Tuesday 16th December 2014 – 7:30am

Central Geelong Marketing Committee Meeting

Ebony & Ivory – 189 Moorabool Street, Geelong

Section A – Procedural Matters

1.  Welcome / Apologies


Paul Whittaker (Chair) Sandy Kelly-Burton Jan Synot

Mark Edmonds Greg Aylmore Shaun Crosby

Craig Tapping Joel Pallagothram Beth King

Kevin Robe Kirsty Quick Steve Bentley
Jodie Reyntjes (EO) Jamie Harcourt (Asst EO) Louise Hammer (minutes)
Julie Nardi


Hayley Burrell Cr. Michelle Heagney

2.  Declarations of Interests:


3.  Acceptance of previous minutes

·  Full Committee meeting held 18th November 2014. Moved: CT, Second: SKB, all in favour.

Matters arising from previous minutes

·  All matters actioned

4.  Question time (Public Gallery)

·  Nil

Section B – Reports

5.  Finance Summary

·  JR presented November finance summary

·  Please direct any questions relating to the finance summary to JR or PW

6.  Evaluations
Sidewalk Sales Evaluation

·  JH presented Sidewalk Sales 2014 evaluation

·  Economic benefit $2.6million with an average spend of $132.11 per person

·  Free media value $46,900

·  Business survey –

-  100% of businesses who responded to the survey saw SWS advertising

-  100% are aware of Central Geelong marketing

-  35% said customers came in to their store just for their offer

-  82% said customers took advantage of their offer

·  Recommendations;
- expand on the SWS Ambassador

-  Continue pop up spaces and activation throughout Central Geelong

-  Include in pedestrian survey “did the shopper go into Market Square or Westfield?”

-  Ask businesses how their trade compared to a ‘normal’ Tuesday.

Discussion by Committee:

BK – Would like to see a professional services hub considered for the 2015 event.

School Holiday Program Evaluation

·  JR Presented 2014 Spring School Holiday program evaluation

·  Economic benefit $366,707

·  98% of participants surveyed went on to spend an average of $62 per family

·  Database has been cleaned up which resulted in people dropping off, will build this back up again, and possibly add option to be added to Santa Letter in 2015.

·  Participants would like to see more live performances, craft and sports activities

·  Re-branded to Central Geelong Kids Fun Guide

·  Recommendations: continue with new look for 2015 with increased focus on activities that can accommodate larger non booked numbers.

7.  Christmas in Central Geelong

·  JR provided an update on the Christmas in Central Geelong program

·  Morning Tea with Santa, 990 spaces booked out within 24 hours
- ME – is there a way to run additional morning tea events concurrently?
- BK – Can we book the carousel every day?

·  Over 2,000 people have been through the Snowglobe to date.

·  CGM have activated seven vacant premises

·  Surveys will be sent to businesses

8.  Executive Officer Report – as per meeting pack
Digital Report –

-  JN presented November Digital Report

-  Instagram is our fastest growing media platform with 262 new followers

-  Website has had a 134% increase in traffic with 9,000 visits, this has been attributed to the Christmas Tree

-  Over 9,000 downloads of the CGM App in one month which saw it reach #11 on the iTunes Business App chart

-  YouTube visits up due to the Small Business Festival videos

Section C– Confidential Matters

Meeting to be closed to general public to discuss confidential matters of the current agenda.

10. Confidential matters


11. General Business

·  BK met with General Manager of Renew Newcastle - would be good to revive Made in Geelong.

Meeting closed – 8:40am

Next Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 17th February 2015

7:30am - CGM Offices, 100 Brougham Street, Geelong

Action List – December 2014

Action / Who by / Date by / Complete
Consider professional service hub for 2015 SWS event planning / JR / 1/4/15