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1.  Baloch, U.K. and M.F. Khan, 1990. Rice By-products Utilization in Pakistan. A Chapter in Rice By-product Utilization in Selective Countries in Asia. Shuijzen, J.J.D. and J.V. Lozare (Editors). Regional Network For Inter-country Cooperation on Post Harvest Technology and Quality Control of Food Grains. FAO/UNDP Bangkok, Thailand. pp:68-78.

2.  Khan, M.F., 2000. Feeding Management of Sheep Under the Arid and Semi-arid Environment of Pakistan. A Chapter in Sheep Production in Hot and Arid Zones. Malik, R.C., M.A. Razzaque and A.Y. Al-Naseer (Editors). Kuwait Institute For Scientific Research, Kuwait. pp:311-317.

3.  Rafiq, M., 2006. Management of Dairy Cows and Buffaloes. A Chapter in Agriculture Management and Development in Pakistan. Qureshi, M., K. Zai and T.M. Qureshi (Editors). A.I. publications, Lahore. pp:112-118.


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2.  Naseer, Z., M. Alam, B.S. Choo, M.F. Khan and Z.O. Muller, 1987. Effect of sugarcane bagasse treated with high-pressure steam and chemical composition and digestibility. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 8:102.

3.  Holcombe, D.W., G.S. Smith, M.F. Khan, D.M. Hallford and K.K. Rozman, 1988. Elimination of C-heptachlor from body stores of lactating ewes treated with ovine growth hormone. Journal of Animal Science, 66:2200.

4.  Rafiq, M., M. Khalid and M. Munir, 1989. Effect of supplement on the performance of lactating Harnai ewes and subsequent changes in live weight of lambs. Pakistan Journal of Animal Health and Production, 9(1-2):60-69.

5.  Smith, G.S., K.K. Rozman, D.M. Hallford, D.L. Rankins, Jr. and M.F. Khan, 1989. Rapid C-heptachlor clearance from body stores of ovine: ingested mineral oil and parenteral transtilbene oxide lack effect. Journal of Animal Science, 67:187.

6.  Rafiq, M., M.I. Sultani, M. Munir and A. Arshad, 1990. Study of reproductive potential of Balochi sheep maintained on rangelands of Balochistan. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 3:177-182.

7.  Rafiq, M., M. Munir, M. Afzal, and A. Ali, 1990. Observations on reproduction and production traits of goats maintained on rangelands of Balochistan. Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, 27 (1):61-74.

8.  Rafiq, M., M. Munir and M.I. Sultani, 1990. Trends in sheep production on ranges in Balochistan. Thai Journal of Agriculture, 6(3): 207-218.

9.  Rafiq, M., M. Khalid and M. Munir, 1991. Changes in live weight of Balochi ewes grazing on cereal crops residues. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 12 (4):293-297.

10.  Khan, M.F., A. Ali and Z.O. Muller, 1992. Nutritional evaluation of sugarcane bagasse based rations treated with urea and cattle manure. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 38:135.

11.  Khan, M.F. and T.R. Preston, 1992. Effect of restricted suckling on the performance of Short horn and Sahiwal cows and calves in Pakistan. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2:33-39.

  1. Rafiq, M., A.U. Cheema, M. Munir and M.S. But, 1992. Performance of Harnai lactating ewes maintained under feedlot system. Pakistan Journal of Livestock Research, 1(1-2):51-55.

13.  Pirzada, W.H., M.F. Khan and A. Ghaffar, 1993. Feeding of non-protein nitrogen liquid supplement to growing buffalo calves. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 4:383.

14.  Khan, M.F. and G.S. Smith, 1994. Effect of moldy and non-moldy wheat straw treated with or without ammonia on performance and blood serum constituents in steers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 7:413.

15.  Khan, M.F., G.S. Smith and D.L. Rankins, 1995. Ammoniation of moldy and non-moldy prairie hay and its feeding values for sheep. Small Ruminant Research,15:209.

16.  Rafiq, M., 1995. Status and scope of small ruminant production in dry areas of Pakistan-a review. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 8(1):1-8.

17.  Rafiq, M., J.K. Jadoon, M. Khalid and M.A. Naqvi, 1996. Economic benefits of supplementing sheep with urea molasses blocks on ranges of Pakistan. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 9(2):127-132.

18.  Rasool, E., M. Nawaz, M.A. Khan and M.F. Khan, 1996. Feed intake and live weight changes in small ruminants raised on vicia sativa, avena sativa and natural pasture. Science Technology & Development, 15:35-38.

19.  Khan, M.F., A. Hussain, M. Ayaz, M. Saddique and R. Kausar, 1998. Chemical treatment of moldy maize grain with aqueous ammonia and its feeding value to broiler chicks. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 14:645-649.

20.  Rasool, E., M.F. Khan, M. Nawaz and M. Rafiq, 1998. Utilization of sunflower crop residues as feed in small ruminants. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 11:272-276.

21.  Khan, M.F., D.M. Anderson, M.I. Nutkani and N.M. Butt, 1999. Preliminary results from reseeding degraded Dera Ghazi Khan rangeland to improve small ruminant production in Pakistan. Small Ruminant Research, 32:43.

22.  Ali, S., M.Q. Khan, M. Qayyum and M.F. Khan, 2000. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and goat maintained at NARC, Islamabad. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 20:157.

23.  Habib, G.M., M. Siddiqui, F.H. Mian, J. Jabbar and M.F. Khan, 2001. Effect of protein supplements on varying degradability on growth rate, wool yield and wool quality in grazing lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 32:43.

24.  Jasra, A.W., M.I. Sultani, M. Rafiq and M. Munir, 2001. Performance of small ruminants grazed on natural vegetation of upland Balochistan. Journal of Science Technology and Development, 20(1):28

25.  Khan, M.F., 2001. Genetic improvement of local sheep through crossbreeding with Rambouillet for mutton and wool production in Swat valley of Pakistan. Journal for the Improvement of Animal Husbandry, 17: 63.

26.  Amanat, A., M.F. Khan and M. Ayaz, 2002. Feeding completely mixed rations based on untreated, urea and ammonium bicarbonate treated wheat straw to buffalo calves. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 23:131.

27.  Qureshi, A.M., M. Abdullah, A. Ghaffar and M.F. Khan, 2002. Performance of Kajli sheep at Khizarabad: Production as influenced by some environmental factors. Journal of Animal Production Science, 4:118.

28.  Rafiq, M., R.M. Dixon, B.J. Hosking and A.R. Egan, 2002. Leaf content of straw diets influences supplementation responses by sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 100:93-106.

29.  Rafiq, M., M.F. Khan and K.M. Aujla, 2003. Economic benefits of flushing and supplemental feeding of Salt-range ewes on Pothowar ranges of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 6(2):115-121.

  1. Khan, M.F., 2004. Prospects of goat as a dairy animal for Pakistan. South African Journal of Animal Sciences, 34:18-21.
  2. Rafiq, M., and M.I. Sultani, 2004. Review of agro-livestock production in Pakistan with reference to WTO. Pakistan Journal of Science Technology and Development, 23(4):24-30.

32.  Khan, M.F., G. Ullah, W. Ullah, I. Hussain, B. Khan and M. Mujtaba, 2005. Genetic improvement of local sheep breed (Kutta) through crossbreeding with Rambouillet for mutton and wool production in Swat valley. Scientific Khyber, 18(2):197-203.

33. Rafiq, M., S. Mumtaz and M.F. Khan, 2006. Effect of strategic supplementation with multi-nutrient urea molasses blocks on body weight and body condition score of Lohi sheep owned by tenants of Pakistan. Small Ruminant Research (In Press by Elsevier).


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2.  Z. Naseer, M. Alam, B.S. Choo. M.F. Khan and Z.O. Muller 1985. The effect of high-pressure steam and chomical on rumen degradalibility and chemical composition of Bagass. The 3rd AAAP animal science Congress, Seoul, Korea. pp:996-998.

3.  D.L. Rankins, G.S. Smith, T.T. Ross. J.S. Miller and M.F. Khan 1988. Norlina microcarpa Toxicolis in sheep. Proceeding, Western Section. American Society of Animal Science, 39:218-220.

4.  Khan, M.F., M. Rafiq, A. Naqvi and A.G. Khan, 1992. Effect of supplementary feeding on the performance of salt range ewes and their lambs on rangeland. The 6th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 3:48.

5.  Khan, M.F., M. Rafiq, and M.I. Nutkani, 1992. Productive performance of Kajli and Kharasani goat breeds maintained on local rangelands of Balochistan, Pakistan. V. International Conference on Goat, March 3-8, New Delhi, India. pp:74.

6.  Nawaz, M., A. Naqvi and M.F. Khan, 1992. Upgrading native sheep breed through introduction of exotic Rambouillet genes. The 6th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, l3:137.

  1. Nawaz, M., J.K. Jadoon and M.F. Khan, 1992. Survival and cumulative kid production of Beetal and Teddy does in rural and government flock. V. International Conference on Goat, March 3-8, New Delhi, India. pp:1352-1357.

8.  Khan, M.F., W. Ahmed and M.A. Khan, 1994. Study on some important characteristics of wool from certain well known sheep breeds in Pakistan. Proceedings of National Seminar on Small Ruminants, November 1-3, Islamabad. pp:92-103.

9.  Khan, M.F., M. Nawaz, M. Rafiq and E. Rasool, 1995. Utilization of oil seed crop residues as feed in small ruminants. National Symposium of Animal Nutritionists, November 29-30, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan. pp:21.

10.  Rafiq, M., M.F. Khan, E. Rasool and M. Nawaz, 1995. Review of supplemental feeding of small ruminants in Pakistan (Abstr). National Symposium of Animal Nutritionists, November 29-30, College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan. pp:32.

11.  Rafiq, M., R.M. Dixon and B.J. Hosking, 1995. Interactions between leaf/stem contents of straw and responses of sheep to supplements. Proceedings of Conference on Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia, University of New England, Armidale, July 3-4. pp:189.

12.  Rafiq, M., J.H.G. Holmes and B.J. Hosking, 1995. Leaf content and short term eating rate in straw diets. In Proceedings of Nutrition Society of Australia, September. pp:25.

13.  Khan, M.F., 2000. Population dynamics and production system of goat in Pakistan. 7th International Conference on Goats, France, May 15-21. pp:371-373.

14.  Khan, M.F., M.M. Shah and B. Mian, 2002. Success story of small ruminants breed improvement in Pakistan. D-8 Seminar on Conservation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources. Abstract of Invited Papers. August 1-3, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock And Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Pakistan. pp:16-17.

15.  Khan, M.F. and F. Ashfaq, 2003. Prospects of goat as dairy animal for arid and semi-arid areas of Pakistan. International Seminar on Goat Production in SAARC Countries. Afzal, M. and R.H. Usmani (Editors), Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan. pp: 97-103.

16.  Rafiq, M. and A.G. Khan, 2003. Responses of young sheep to dietary supplements while grazing on highly elevated areas. Proceedings International Symposium, September 8-10, Islamabad, Pakistan. pp:177.

17.  Rafiq, M., M.F. Khan and A, Faisal, 2003. Dietary manipulation of low quality roughages, a review. International Conference on Animal Nutrition, March 19-20, Lahore, Pakistan. pp: 33.

18.  Rafiq, M., N. Akhtar and M.F. Khan, 2003. Goat production in national prospective of Pakistan. International Seminar on Goat Production in SAARC Countries, April 22-24, Islamabad, Pakistan. Afzal, M. and R.H. Usmani (Editors), Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan. pp:86-96.

19.  Rafiq, M., 2004. Weight gaining efficiency in Beetal x Teddy kids in Pakistan. In Proceedings of International Conference on Goat Production, July 5–9, 2004, South Africa. pp:203.

20.  Rafiq, M., B.J. Hosking, A.R. Egan, 2004. Responses of young sheep to supplements as influenced by composition, degradation and kinetics of basal diets. In Proceedings International Nutrition Conference, December 1-2, Lahore, Pakistan, pp:111.

21.  Rafiq, M., M.F. Khan and A. Faisal, 2004. Efficiency and cost of weight in pure and crossbred kids of Beetal x Teddy. In Proceedings National Conference on Agriculture and Animal Sciences, November 23-25, Tandojam, Pakistan, pp:51.

22.  Khan, M.F. and N. Akhtar, 2005. Dynamics of livestock systems in Pakistan and its augmenting role in environmental degradation in the global change scenario. The 6th Open Meeting, Bonn, Germany, pp: 243.

23.  Rafiq, M., A. Faisal and M.F. Khan, 2005. Features of improver breeds of goat in SAARC countries. In Proceedings of 2nd National Conferences on Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Nov 23-25, 2005, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam. pp:44.

24.  Khan, M.F., M. Rafiq, F. Ashfaq and M.M. Shahid, 2006. Economic production traits of Balkhi sheep breed for mutton production in Pakistan. Accepted for presentation in 12th AAAP2006, Korea.


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  1. Khan, M.F., 2004. Production of Goats (Urdu) Fun-e-Zarat, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council.
  2. Khan, M.F., 2004. Production of Sheep (Urdu) Fun-e-Zarat, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council.