowl Friday. Review procedures, rules, and expectations. Students can volunteer and names will be drawn randomly. Once called students will come to the front of the classroom and will draw a topic form the "fish bowl." Students will spend 60 seconds talking about the topic they have chosen. Topics are silly so students do not have to feel pressured.
Class Closure:
Have students begin packing up 3 minutes before the bell. Students in my classes have assigned duties when it is time to clean-up.
v One group pushes in chairs
v One group makes sure all computers are logged off (or shut-down in 8th period).
v One groups makes sure there is no trash out on the floor or tables.
v One group wipes down the tables (we are out of wipes however, so they can help the other groups)
Continue to think about how you can improve and progress your EAST project, and look for other potential projects. What problems need to be solved in our communities?
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