Archbishop Rowan Williams

Bibliography 2002-present day

The following bibliography gives an overview of the published writings of Archbishop Rowan Williams thus far in his time as Archbishop of Canterbury, in addition to the material that appears on this website. The list does not include forewords, interviews or articles in the daily press.


——: ‘Bonhoeffer and the Poets’, in E Templeton, ed.: Traveling with Resilience: essays for Alistair Haggart (Edinburgh, 2002), 197—218

——: ‘The deflections of desire: negative theology in Trinitarian disclosure’, in O Davies and D Turner, eds: Silence and the Word: negative theology and incarnation (Cambridge, 2002), 115—35

——: ‘Faith and Experience in early monasticism: new perspectives on the Letters of Ammonas’, Akedemische Reden un Kolloquien, xx (Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2002), 19—36

——: ‘Honest to God in Great Britain’ in J Robinson: Honest to God [40th anniversary edition] (London and Louisville KT, 2002), 163—83 [repr in Anglican Identities (2004), 103—20]

——: ‘“Is it the same God?” – reflections on continuity and identity in religious language’, in J H Whittaker, ed.: The Possibilities of Sense (Basingstoke and New York, 2002), 204—18

——: ‘Making it Strange: theology in other(s’) words’, in J Begbie, ed.: Sounding the Depths (London, 2002), 19—32

——: ed. with W Carr: The New Dictionary of Pastoral Studies (London, 2002), incl. ‘Dark night of the soul’, ‘Mysticism’, ‘Resurrection’, ‘Trinity’

——: The Poems of Rowan Williams (Oxford and Grand Rapids MI, 2002) [includes all material from After Silent Centuries (1994) and Remembering Jerusalem (2001)]; Italian trans as La Dodicesima Notte (Milan, 2008), with an introductory essay, by A Spadaro SJ: ‘Comme leggere la poesis di Rowan Williams’, 5—18

——: Ponder these things: praying with icons of the Virgin (Norwich and Franklin WI, 2002; Brewster MA, R/2006); Polish trans as ‘Hodegitria’, Zycie Duchowe, xxxvi (2003), 104—10

——: Writing in the Dust: reflections on 11 September and its aftermath (London and Grand Rapids MI, 2002); Cuban trans as Escribiendo en el Polvo (Havana, 2003)


——: Areithiau a phregethau y Parch a Gwir Arhryd. Dr Rowan Williams Chwe 2000—Rhag 2002: [Addresses and sermons delivered by the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr RowanWilliams, Feb 2000—Dec 2002] (Cardiff, 2003)

——: ‘Christian Theology and Other Faiths’, Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Occasional Paper 11 (2003), 1—12 [lecture]

——: The Dwelling of the Light: praying with icons of Christ (Norwich, 2003); German trans as Wo das Licht wohnt: Beitragen zu Christus-Iknonen (Göttingen, 2006); Dutch trans as Waar het licht woont: bidden met Christusiconen (Averbode, 2007)

——: ‘End of War’, in S Hauerwas and F Lentricchia: Dissent from the Homeland: essays after September 11 (Durham NC and London, 2003), 25—36

——: ‘Has secularism failed? notes on the survival of the Spirit’, Scintilla 7 (Usk, 2003), 9—20 [Raymond Williams lecture 2002]; see also

——:‘Historical criticism and sacred text’, in Reading texts, Seeking wisdom (London, 2003), 217—28

——: ‘Hooker the Theologian’, Journal of Anglican Studies, i (2003), 104—16 [400th anniversary lecture, Corpus Christi, Oxford, 2000; repr in Anglican Identities (2004), 24—39]

——: ‘Life in Christ: thoughts on being the authentic Church’, Sewanee Theological Review, xlvi (2003), 383—8 [a revised version of sermon on the occasion of enthronement as Archbishop of Canterbury, 27 February 2003]

——: Nations, Markets and Morals [Richard Dimbleby lecture 2002] originally published BBC, now

——: Review of E Rogers: Sexuality and the Christian body: their way into the triune God, in Scottish Journal of Theology, lv (2003), 82—88

——: Silence and Honey Cakes: the wisdom of the desert (Oxford, 2003); US edn as Where God Happens: discovering Christ in one another (Boston MA, 2005); Swedish trans as Tystnad och honungskakor (Örebro, 2005); French trans as Silence et goût de miel: sagesse des Pères et Mères du désert (Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, 2008)

——: ‘The Structures of Unity’, New Directions, c (September, 2003), 3—4

——: ‘Suspending the ethical: R S Thomas and Kierkegaard’, in D W Davies, ed.: Echoes to the Amen: essays after R S Thomas (Cardiff, 2003), 206—19

——: ‘Swansea’s Other Poet: Vernon Watkins and the threshold between worlds’, Welsh Writing in English: a yearbook of critical essays, viii (2003), 107—120

——: ‘Theology in the Twentieth Century’, E Nicholson, ed.: A Century of Ethological and Religious Studies in Britain (Oxford and New York, 2003), 237—52

——: ‘Ways forward from Meissen: what kind of unity in witness and mission?’ [England and German], in I Dalferth and P Oppenheim, eds: Witnessing to Unity: ten years after the Meissen Declaration (Frankfurt, 2003), 486—505


——: ‘Afterword’, in S Hauerwas and S Wells, eds.: The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics (Oxford and Malden MA, 2004), 495—98

——: Anglican Identities (Cambridge MA, 2003; London, 2004) [on Tyndale, Hooker, Herbert, Westcott, Ramsey, Robinson, and Fourth Gospel studies: largely a collection of previously published articles] See entries marked * above

——: ‘Augustine and the Psalms’, Interpretation: a journal of Bible and Theology (2004), 17—27

——: ‘Balthasar and the Trinity’, in E T Oakes and D Moss, eds: The Cambridge Companion to Hans Urs von Balthasar (Cambridge, 2004), 37—50

——: ‘Changing the myths we live by’, Sourozh, cxcvii (2004), 16—26

——: Christian imagination in Poetry and Polity: some Anglican Voices from Temple to Herbert (Oxford, 2004)

——: ‘Christian theology and other faiths’, in M Ipgrave, ed.: Scriptures in Dialogue: Christians and Muslims studying the Bible and the Qur’an together [papers of the second Building Bridges Seminar, Doha 2003] (London, 2004, 2/2007), 131—143

——: ‘Christians and Muslims before the One God’ [Al-Azhar lecture 2004], in Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, xvi (2005), 187—98; repr in I A Omar, ed.: Islam and Other Religions: pathways to dialogue (London, 2005), 175—80

——: ‘The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries’ also published as ‘Creed and Eucharist’ and ‘Glaubensbekenntnis und Eucharistie’, in Gratiarum actio (Rheinbach, 2004), 34—50 [Bonn Lecture]

——: poem: ‘Invocation: a Sculpture for Winter’, Scintilla 8 (Usk, 2004)

——: ‘Looking for Jesus and finding Christ’ in D Z Philips and M von der Ruhr, eds: Biblical Concepts and Our World (Basingstoke and New York, 2004), 141—52

——: ‘Origen’ and ‘Athanasius and the Arian Crisis’, in G R Evans, ed.: The First Christian Theologians (Oxford, 2004), 132—42, 157—67

——: ‘Theology in the Twentieth Century’, in E Nicholson, ed.: A Century of Theological and Religious Studies in Britain, 1902—2002, British Academy Centenary Monographs (Oxford, 2004), 237—52

——: ‘War and Statecraft: an exchange’, First Things, 141 (2004), 14—21 [lecture; response by George Weigel]


——: ‘Analysing Atheism: unbelief and the world of faiths’, in M Ipgrave, ed.: Bearing the Word: prophecy in Biblical and Qur’anic perspective [papers of the third Building Bridges Seminar, Washington DC 2004] (London, 2005), 1—12

——: ‘The Authority of the Church’, Modern Believing, xlvi (2005), 16—28

——: ‘Being biblical persons’ [sermon], in A Dancer, ed.: William Stringellow in Anglo-American perspective (Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2005), 184—8

——: ‘The care of souls’, Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, xi (2005), 4—6

——: ‘The Christian Priest Today’, ‘Theology in the face of Christ’, ‘The Lutheran Catholic’, ‘True Glory’ [three Ramsey centenary studies] in D Dales et al: Glory Descending: Michael Ramsey and his writings (Norwich and Grand Rapids MI, 2005), 163—75, 176—87, 211—22, 241—44 respectively; ‘Theology in the face of Christ’, appears in Norwegian trans in S J Kristiansen and S Rise, eds: Moderne teoologi: (Kristiansand, 2008), 479—91

——: ‘The courage not to abstain from speaking: monasticism, culture and the modern world in the public interventions of a disturbing monk’, Merton Journal, xii/1 (2005), 8—18 [address at Italian Merton Conference, Bose, 2004]

——: Dialogue in C Foster and E Newell: The worlds we live in: dialogues with Rowan Williams on global economics and politics (London, 2005)

——: ‘God’, in D Ford et al, eds: Fields of Faith: theology and religious studies for the twenty-first century (Cambridge, 2005), 75—89

——:Grace and Necessity: reflections on art and love [2005 Clark Lectures, Trinity College Cambridge] (London and Harrisburg PA, 2005)

——: ‘Holy land and holy people’, in N S Ateek, ed.: Challenging Christian Zionism: theology, politics and the Israel-Palestine conflict (London, 2005), 293—303

——: ‘Justification’ and ‘Sin’, in J-Y Lacoste, ed.: Encyclopedia of Christian Theology (New York, 2005), ii, 843—49, and iii, 1476—79 respectively

——: ‘Minding the gaps: thoughts on the education of the spirit’, Journal of Chaplaincy in Further Education, 1 (spring 2005), 3—7

——: Review of M Grimley: Citizenship, Community and the Church of England: Liberal Anglican theories of the State between the Wars (Oxford Clarendon, 2004): in English Historical Review, cxx (2005), 801—803

——: ‘Urbanization, the Christian Church and the human project’, in A Walker, ed.: Spirituality in the City (London, 2005), 15—26

——: ‘Who is bringing up our children?’ Soundings: a journal of politics and culture, xxxi (2005), 35—43, and Sewanee Theological Review, lxviii (2005), 379—86

——: Why Study the Past?The quest for the historical Church (London and Grand Rapids MI, 2005)[Sarum lectures 2003]


——: Bible study reflections in J Rosenthal and S Erdey, eds: Living Communion [report of 2005 meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council]

——: ‘Christian identity and religious plurality’, Ecumenical Review, lviii (2006), 69—75; also Christian Century, cxxiii (2006) 29—33 [address at WCC Assembly Porto Alegre, 2006]; French trans. as ‘Identité religieuse et pluralité chrétienne’, Perspectives Missionaires, lv (2008), 57—66

——: ‘The Health of the Spirit’, in M W Brierly, ed.: Public life and the place of the Church (Aldershot and Burlington VT, 2006), 77—83

——: ‘One hope, one Church’, Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift, cxcvi (2006), 207—16; German trans as ‘Eine Kirche, eine Hoffnung’, Ökumenische Rundscau, lv (2006), 535—44

——: ‘Reading, Criticism and Performance’ in C Rowland and C Tuckett, eds: The Nature of New Testament Theology: essays in honour of Robert Morgan (Oxford and Malden MA, 2006), xiii-xix

——: ‘Richard Hooker’s ‘Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity’ Revisited’ [Richard Hooker lecture, Temple Church, London], Ecclesiastical Law Journal, viii (2006), 382—91; reprinted as ‘Foreword: Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie revisited’, in T Kirby, ed.: A Companion to Richard Hooker, Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition, viii (Leiden and Boston MA, 2008), xv-xxvi

——: ‘Theological education and the Anglican Way’, Anitepam [African Network of Institutions of Theological Education Preparing Anglicans for Ministry] Journal (2006), 3—16

——: ‘Theological resources for re-examining church’, in S Croft, ed.: The Future of the Parish System: shaping the Church of England for the 21st century (London, 2006), 49—61

——: ‘To what end are we made?’ in W Davage and J Baker, eds: Who is this man? Christ in the Renewal of the Church (London, 2006), 1—22


——: ‘A theology of health for today’, in J Baxter, ed.: Wounds that Heal: theology, imagination and health (London, 2007), 3—14 [Hildegard Lecture 2003, Holy Rood House Centre]

——: ‘Anglican approaches to St John’s Gospel’, in R Bauckham and C Mosser, eds: The Gospel of John and Christian Theology (Grand Rapids MI and Cambridge, 2008), 68—81 [repr of 2003 lecture, also found in Anglican Identities (2004), 121—37]

——: ‘Augustine on Christ and the Trinity’, in T J van Bevel, ed.: Saint Augustine (Brussels, 2007), 239—49

——: Introduction to M Vandeleene, ed.: Chiara Lubich: essential writings (London 2007), xiii—xix

——: ‘Christian Identity and Religious Plurality’, in L N Rivera-Pagan, ed.: God, in your grace: official report of the Ninth Assembly of the World Council of Churches (Geneva, 2007), 179—89

——: ‘La cristologia de Augustin’, Augustinus, lii (2007), 9—21

——: Easter Day Sermon 2006, in J Manney, ed.: The Best Catholic Writing 2007 (Chicago, 2007)

——: Islam, Christianity and Pluralism (Richmond, 2007) [Inaugural Zaki Bedawi Memorial Lecture]

——: ‘The Forgiveness of Sins: Hosea 11:1—9 and Matthew 18:23—35’, in B Jersak and M Hardin, eds: Stricken by God: non-violent identification and the Victory of Christ (Grand Rapids MI, 2007), 214—19

——: Living the Lord’s Prayer, with W Beckett (Oxford, 2007)

——: ‘The moral community’, in The Hinton Lectures 1998—2007 (London, 2007), 88—93 [NCVOs Hinton Lecture, 2004]

——: six poems in M Stephens: Poetry 1900—2000: one hundred poets from Wales (Cardigan, 2007), 694—700

——: ‘Precious and non-replaceable’, in R Schmidt, ed.: Comfort Ye: finding light in times of darkness (Cincinatti, OH, 2007), 91—7 [sermon]

——: Religious Diversity and Social Unity (Singapore, 2008) [Muis Lecture, Singapore 2007, pamphlet]; also in Iqbal Review: journal of the Iqbal Academy of Pakistan, xlix/2 (2008), 1—14

——: ‘St Benedict and the Future of Europe’ [lecture, St Anselmo, Rome, 21 November 2006] as ‘Saint for Europe and our age’, Tablet (25 Nov 2006); ‘Benedictus en toekomst van Europe’, Monastieke Informatie, 229 (2007), 110—130; ‘Saint Benoît et l’avenir de l’Europe’, Irénikon (2007), 5—22; ‘Fur eine menschenwurdige Welt: Benedikt und die Zukunft Europas’, Erbe und Auftrag, lxxxiv (2008), 126—139 [see also ‘Insights of St Benedict’s rule for cultures today’, Origins, xxxvi (2007), 459—65]

——: ‘Secularism, Faith and Freedom’ [lecture, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, 23 November 2006] in Charity and Justice in the relations among peoples and nations, Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Acta 13 (Vatican City, 2007), 329—43; and in G Ward and M Hoelzl: The New Visibility of religion: studies in religion and cultural hermeneutics (London and New York, 2008), 45—58

——: Tokens of Trust: an introduction to Christian belief (Norwich and Louisville KY, 2007); Spanish trans as Motivos para creer (Salamanca, 2008); Italian trans as Ragioni per Credere (Magnano, 2009); Chinese trans (Hong Kong, 2010); Dutch trans (forthcoming, 2012)

——: Wrestling with Angels: conversations in modern theology, ed. M Higton (Norwich Grand Rapids MI, 2007) [on Barth, Bonheoffer, Balthasar, Lossky, Weil et al: a collection of previously published articles]


——: ‘A church of the nation or a church for the nation? Bishop George Bell and the Church of England’, Humanitas, x (2008), 12—26

——: A Margin of Silence: the Holy Spirit in Russian Orthodox theology (Quebec, 2008) [English and French]

——: ‘Augustine's Christology: its spirituality and rhetoric’, in P Martens, ed.: In the Shadow of the Incarnation: essays on Jesus Christ in the Early Church in honour of Brian E Daley SJ (Notre Dame, Indiana, 2008), 176—189

——: ‘Christianity, Islam and the challenge of poverty’, in M Ipgrave, ed.: Building a Better Bridge: Muslims, Christians, and the Common Good [papers of the fourth Building Bridges Seminar, Sarajevo 2005] (Georgetown, 2008), 133—140

——: ‘Civil and Religious Law in England: a religious perspective’ [Royal Courts of Justice lecture 2008], Ecclesiastical Law Journal, x (2008), 262—82 [with the questions and answers that followed the lecture]; Islamic Studies, xlvii (2008), 99—112; German trans as ‘Weltliches und geistliches Recht in England: eine religiöse Perspektive’, in A Bettenworth et al, eds: Herausforderung Islam (Paderborn, 2011), 235—56

——: Dostoyevsky: Language, Faith and Fiction (Baylor TX and London, 2008); Russian trans (Moscow, 2011)

——: ‘Epilogue’ [on priesthood], in S Wells and S Coakley, eds: Praying for England: priestly presence in contemporary culture (London, 2008), 171—82

——: God’s Mission and a Bishop’s Discipleship [pamphlet printed for the Lambeth Conference] (Canterbury, 2008)

——: Headwaters: poems by Rowan Williams (Oxford, 2008)

——: Interview, in M Gordon and C Wilkinson, eds: Conversations on Religion (London and New York, 2008), 27—37

——: with F Young: ‘Maurice Frank Wiles 1923–2005’, Proceedings of the British Academy, cxliii (2008), 351—370

——: 'The Mystical Tradition in Anglicanism: thoughts on Herbert and Vaughan', Temenos Academy Review, xi (2008), 141—62 [with poems]

——: ‘No one can be forgotten in God’s kingdom’, Anvil, xxv (2008), 117—28 [Towards Effective Anglican Mission Conference, Boksburg, March 2007]

——: ‘Religious Faith and Human Rights’, Bedeutung, issue 2 (2008), 17—21, with response by T Presskorn [London School of Economics lecture 2008]

——: ‘The Spiritual and the Religious: is the territory changing?’ in Faith and Life in Britain: the Cardinal’s Lectures 2008 (London, 2008), pp.35—48

——: ‘What is Christianity?’ [Islamabad U, 2005], ‘Muslim-Christian dialogue in Britain and beyond’ [Lahore 2005], ‘Islam, Christianity and Pluralism’ [London 2007], ‘Faith communities in a civil society: Christian perspectives’ [Cambridge 2007], ‘Religious diversity and social unity’ [Singapore 2007], in Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, xix (2008), pp.323—363


——: ‘A Common Word for the Common Good’, in A Common Word between Us and You (Amman, Jordan, 2009), 123—172

——: ‘Afterword: Knowing the Unknowable’, in J Bowker, ed.: Knowing the Unknowable (London and New York, 2009), 257—63

——: Afterword, in R Layard and J Dunn, eds: A Good Childhood: searching for values in a competitive age (London, 2009), 167—178

——: ‘Christ and Salvation in Duns Scotus’, Ex Corde: Franciscan Studies in Theology, i (2009), 8—26

——: ‘Ethique, économie et justice globale’, in P H Dembinski, ed: Pratique financière et l'enseignement chrétian: en quête de principes (Paris, 2009), 95—114

——: ‘From Welfare State to Welfare Society: the contribution of faith to happiness and wellbeing in a plural civil society’, Crucible (2009/1), 51—60

——: ‘Een wolk van getuigen’ [Dutch trans of ‘A cloud of witnesses: opportunities for Ecumenical Commemoration’, a contribution to a Conference at the Monastery of Bose 2008], Benedictijns Tijdschrift, lxx (2009) 135—40

——: ‘Epilogue’, in Praying for England: priestly presence in contemporary culture (London and New York, 2008), 171—82

——: ‘Morality Ethics and Trust’, in P Cormack and R Goodman, eds: Responsible Capitalism: essays on morality, ethics and business (London and Washington, 2009), 19—25 [interview with P Goodman]

——: ‘Response to Richard Southern’s “St Anselm of Canterbury and his mission of reconciliation”’, and Canterbury Cathedral sermon for the 900th anniversary of the death of St Anselm, One in Christ, xliii/1 (2009), 56—60, and 165—69

——: ‘Re-theologizing the Church’ [Willebrands Centenary Lecture, given at the PontificalGregorianUniversity, Nov 2009], One in Christ, xliii/2 (2009), 154—66; Dutch trans , Benedictijns Tijdshrift (2010), lxxi, 168—177

——: ‘The Scepter’d Isle: culture and power in an offshore setting’, in M d’Ancona, ed: Being British (Edinburgh, 2009), 145—154

——: ‘“Tempted as we are”: Christology and the Analysis of the Passions’, Studia Patristica (forthcoming) [Oxford Patristic Conference lecture 2007]


——: Afterword, in M Wright and J Arthur, eds: Leadership in Christian Higher Education (Exeter and CharlottevilleVA, 2010), 209—215

——: Christmas Day Sermon 2006, repr. and discussed in P Stevenson and S Wright: Preaching the Incarnation (Louisville, KY, 2010), 37—54

——: ed. with Larry Elliott: Crisis and Recovery: ethics, economics and justice (Basingstoke and London, 2010), incl. ‘Knowing our Limits’, 19—34

——: Greek translation of ‘Ethics, Economics and Global Justice’ lecture [ Synaxis, cxiv (2010), 23—50

——: ‘The Fellowship of the Baptised’, INTAMS Review (Journal for the Study of Marriage and Spirituality), xvi (2010), 83—87

——: with J Chittister OSB: For all that has been, thanks: growing a sense of gratitude (Norwich and Collegeville, MN, 2010), pp.52—92, 139—166

——: Review of Luigi Gioia: The theological epistemology of Augustine's de trinitate (Oxford, 2008), Reviews in Theology and Religion, xvii (2010), 188-90

——: ‘Theology and Economics: Two different worlds?’ Anglican Theological Review, xcii (2010), 607—616

——: ‘Wat verhalen ons vertllen’ and ‘Wat verhalen ons vertllen II’ [Dutch trans of adiocesan conference address Benedictijns Tijdshrift (2010), lxxi, 55—74


——: A Silent Action: Engagements with Thomas Merton (Louisville, KY, 2011)

——: ‘Christological exegesis of Psalm 45’, in A Andreopolulos, A Casiday and C Harrison, eds: Meditations of the heart: the psalms in early Christian thought and practice: essays in honour of Andrew Louth (Turnhout, Belgium, 2011), 17—32

——: ‘The Holy Spirit in the Bible’, in J Williams, ed.: The Holy Spirit in the World Today (London, 2011), 64—71

——: ‘Reflection on the Cambridge Conference to mark the bicentenary of G A Selwyn’, Journal of Anglican Studies, ix (2011), 56—60

——: ‘Renewing the face of the earth: human responsibility and the environment’, in S C H Kim and J Draper, eds: Christianity and the Renewal of Nature (London, 2011), 1—13

——: Poems: ‘Augustine’, ‘Nagasaki: Midori’s Rosary’, ‘Winterreise’, For Inna Lisnianskaya’, ‘Emmaus’, ‘Epiphany Taliaris’, ‘Resurrection’, ‘Rilke’s Last elegy’, ‘A Five-Gated Well, ‘Nevern Churchyard: the Bleeding Yew’, ‘Matthaus Passion: Sea Pictures’, ‘Bach for the cello’, in I Florance and E Nesbitt, eds: Gemini Four (2011)


——: ‘“The human form divine”: radicalism and orthodoxy in William Blake’, in Z Bennett and D B Gowler, eds: Radical Christian Voices and Practice: essays in honour of Christopher Rowland (Oxford, 2012), 151—164