September 12, 2005 STMAYHA Board Meeting

7:06 Meeting called to order

Secretary Report-

Shamba made motion to accept meeting minutes from last meeting. Todd Achterkirch second. All in favor- motion carried

Open Forum-

Sue Brunette wanted to have information about team managers posted to the web site. We will be getting information out.

Treasurer Report-

Lori reported that she entered all the registration information has been entered and checks have been cashed. Statements will go out within a month or so.

Hockey Development

-Paul working with Acceleration MN for a dryland program this year.

-STMAYHA is working with HS team to set up a breakfast club. Pat O’Leary will be coaching it and the cost will be around $150 and proceeds will go to blue line club. This will be held in the AM on certain days of the month. Details are still being worked out.

-Steve Carroll clinic coming to Monticello in October. See web site for more information.

Todd Achterkirch made motion to accept Doug Foster as girls 8U head coach. Lori Waterman to second. All in favor. Motion carried.

Todd Achterkirch made motion to accept Kevin Theis as 12U A head coach. Pete Poss to second. All in favor. Motion carried.


We will have 12U A, 10UA and B, and 8U team. We will have try outs next weekend. Tim Hanson is very involved. Tournaments have all been set for all girls teams. 10U and 12U were picked to participate in UofM girls hockey events.


Have had parents meeting. Will have four teams one A, two B and one C. We have 52 boys and 1 girl at the level. 45 are participating in Buzz clinics.


Starting Buzz clinics. Going to have two teams. 38 PeeWees with 4 goalies. Tournament weekends have been set for both teams.


Scrimmages for try outs have been lined up. All tournaments set up. Two teams A and B.


Had parents meeting. 51 mites and 91 mini mites. 7 mini mites teams and 5 mites teams.

Ice Scheduler

Mike working on getting October ice set up. He will be working with level coordinators to get it.

Equipment Coordinator

All Star Sports won the Squirt and PeeWee jersey bid.

Bids for other equipment like blue pucks, practice pucks, mites and mini mite jerseys, puck bags, socks, etc came in from Dave Sports Shop, Sporting Good Inc, and Westwood Sports.


Final numbers- total 316 skaters which break outs as follows- Bantams 34, PeeWee 38, Squirts 53, Girls 48 in STMA only, Mites 51, Mini Mites 91.

District 5

Level coordinators tell coaches about coaching clinics and PeeWee B games will be 1.5 hours this year.


Tournaments are filling up and everything is looking good.

Golf Tournament was a success. Funds have been turned in and will be able to report profits at next meeting. Looking for someone to take it over.

Web Site

District 5 thinks our web site is really cool. We have received a lot of comments about how nice it is.

SKATE program

The program is fee based this year. It will cost us about $250 this year. Pete Poss made motion to pay fee. Lori Waterman second. All in favor. Motion carried.

Looking for volunteer to sell decals and stickers as a fundraiser for this program.

Scoreboard sports looking to have us sell some stuff for fundraising. We will look and see if this is fundraiser we want to do for this year. Votes will be taken at next fundraiser.

Mix it up Meals also has a fundraising opportunity. Look at their opportunity. For more information check out

Sue will be working with Samara Postuma to get more details on each.


We have two traveling team and three in house team sponsors. Looking for more sponsors.

We have also received some cash donations too.


Fireworks made $3,000 and the Lions will be mailing us a check.

Poinsettia?s- there will be more options than last year. In the past we had 2 colors to chose from to 5 colors to chose from. Yvette will pull together recommendation for what we should sell and for how much for next meeting.

Grandma?s Pants fundraising opportunity- they are looking to get a 10x10 booth at a tournament and they kick back 10% of proceeds to association. Pete made motion to accept their offer. Steve Gapinski second. All in favor. Motion carried.

Volunteer hour-

Tracey on board now. If you have any Volunteer hour sheets please send them on to Tracey.

Old Business

Locker rooms and School Referendum- contractor has been awarded the bid. They are looking to have the association contribute $100,000. Bid is good for 60 days. Looking to get a committee for the locker rooms and the other one for the referendum. We will invite the arena board to the next meeting.

New Business

Photography- looking into alternatives and will bring recommendations to next meeting to vote on.

Shamba Mueller made motion to adjourn meeting at 9:05pm. Pete Poss second. All in favor. Motion carried.