Australian Red Cross Society

International Volunteer Model

Development Tender



March 2016


Suppliers are invited to submit quotations to Australian Red Cross Society (hereafter referred to as “Red Cross”) for the provision of International Volunteer Model Development, based on the General Conditions outlined in this document and the attached documentation.

This tender is for the engagement of a consultant to form to assist in the development of a business model that would underpin International Volunteering Program for Australian Red Cross. It will work with the models of International Volunteering that are being considered, and provide financial and structural modelling that would enable its successful implementation post July 2016. All recommendations must be aligned to the thematic areas of Organisational Development; Disaster Management; Protection, Gender and Inclusion; WASH and Humanitarian Action strengthening the International Programs Strategy. The overarching premise (Strategic Intent) for Red Cross to continue in “reciprocal people-centred relational development process”


Tenderers are required to submit their tender so that it is received by Red Cross no later than time EST (GMT +10), 23rd March 2016

Red Cross may make any decision regarding pricing, quality, reliability or risk management matters, or any other consideration deemed relevant by Red Cross.

Tenderers will be taken to have agreed that the reasons for, and any documentation (including but not limited to test and evaluation results) regarding, any decision by Red Cross may be withheld or provided to some or all Tenderers at the absolute discretion of Red Cross.

Late tenders may not be accepted.


General tender enquiries should be directed to:

Enquiries seeking clarification of the tender requirements must be received by 16th March 2016.

All answers to enquiries may be distributed to all other Tenderers to ensure fairness to all participants.

Submissions must be marked

“Attention: Vanessa Brown and “CONFIDENTIAL –International Volunteer Model DevelopmentTender Submission – [your organisation’s name]”, and delivered

Tenderers must provide the details for two contacts for this tender who will be available and have the authority to answer any queries Red Cross may have about this tender

By submitting a proposal, tenderers will be deemed to have accepted all the terms and conditions of the tender.


Red Crossrequire a detailed written submission, which provides responses for all information requested in this document


Suppliers may be invited to present to the Tender Evaluation Committee in Melbourne

As part of the evaluation process a site visit of Tenders’ primary premises may be required.


Unless otherwise indicated, prices submitted shall include all applicable levies, duties, taxes and charges.

Both the GST exclusive and GST inclusive prices must be stated. Any charge not stated in the Tender as being additional will not be allowed as a charge against any transaction under any resultant contract.

All pricing should be submitted in Australian dollars and ex_GST


The tender shall be the subject of a formal agreement.


Red Cross payment terms are thirty (30) days from receipt ofinvoice.


Suppliers must be registered for GST and comply with all GST requirements.


Each tender will constitute an offer to supply Red Cross on the terms contemplated by the tender and, to the extent not otherwise provided, the terms contemplated by this document (including any specimen supply contract or other document accompanying this document). Each such offer will be open for acceptance by Red Cross for a period of six monthsfrom the closing date of the tender.


Detailed information on this tender is contained in attachment 1.

Suppliers need to evidence service capability as part of their tender response.


Confidence in the supplier’s ability and commitment to ongoing consistent quality and service are a major consideration for Red Cross.


The health and safety of all staff, contractors and visitors to Red Cross is a key priority of the organization. It is a condition of this tender that all employees, contractors and sub-contractors of the supplier, who are required to work in accordance with this tender, are aware of the principles of occupational health and safety and relevant legislation. Suppliers must comply with WHS legislation, Australian standards and industry guidelines that are currently enacted or come into existence prior to or during the term of the agreement.


Red Cross may reject any or all responses, waive formalities, ignore minor irregularities and accept any portion or all products and services proposed, in its absolute discretion.

If it becomes apparent during the evaluation that a tender response is not suitable, that tenderer may be advised that it is unsuccessful at that time.


Submission of a tender response does not in any way create an agreement for products or services, nor does it create an obligation to award any contract for products or services to any tenderer. There will be no duties, obligations or binding agreement between Red Cross and a tenderer in relation to the request for tender or the products and services until a final agreement(s) is fully executed by Red Cross and a tenderer.

Further, tenderers acknowledge that no agreement will be formed between Red Cross and a tenderer as a result of this tender process in any way so as to limit or constrain the way in which Red Cross can deal with a tenderer.


Red Crossreserve the right to seek clarification and enter into discussions with one or more tenderers at its absolute discretion.

The purpose of any negotiations will be to achieve a proposal which is mutually acceptable in terms of product and service provision and costs for all parties and general terms and conditions of the contract.

  1. COSTS

No payment will be made by Red Cross to a tenderer for any costs, expenses, losses or damages suffered or incurred by the tenderer arising out of, or in any way connected with, the tender process including any costs or expenses in preparing its tender response or in respect of any discussions, negotiations, enquiries or site inspections.


Sub-contractors are required to meet the same obligations as though they were providing services under the terms and conditions and specification requirements detailed within this tender documentation.

Annex 1


Voluntary service is one of the seven fundamental principles of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, Australian Red Cross operates within the International Red Cross Red Crescent mandate. The following keyresolutions adopted at the 31st International Conference (November 2011) and policy positions define the critical role of volunteers:

  • Furthering the auxiliary role: Partnership for stronger National Societies and volunteering development.
  • Recognising that volunteers have been at the core of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement since it was first conceived of in 1859 and that today, as ever, they are central to all activities of the Movement, contributing to the success of the National Societies, and assisting millions of vulnerable people in times of greatest need.
  • Acknowledging thereby that volunteer development is a key prerequisite to strengthening National Societies, an essential element of their operational efficiency and of the role they play as auxiliaries to the public authorities in humanitarian field.

Our strategic intent includes positioning Red Cross as an organisation that has a compelling vision for international voluntary service and a vital role as a partner in the sector. Our intent is to develop a comprehensive international volunteering model that focuses on the priorities and needs of our partners, that engages a range of different models of international volunteering, drive innovation in international volunteer utilisation and provide quality, good practice support to partners in working with diverse volunteers to achieve their strategic objectives. If we achieve these outcomes, we will be in a better position to respond to the changing humanitarian needs in Australia and internationally.

Current environment

Since 2011, Australian Red Cross (Red Cross) has mobilised more than 445 international volunteers under the Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID) Program. The AVID program is an Australian Government-funded program, run in partnership with Red Cross, Australian Volunteers International (AVI) and Scope Global. In 2016, Red Cross will finalise its partnership within the program and exit the model.

Red Cross now plans to develop a new model for international volunteering focusing on the Red Cross Red Crescent movement.

Business case scope

The scope of this tender is to develop the business model that would underpin International Volunteering for Australian Red Cross. It will work with the models of international volunteering that are being considered, and provide financial and structural modelling that would enable its successful implementation post July 2016. All recommendations must be aligned to the thematic areas of Organisational Development; Disaster Management; Protection, Gender and Inclusion; WASH and Humanitarian Action strengthening the International Programs Strategy. The overarching premise (Strategic Intent) for Red Cross to continue in “reciprocal people-centred relational development process”

Guiding Principles

  • Do no harm
  • Fit for Purpose
  • A model of reciprocal learning
  • Increasing diversity and access to volunteer assignments offered
  • In the initial phases a focus on the development of a model with the RC Movement
  • A model that contributes to meaningful engagement, sustainable development and civic engagement
  • Actively contributing to Strategy 2020

Outcome of the review

The purpose for this tender is to provide a recommendation on a fully mapped program that has carefully considered all areas of research provided. The role of the research reference group for the International Volunteering Model will be to provide support in the research, planning, implementation and documentation needed for the development of the International Volunteering Business Case 2016. This group will ensure that all key stakeholders and potential volunteering avenues are robustly consulted and researched, then findings collated carefully. This research will be provided to a consultant to then market test, develop financial modelling and resource plans for the objective of implementation in the in new financial year 2016/2017.

The overall design and financial model will need to meet the following research outcomes;

  • A model that is aligned to the overall ARC, IP Strategic Goals and terms and conditions “Guiding Principles”
  • A model considered the best solution for the partner organisation and communities needs
  • A model that represents the philosophy of reciprocal learning and shared valued – (Short term exchange programs, long term skilled programs)
  • A model that is in meets current needs based on research from of the Red Cross movement
  • A model that create linkages wherever possible across the key stakeholder groups through a consolidated process as well as linkages into other areas of International Programs i.e., Australian Red Cross staff, International Humanitarian Training Team etc…
  • The model is to be based locationally within the IP countries of prioritisation
  • Diversity in volunteer participants (Diversity in assignments, lengths/types)
  • A model that supports strengthened strategic relationships with our movement partners
  • A model that provides opportunities for diversification of funding sources (Corporate Sector, Government Grants, Donors)

Business case management arrangements

The final business case will be led by the consultant, who is responsible for the testing and providing financial modelling of options that have been provided as apart of the research, consolidation and evaluation process through the International Volunteering Working Group. The consultant will be supported in Australia by the Program Manager/s.

A research reference group from Australian Red Cross will advise on the terms of reference and provide periodic comments on the evaluation’s scope, methodology, findings, and recommendations, as needed.

Program Manager/s

The Program Mangers are responsible for the overall management of the Business Case Development process including the establishment of a research reference group, development of terms of reference for the process and management of consultant and stakeholders both in-country and in-Australia. The Program Managers hold the budget responsibility over the program/project that will be developed.

Business Case Outcome:

The research reference group members will provide support in the planning, implementation and documentation of the business case. The research reference group will be responsible for undertaking the background research of a number of key thematic areas aligned to the IP Strategy, which will then be collated and provided to the consultant in a shortlist to test and provide Financial Modelling around.

  • Undertake consultation sessions to test shortlisted International Volunteering Models
  • Build a volunteer budgets and costing model, for the various shortlisted options
  • Provide recommendations on how the model can be integrated with existing models of deployment and programming within Australian Red Cross
  • Identify viable revenue models for support for the program external to Australian Red Cross
  • Produce a report that provides recommendation on a final volunteering model/s for approval


Activity / Comments / Time Frame
Consultant Tender Process / Advertising to occur for two weeks / 10th March 2016 – 23rd March 2016
Research Lead Report Due / The International Volunteering Model Research work will be finalised into one report / 15th April
Consultant Engaged / 1st April
Consultation/Model Testing / A session bringing all groups together, facilitated by the external consultant to test and discuss model options / May 2016
Business Case Finalised / 1st June 2016

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