Participating organizations

Members of the Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities

1.  Able Child Africa

2.  Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled AOAD

3.  ADD International

4.  Afghan Amputee Bicyclists for Rehabilitation And Recreation (AABRAR)

5.  Afghan Disables & Vulnerable Society (ADVS)

6.  AIDS Finland

7.  All Sanghar Handicaps’ Association (ASHA)

8.  Al-Rehman Medical Welfare Society

9.  American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)

10.  American Red Cross

11.  Arab Organization of Disabled People (AODP)

12.  Association for Aid & Relief, Japan

13.  Association for Autism

14.  Associazione Italiana Amici di Raoul Follereau (AIFO)

15.  Audiology Centre, Pakistan

16.  AusAid

17.  Australian Disability and Development Consortium

18.  Autism Society

19.  Axios

20.  Ban Landmines Campaign Nepal (NCBL)

21.  Beit Issie Shapiro

22.  Best Buddies International

23.  Better Care Network

24.  Bezev

25.  Bhutan Foundation, U.S. Special Education Advisory Committee

26.  BPS Statistics Indonesia

27.  BRAC

28.  Brigham and Women's Hospital

29.  Challenge Your Disability Initiative, Bauchi Nigeria

30.  CAF (Care of Afghan Families

31.  CAFOD

32.  Catholic Health Association of India

33.  CBM

34.  CBM-Nossal Institute Partnership for Disability Inclusive Development

35.  CCD

36.  Centar "Ziveti uspravno" (Living upright) Serbia

37.  Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawaii

38.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities)

39.  Children with Disabilities Australia

40.  Child-to-Child Trust

41.  CIAI-India

42.  CISCO

43.  College of Art & Sciences, DC And Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

44.  Commonwealth Secretariat

45.  Community Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities

46.  Cooke Center for Learning and Development

47.  COPE (Cooperative Orthotic Prosthetic Enterprise)

48.  Council for Exceptional Children

49.  Curriculum Development

50.  Deaf Aid

51.  Department of State, Haiti

52.  Developmental Disabilities Institute Wayne State University Detroit, MI USA

53.  DFIT UK

54.  Disabilities Wales-Africa

55.  Disability ACT, Australia

56.  Disability Action Council

57.  Disability and Development Partners (DDP)

58.  Disability Rights Fund (DRF)

59.  Disability Rights Int.

60.  Disability Support Pensioners Australia Inc., Australia

61.  Disabled People Organization, Denmark

62.  Disabled People’s People International Asia Pacific (DPIAP)

63.  Disabled People's International (DPI)

64.  Dominic Foundation

65.  Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development (DCDD)

66.  East Link

67.  Eastern Disability Network (EDIN)

68.  Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

69.  ED101

70.  Education for All - Fast Track Initiative Secretariat

71.  Elcena Jeffers Foundation

72.  Enabling Childhoods (Disability Rights, Education and Early Childhood)

73.  Equip KIDS International

74.  Escola de Gente, Brazil

75.  Essilor International

76.  EU Fundamental Rights Agency

77.  EU-CORD

78.  European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

79.  EveryChild Coalition for Children without Parental Care

80.  First Step Georgia

81.  Florida Atlantic University

82.  Francis-Young International/Consultants in School Improvement (FYI-CSI)

83.  Gallaudet University

84.  Gandhigram Rural Institute - Deemed University's Centre for Disability and Development

85.  German Permanent Mission to the UN

86.  Global Autism Public Health Initiative - Bangladesh

87.  Global Deaf Connection, University of Minnesota

88.  Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

89.  Global Partnership for Education (GPE)

90.  Global Partnerships in the Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities

91.  GlobalPartnersUnited

92.  Government of Afghanistan

93.  Government of South Africa

94.  Handicap International

95.  Hands of Africa Foundation

96.  Harvard Law School Project on Disability

97.  Human First

98.  Human Rights Watch

99.  ICEVI International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment/ WBU

100.  International Disability Alliance (IDA)

101.  International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC)

102.  ILO

103.  Inclusion International

104.  Integrated Youth Volunteer Foundation (IYVF), Cameroon

105.  Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies

106.  InterAid Uganda

107.  International Association of Special Education (IASE)

108.  International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment

109.  International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus

110.  International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations

111.  International Relations at the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE)

112.  International Research and Development Actions (IRDAC)

113.  Iraqi Down Syndrome Association

114.  Joint National Association of PWD, Nigeria

115.  Jos University Teaching Hospital, Community Medicine Department

116.  Kenya Association for the Welfare of People with Epilepsy

117.  Keystone Institute / Keystone Human Services

118.  Kynnys: The Threshold Association

119.  Lagos Cheshire Home

120.  Leonard Cheshire Disability

121.  Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre (LCDIDC)

122.  Lillehammer University College, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Norway

123.  LEPRA India

124.  Light for the World

125.  Light for the World Confederation

126.  Liliane Fonds

127.  Lumos

128.  Lurie Institute for Disability Policy

129.  Malawi National Association of Deaf

130.  Ministry for Foreign Affairs Finland

131.  Ministry for Social Affairs and Health Finland

132.  Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway

133.  Ministry of Disability and Elderly Affairs, Malawi

134.  Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Azerbaijan

135.  Ministry of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, South Africa

136.  Miracle Feet, USA

137.  Mobility International USA

138.  National Advisory Committee on Autism

139.  National Anti- Poverty Commission (NAPC)Indigenous People Sectorial Council

140.  National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments

141.  New York City Department of Education

142.  Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People (NCODP)

143.  Norwegian Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities

144.  Norwegian Association of Disabled(NAD)

145.  Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, UK

146.  Nyanji Basic School

147.  Obra Social da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro

148.  Office of the Vice President, The Republic of Indonesia

149.  OHCHR

150.  One Billion Strong

151.  Open Society Foundation

152.  Orthopedic Training Center

153.  OVCI la Nostra Famiglia

154.  Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization

155.  Parents Int.

156.  Partners for Youth with Disabilities, Inc. (PYD)

157.  Partnership for Early Childhood Development & Disability Rights (PECDDR)

158.  Partnership for Every Child

159.  People to People (P2P)

160.  Perkins International

161.  Permanent Mission of Finland

162.  PHOS (Platform for Disability and Development Cooperation)

163.  Pineda Foundation for Youth

164.  Plan International

165.  PNG Department of Education

166.  PNPM Support Facility (PSF) – World Bank

167.  Power International (Laos)

168.  Queen's University International Centre for the Advancement of Community Based Rehabilitation

169.  Rain Barrel Communications

170.  Reach Out & Care Wheels Inc. (ROC Wheels)

171.  Regional Society of Disabled People PERSPEKTIVA

172.  Rehab Group

173.  Rehabilitation Center "Ivan"

174.  Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities

175.  Rehabilitation Centre For Orphans & Disabled

176.  Rehabilitation International

177.  Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Family & Social Policies

178.  Results UK

179.  Rianne Institute on Physiotherapy and Disability Study n Cameroon

180.  RIOInclui- Rio de Janeiro’s Social Work (OSCRJ)

181.  Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIBP)

182.  Russian Disability NGO Perpectiva

183.  Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation

184.  Save the Children

185.  School of Sciences and Physical Education College of Education University of Canterbury Christchurch

186.  Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities

187.  Surviving Gun Violence (SGV)

188.  Sightsavers

189.  Solidarity Human Rights Inclusion Accessibility , Sweden (Shia)

190.  Special Olympics International

191.  Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP)

192.  St Mary’s School, India

193.  Stichting Liliane Fonds

194.  Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

195.  Sydney University, Australia

196.  Syracuse University, USA

197.  The Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled, AOAD

198.  The Atlas Alliance

199.  The Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development

200.  The Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments (GAATES)

201.  The Leprosy Mission International

202.  The Lurie Institute for Disability Policy and the Starr Center for Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. School at Brandeis University

203.  The RISDE Institute

204.  The Samakal, National Daily Newspaper

205.  The Signo Foundation

206.  U.S. Fund for UNICEF

207.  Uhambo

208.  UK Disabled Peoples Council Int. Committee

209.  UN DESA

210.  UN DPKO/ UN Mine Action service


212.  UNDP

213.  UNESCO

214.  UNFPA

215.  UNHCR

216.  UNICEF

217.  Union of Disabled People Organizations

218.  United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. (ECLAC)

219.  Universidad del Norte, Columbia

220.  University College London

221.  University of Abéché ,Chad

222.  University of Birmingham

223.  University of British Columbia, Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)

224.  University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

225.  University of North Carolina at Greensboro in the Department of Specialized Education Services

226.  University of Sydney, Centre for Disability Research & Policy

227.  US Department of State

228.  USAID

229.  Victor Pineda Foundation

230.  Walkabout Foundation Team

231.  Wheelchairs of Hope

232.  WHO

233.  Women's Refugee Commission

234.  World Bank

235.  World Bank Global Partnership on Disability and Development (GPDD)

236.  World Federation of the Deaf

237.  World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section

238.  World Health Organization (WHO)

239.  World of Inclusion

240.  World Vision International

241.  World Wide Hearing Foundation International

242.  YAI Network

  1. York University, School of Health