Minutes. Core Reference Librarians. Meeting of September 15, 2005

Present: Jin Pang, Blaine Knupp, Ed Zimmerman, Portia Diaz, Sandy Janicki, Carol Connell, Phil Zorich.

Discussed creating bibliographies for remaining Six O’clock Series programs. Sandy has done one for the September 19th program. Volunteers for remaining programs are:

Blaine, October 10th

Blaine, October 17th

Sandy, October 31st.

Jin, November 7th

Carol, November 14th..

Bibliographies should be emailed to Malinda Cowles at y the Wednesday prior to each program.

Discussed the position of Reference Coordinator.

The committee reviewed the history of the position and the current duties. The duties are to serve as supervisor to the reference department secretary, to lead the faculty meeting that drafts reference desk schedules, to convene reference meetings and to oversee the reference collection. The specifics of other possible coordinator’s duties were discussed, such as: to improve communication by distributing information via email and other appropriate means to the reference librarians on matters that have an impact on reference services; to facilitate the development of ideas and new programs coming from reference by acting as a liaison with management; to serve as facilitator in arranging alternate coverage at reference desk when librarians take sick leave; in addition to convening reference meetings, post the minutes of the meetings, use reference meetings for workshops that will improve reference service, solicit ideas for workshops.

Ed suggested that the committee consider ways to enhance the position, that, for instance might make the position useful in matters such as promotion and tenure. The committee discussed possible enhancements and incentives.

Phil will prepare a draft of these ideas and the discussion of reference coordinator responsibilities will continue at a future meeting. In the meantime Portia will get information from the library at Clarion regarding the coordinator’s role there. Phil will seek the same from other universities.

Options of the future of the position were discussed; continuing current coordinator with clarified job description, no coordinator, and a coordinator’s position that would rotate amongst the core reference librarians.

Discussed the Planning Process.

Reviewed the planning material in the binders that had been distributed. Discussed the need for goals for the department. Raised some possible goals. The Core Reference committee will meet next week, Thursday, September 22nd at 1pm in the conference room to proceed with the planning process.

Meeting adjourned.