Fossum English12

How do I begin writing my essay?

Your Hotel Rwanda assignment calls for you to choose from two possible prompts:

1. In the midst of the brutal civil war depicted in Hotel Rwanda, Paul’s friend and co-worker Dube asks ,"Why are people so cruel?" How would you answer him?

2. How is it possible that most people didn't know what was happening in Rwanda? What can we do today to be made more aware of potentially tragic situations around the world?

With either prompt---plan to write a piece that convinces me of your thoughts on the matter, the knowledge you have of examples of cruelty all over the world, and your position on what can or should be done OR alternatively, why it may not be possible to do anything…

To Get Started---The First Paragraph

·  Begin with an opening “hook”---a question; an alarming statistic (factual); a story

o  Do NOT begin with: “I am going to tell you about”… or “I think…”

·  Set up the stage---reference the movie or the novel by stating… “in the movie Hotel Rwanda” or in Beah’s A Long Way Gone …

·  State your opinion about the situation---but don’t be wishy-washy or vague---don’t say “I guess… I think… just STATE it---ex) “The world’s gone crazy…”

·  State why you believe cruelty exists and what you think can or should be done about it.

·  By the last sentence---state the above in your “thesis statement”—creat a MAGIC THREE in your statement here---in which state three aspects of the question that you plan to cover in your essay

For example, for Prompt #1, your thesis statement could be something like this---

“While some might argue that people are born to be cruel, cruelty is largely taught or forced upon children based on (1) their genetics, (2) their environment, and (3) their educational opportunities.”

for Prompt #2 your thesis statement could be something like this---

“Americans should care about wars and injustices in other countries, because they can affect (1) our world climate, (2) our physical security, and (3) our children’s future.”

If you were to go with the example for Prompt #1 your remaining paragraphs would look something like this:

Paragraph 2: Genetics

In this paragraph the writer would give examples to explain how some people can be hard-wired genetically to be more cruel than others---example from the movie or book or from own life experiences or news of others you have heard

Paragraph 3: Environment

In this paragraph the writer would argue that environment can play a huge role on why someone can be cruel

Paragraph 4: Educational Opportunities

In this paragraph the writer would discuss the lack of education and how it affects people and give examples of how education has made a difference for others

Paragraph 5: Summarize your point

Finally, in this paragraph the writer simple restates his/her point and leaves us readers with a call to action… what can or should we do after reading this essay?

for Prompt #2 your remaining paragraphs would be outlined as follows:

Paragraph 2: explain how ignoring this violence in other parts of the world affects the entire world’s climate

Paragraph 3: explain how ignoring this violence affects our physical security

Paragraph 4: and how it affects our children’s future (education, health, and well being, etc)

Paragraph 5: Summarize your point

So there you have it---Five paragraphs---Typed in Times New Roman and DS---eloquently written to state your point and giving examples to prove it.

(you can take a controversial view too—just support it with facts)

Remember to check off the rubric and make sure you addressed each item

______/15 Content

Point is clear and related to the prompt; supported by specific examples and or scenes from the film.

______/15 Style

Introduction, conclusion and transitions are interesting and engage reader. Writing style is mature, sophisticated and uses a variety of sentence structure.

______/10 Grammar

Proper and appropriate grammar/mechanics are used. This includes spelling, punctuation, subject/verb agreement, and sentence structure.

______/10 Organization

Well organized; ideas follows logically from each other. Paper has a clear thesis, clear conclusion and clear introduction.

Hotel Rwanda Reflection Rubric

______/15 Content

Point is clear and related to the prompt; supported by specific examples and or scenes from the film.

______/15 Style

Introduction, conclusion and transitions are interesting and engage reader. Writing style is mature, sophisticated and uses a variety of sentence structure.

______/10 Grammar

Proper and appropriate grammar/mechanics are used. This includes spelling, punctuation, subject/verb agreement, and sentence structure.

______/10 Organization

Well organized; ideas follows logically from each other. Paper has a clear thesis, clear conclusion and clear introduction.

______/50 TOTAL